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Lovemyboys3 04-23-2014 06:35 PM

Shortness of Breath and so very scared
Hi All,

Well I wish I could say I am doing great but unfortunatly I am not feeling the greatest. I thought, let me get through chemo and then Herceptin would be smooth sailing but I get these moments of panic that nothing will ever be smooth sailing. The fear and anxiety just get overwhelming with every small ache. I have been feeling very short of breath for about 2wks now. I told my Onc and she said she will put in orders for me to have an echo and CT scan. I am waiting for that to be scheduled though. My heart rate is lower than normal but still in a good range of 72ish. I am not coughing and I don't have pain but I just can't seem to catch my breath. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest. Its all day no matter what I am doing and the more I think about it the harder it gets. Of course I start to panic, is it Heart failure from the Herceptin, is it lung mets, is it simply anxiety. It all scares me so very much.

I had a CT scan in mid Feb. of this year to look at my port as my doc was concerned about a clot in my port because of swelling in my face but that came back good and the swelling seemed to be an after affect of the chemo. If there was cancer could they have seen it then? Could it have just appeared in less than 2 months?
I also had an Echo in early March and all looked good then. Could my heart be affected so drastically in such a short amount of time.

I was sick with a horrible cold and had a cough that finally started going away after they gave me antibiotics. Other than that I have been feeling pretty good.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on and tell me if I am just being crazy. I know I just finished my chemo in January, have been on Herceptin and have had all sorts of scans but it all just doesn't completely reassure me.

---- Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Oh how I am trying so very hard to listen to Him and do just that. So very, very hard!!

Mel3 04-23-2014 09:39 PM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
Have you had a Muga scan? I had trouble breathing for a while with and after Herceptin, but that was with strenuous exercise. My EF got as low as 50 during treatment but they had me continue. I have recovered now. I also used to feel pressure in my chest from my port, but then I got used to it. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Pray 04-24-2014 06:26 AM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
Hope and Prayers to you and your family. Gods blessings.

Becky 04-24-2014 07:27 AM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
They are plenty of things that this could be besides cancer so put that out of your mind. It could even be anxiety which - well who isn't anxious during this time. Try to relax and do things that will take your mind off of this for awhile. It getting worse when you think about it is typical. Having had cancer and its treatment is very stressful and you aren't done yet. Its such a cluster f---!

Wishing you only good thoughts and a big hug.

PinkGirl 04-24-2014 09:02 AM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
you are not crazy. Going through the cancer experience is very stressful. Having lower estrogen levels can also cause feelings of panic. I had some panic attacks that made me short of breath. When stuff like this happens to us we have to get it checked out...make sure your onc knows about this.

caya 04-24-2014 02:47 PM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
I had shortness of breath a couple of years ago, mostly when I exerted myself, like going up a lot of stairs. I too was very scared, my doc did not think it was anything ominous, and after various testing, turns out I now have asthma. Never had it before, I am certain this is a late s/e of Herceptin, as shortness of breath is one of Herceptin's side effects. (although I did not have shortness of breath while on Herceptin).

I now am on an Advair discus 250 mg. daily for the asthma. Ah, B.C., the gift that keeps on giving...

Tell your doc. to sent you for an asthma test - you have to blow into a tube and hold it while the tech counts down, then you can breathe. I could barely do the test.

all the best

BonnieR 04-25-2014 12:34 AM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
You mentioned having recently had a bad cold and cough. This could just be residual
As Becky said, our first thought is cancer but the reality is usually more mundane
And I agree with the others about anxiety attacks. They can cause great shortness of breath. Even if we don't realize that as the catalyst Are you taking any anti anxiety meds? This sounds like a job for Ativan
Keep the faith

linn65 04-25-2014 07:35 AM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
Hi there,

My feet and Hands hurt all thru treatment and after which they felt it was neuropathy, and I just didn't think it was. Finally stopped after having my Vitamin D checked and was put on a mega dose 50,000 units for 12 weeks of it and Glusocimine recommended by my ONC, so I HIGHLY SUGGEST CHECKING OUT VIT D, B6, AND B12 LEVELS AND TAKING THE GLUSCOMINE. The ONC said it helped a lot of her patients with pain in hands/feet and if no difference in 30 days simply stop taking it. Also, a multi-vitamen with Iron the brand I am using is Advocare for that....:)

You are so young to be going thru such a tough thing.....As Becky said it is a Cluster F*** or another one you could call it is a major freaking goat roping!!!

I am still tired and my emotions are up and down.....But I have read it takes about 2 years to get through all of the treatment and it takes 2 years to get over it too. The cure and the collateral damage is something!!

I feel your pain, and I am sorry.

suzan w 04-25-2014 08:14 AM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
I was going to suggest ativan as well. It takes the edge off. Good luck and let us hear from you as to how you are feeling.

Lovemyboys3 05-08-2014 07:00 PM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
So I wanted to give you all an update...

I continued to have shortness of breath, at times it was pretty bad, so my Onc scheduled a CT scan and Echo. Well let me say, it was not a great experience. During my CT scan, my vein blew and my arm swelled up almost instantly. It was very painful and scary!! I didn't know what was going on and the tech ran over and stopped the meds immediately and put a warm cloth on my arm. I had never heard of a vein "blowing" up so it really freaked me out. The swelling went down by the next morning but I can say I am now terrified of CT scans. :/
The results went to my doc and she said all looked pretty good. No Mets BUT the area near the port had a restriction (which is why the vein to blew). There was not enough room for the meds to go through so it backed up and my vein didn't like that.
I then had to have a V/Q scan of my lungs soon after. Thank the Lord, all came back clear at that point. My lungs are clear and there are no embolisms. Pfew!!
I have not received the results of my echo but my Onc said my heart sounds very strong and my pulse is great.
Go figure after all of this craziness I am breathing better. We are thinking it was either allergies or an anxiety attack.
In the mean time my doc sees my anemia isn't getting any better so she has me on a high dose of Vit. B12 and Iron. I have to say, ever since I started taking that, I have been feeling so much better in general. I was getting so tired all of the time and had no energy to do anything. Now I feel energized and am loving life.

I some how need to learn that not every ache and pain is cancer.
I need to live in the moment and trust in the Lord!

Thank you all for your continuous support!

caya 05-08-2014 10:10 PM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
Thanks for the update, glad nothing ominous going on.
Sorry about the vein blow up, man, it's always something.
Could your shortness of breath been due to your anemia, as that is one of the possible side effects? And now you say with Vitamin B12 and Iron you are feeling better... who knows? I get a Vitamin B12 short every 6-8weeks due to low levels (this runs in my family).

As long as you are feeling better, less anxious etc., it's all good.

all the best

tricia keegan 05-09-2014 05:01 PM

Re: Shortness of Breath and so very scared
I felt the same and had it checked but I was fine thankfully and hope you will be too:)

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