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SusanN 07-14-2013 09:12 PM

Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Hello All...

I'll have my last treatment next Monday July 22nd...then FINALLY move on the targeted herceptin...YAYYY as I'm soooo ready to have these SE slowly and prayfully subside!!

However, underneath my right eye, I've had "spasms", seems to be very frequent within the last few days...my left eye will "twitch" at times, too.
Also, as far as I can remember (MUSH MIND!!)...in the mornings, I wake up to eyes that are all "crusty"...YUCK...sorry to be so descriptive! :(

I have not used any mascara throughout my therapy as I've been trying to "save" my very thin lashes, however they are thinning!!
My eyebrows have thinned as well...I'm wondering if I'm going to lose all when I finish my last treatment...I did hear a possibility of it happening...

Perhaps this should have been 2 threads...I apologize for tossing it all out in one!!

Thank you so very much as ALWAYS!!!

jaykay 07-15-2013 03:50 AM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Hi Susan,

I never lost all my eyebrows and lashes but the brows really thinned. Everyone is different. I also had the eye yuck, due to narrowing tear ducts ( thank you taxotere) and thinning eyelashes.

Don't know about the eye twitch - I get that while under stress sometimes but not related to treatment in my case.

One more to go! Side effects will start to subside when your body "misses" what it expects to be the next treatment (about 3-4 weeks).


Pamelamary 07-15-2013 03:51 AM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Hi Susan,
The taxanes can often hit the eyes - have they been watery? Many women have complained about this effect, and you could search this site to learn more. Basically, there doesn't seem too much one can do. Some of the dry eye treatments may offer relief, but at least you are nearly finished and should get back to "normal".
The twitching is probably related, a reaction to the irritation.
I lost all my lashes and eye brows just at the end of chemo, but they grow back!
Best wishes...... Pam

sarah 07-15-2013 04:39 AM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
I did Taxol (and Herceptin) and during the Taxol period and for a few months after, I lost my hair, eye lashes and brows but the good news was I also lost the hair on my legs. my eye lashes came back and my hair came back thicker and softer but my brows came back a little and my legs remain hairless which is great. also pubic hair less than before and under arm hair less but the head hair is thick - I think that's the most important.
take care,
health and happiness

Ellie F 07-15-2013 05:27 AM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Just to echo what's already been said. My eyelashes and eyebrows are now very scanty after taxotere. The crusty eye issue started on taxotere but I feel herceptin makes it worse. My onc says that we have her 2 cells on the eye and it is these that lead to the debris and crustiness.
My hair returned as normal.


carlatte7 07-15-2013 05:37 AM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Eye twitching is a common thing with taxanes...accd to my onco. My upper lid and lower lid woul sometimes twitch independently of each other at the same time...funny now, not so much when it was happening! I lost all but a few hairs in lashes and brows. Had one lower lash that refused to come out and in fact, continued to grow. It was a mutant-like 1/4" long! Within 2 weeks after my last chemo, it was coming back in just like normal. Hang in there!

conomyself 07-15-2013 07:31 AM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
I had a lot of twitching -- mostly on my feet, but also around my eyes. It went away for the most part, but I still have a little on my feet.

My eyelashes and eyebrows thinned to only about 25%, I'd guess... My hair came back in thick, but my lashes not so much. I have always been eyelash challenged, so a little decline is really noticeable to me...

I'm so glad it will be over soon for you!!



KsGal 07-15-2013 07:42 AM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Congratulations....just one left! Woot!!!! I didn't lose my eyebrows, but they sure were thin! I did have the nerve twitching situation, but mine went away in a few weeks' time.

I tried to wear mascara the whole time, but eventually it was looking pretty silly with my three or four dark lashes sticking out there. I looked into fake lashes, but the risk of infection is too high. They have grown back now.

I never did lose all my hair, but it thinned a LOT..and that grew back in about six months long enough to go without a wig to work. I was looking forward to having the curly hair everyone mentions, or some crazy new color, but mine came back in just the same as it had been.

The numbness in my hands and feet went away pretty quickly too, and food started to taste good as well. So, you have lots to look forward to!!!! Im really happy you are almost finished. As always, Im sending you lots of prayers and positive energy.

