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Glad2BHere 04-27-2010 02:43 PM

Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
Hi! I am new to this board. I have 2 more Herceptin treatments left and it has hit me that I really need to make some changes in my diet. My Oncologist said the words "High risk for metastisis" last week and it was a good slap in the face. I had stage 3b Her 2 positive breast cancer in my right breast and lymph nodes.It was also ER and PR positive. I did TCH chemo and then had my masectomy in October and showed a complete response-no cancer left. I also did 33 days of radiation. I have read the book "Eat to Live" so far, but I was wondering what your favorite resources are for diet advice and especially recipes( I am a horrible cook). I don't want to continue with my old bad habits and get the same results. I am scared right now because Herceptin was my security blanket and I will be on my own soon. HELP!!!

ElaineM 04-27-2010 03:56 PM

Re: Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
Welcome aboard !! Diet and nutrition are very important in successful cancer treatment. What we put in our mouths does make a difference. You might want to check out the nutrition forum for ideas about food and/or supplements. We have a dietician who has been very helpful too. If you do a search on the internet for breast cancer and nutrition you will probably find a lot of books and other resources on the subject.
Personally I eat a plant based diet that has alot of fresh vegetables, healthy whole grains, some fruit, and vegetarian sources of protein.
Take good care of yourself and feel free to drop by anytime.

Karen Wheel 04-28-2010 06:26 AM

Re: Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
I have a host of books and info --- and I have been on the health food kick - wagon --- and tooting its horn for the last year here on the board!

Here is my list (Eat to Live is on it!) but still haven't finished it ... oops! :-) But reading so much these days I can't only read health stuff! Lately I got a bunch of old Oprah Magazines from my Canadian girlfriend in Umbria who is moving back to Canada (and bummed!) but its hard to find anything light and fun in english here in Italy! So.... heres my list:
Few of my favorite sites with loads of information:


Favorite Books:

o The Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook (this is the updated version) - by David Frahm
o Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor – by Kris Carr
o Beating Cancer with Nutrition – by Patrick Quillin PhD, RD, CNS
o Eat to Live – by Joel Fuhrman, MD
o The Gerson Therapy – The amazing nutritional program for cancer and other illnesses – by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker, DPM
o A Cancer Therapy – Results of Fifty Cases – by Max Gerson, MD
o 50 Essential Things to Do -


I would highly recommend reading Cancer Battleplan Sourcebook --- it was really the book that changed my entire attitude about eating to live (so to speak) he also talks a lot about the toxic load on our immune systems and how things like dental issues, and parasites can also contribute to the breakdown of the ability of our immune system to fight disease. Cancer is a immune system dis-function disease ... theoretically we should be able to detect and fight off any cancer cells, but for some reason those of us who have cancer - have not managed to do that. So.... we can't keep doing the same things (eating etc.) like we did before we got cancer and expect that it won't come back.... thats why I have drastically changed my diet and my supplement program.

I take a handful of supplements morning and night - I juice and I exercise (only walking now but hope that soon I will be less sore and can start running again!) daily --- and I am a vegan... but I don't eat animal products - so not even cheese (yes, I admit I do have a tiny bit of grated pecorino on my whole wheat pasta but only a few days a week) and I have 1-2 organic eggs a week... but thats it. Animal products create acid in our bodies and mess with the pH - and I am tracking pH --- as the theory is that cancer can not grow (or thrive) in a pH neutral environment. So... thats what I am doing.

I have some good attachments on pH if you are interested - send me an email to: wheelistic@yahoo.com and I can get them to you--- interesting stuff.
PS- have a bunch of recipes but need to get them all organized and electronic --- let me know and I'll start sending them to you too! (email above)
Live long and strong –

TanyaRD 05-03-2010 06:01 AM

Re: Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
Welcome, Glad2BHere! I am the Registered Dietitian on the site (amongst a multitude of very knowledgeable women). I am always excited to hear of someone who is ready to take control of their health. You have already received some good advice. I will add just a few things. There have been a few good, large studies in the last few years that have looked at breast cancer and diet. Specifically, the focus has been on the benefits of a low fat diet and increased fruit/vegetable intake coupled with physical activity. You would serve yourself well to follow a plant-based diet and if you choose to keep animal product in your diet then make sure they are lean choices. As for recipes and nutrition information I really like the American Institute for Cancer Research website (www.aicr.org). You can sign up to recieve a weekly recipe from them. The American Cancer Society also has a couple of good cookbooks. Best wishes to you!

Glad2BHere 05-13-2010 03:25 PM

Re: Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
Thanks for the advice and resources. I have cut out meat on weekdays and am eating fruit, vegetables and legumes. I splurge a little on weekends, but still with low fat options. So far it is working- 9 pounds off. Trader Joes is my new favorite store!

TanyaRD 05-15-2010 07:02 AM

Re: Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
Excellent! Glad the info was helpful.

Karen Wheel 05-17-2010 01:20 AM

Re: Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
Dear Glad ---

Just in case you are curious (as I always am!) but here is my list of books and websites - to read up on this - also I have read a lot about pH and controlling the pH of the body. The theory is that cancer doesn't grow in a neutral pH environment... so controlling your bodies pH can help control if cancer can come back again.

And congrats on the 9 pounds! Keep it up - I have lost 30 in the last year. Piano, piano as the Italians say ---(slowly, slowly!). But I eat lots of fresh raw veg - so I am never hungry and it is great for nutrients and I don't miss the meat. (ok, I know I cheat sometimes and have one meal - usually every week or 10 days of fish and then I have a bite of meat occasionally if something really smells good that my man is eating!) but I don't miss the meat. And nuts and legumes are just great now. After a year - it gets easier! I have recently given up salt - as I was reading in the Gerson Diet book I have that salt can be at the heart of lots of disease --- and also Dr. Gerson discovered his diet when he was trying to cure his own migraine headaches. His diet is super strict but I think it really has some great points. If I ever see cancer try to come back I'll switch to his super strict diet and battle it that way - without chemo!

I miss Trader Joes! :-) There is nothing like it here in Sardegna. I live for the local garden coup store - basically a tiny garage that local farmers here bring fresh fruit and veg and they sell it to the locals --- its the next best thing. And... hey, its not too bad - I live in ITALY! :-)

PS I have a chart on pH and foods and pH scales - if you are interested - send me an email and I'll send it to you -

Liaidarutrica 06-30-2010 03:09 PM

Newbie looking for Recipes and Resources
Thanks guys im looking into science diet now, Im going to switch her off of the breeders hedgehog food soon, are there more requirements for baby hedgehog diets?

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