JillaryJill 07-15-2013 03:08 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
My eyelashes had clumps missing from them....all of this happened after I ended chemo and had started radiation. After I was done with radiation I went to the eye doctor and got a prescription for Latisse. My eyelashes came back like brushes. After I stopped Latisse my eyelashes were back to what I originally had. I felt very vain getting Latisse but the results were fabulous and it helped them grow back really fast and thick.

Becky 07-15-2013 06:03 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
I twitched - my eyes and feet. Sometimes my whole leg. Sadly, I lost my lashes and brows but they grew back. It also happened at the very end of the chemo part.

SusanN 07-15-2013 07:21 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL sooooo very much!!! I really appreciate all your encouragement...way back when I found you all, I have smiled, had tears and sent up many prayers for all of us!! TOGETHER WE WILL WIN AND GET THROUGH THIS!! :)

CoolBreeze 07-15-2013 07:35 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows

Ah, we metsters, always forgotten..... :)

The twitching is called blepharospasm. It is common with some chemos and stress. Some chemos have made my eyes water excessively, but if they are goopy, you might get it checked for pink eye or an eye infection.

And, yeah, it's not fair but you lose your brows and lashes when it's almost over! Latisse will help them stay in if you are into that. If not, don't be surprised if they come in, fall out, come in and fall out again a couple of times before they settle in. Lashes are on a grow, fall cycle and because each lash is on a different cycle, you don't noticed it. But when they all come out, they all come in at once and the cycle means they'll fall out at once again. This doesn't happen to everybody but it does to some people. Latisse will prevent it, and make your lashes long again. It is perfectly safe but super expensive.

If you do try it, make sure you do NOT use the brushes that come with it. They are way too thick for the product because they want you to use it all up and spend more. If you get a skinny liner brush and use that, you can make it last 3 months instead of one.

I used it for a long time but lashes are hardly on my mind anymore and with the various chemos, hair comes and goes.

Good luck to you and congratulations on being almost done. It's a great feeling!

LeahM 07-16-2013 12:33 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Ugh yes my eye (only one) twitched. And yes, what remained of my lashes and brows didn't fall completely out until AFTER chemo was done. The good news is I no longer twitch and my brows and lashes are back...a bit thinner maybe...but back.
You're almost done! Yay you!

linn65 07-16-2013 01:17 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows

My eyes watered like crazy, non-stop, and it drove me crazy. When I got home from work I immediatly put a wash cloth over my eyes, and I felt so much pressure behind my eyes. I tried everything; eye drops, natural tears, and claritin. I don't know that anything worked for it. And I had 1 eye that would twitch every now and then. After my very last treatment I ended up with some anti biotic drops for my eyes because I woke up and one eye was all swollen and yucky. I was afraid they would never stop watering, but not too long after they sure did!!!

I never lost all of my eyebrow's or eye lashes, and I figured I would have because I lost my hair on my head on day 16 after the first treatment. They may be a little thinner, but I never lost them.

alicem 07-16-2013 09:04 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
YAY!!!!!!!! for your upcoming last treatment!!

Now that I think about it, I did have eye twitching spasms. It's funny because I never equated that to the chemo but it probably was the cause.

As for my eyebrows and eyelashes, I never lost all of them they just got thinner. They were the last hairs to fall out, but were also the first to come back in again.

starwishn2 07-18-2013 03:57 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
Yep! Twitchy and watery eyes... UGH! My oncologist said that Taxotere was the culprit. Also, sadly I didn't lose my lashes and brows until almost 4 weeks after I finished Taxotere and Carboplatin. I hated the fakies (lashes) so I just used some dark eyeliner and it worked fine. Crazy though... lashes came back really thick then fell out again...hahahaha. I just laughed - what do ya do?!


linn65 07-18-2013 04:21 PM

Re: Eye Twitching...even losing lashes/brows
The watery eyes for me were like being pregnant with heart burn. Wondering will my eyes ever stop watering? I think a week or so after chemo was done. Heart burn was quicker right after I gave birth. ��

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