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Jen 11-10-2012 06:24 AM

Cannabis and cancer

Has anyone else heard about this? Any thoughts?


europa 11-10-2012 07:50 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
I have read several studies and articles about this. It looks really promising. There is a company based in Colorado that sells medicinal THC. I can't remember the name. But if you google it, I'm sure you will find them. From my understanding, you would need a very high dose to see the effects that they did in rats. Not sure they have started testing on humans.

Jen 11-10-2012 08:02 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Colorado and Washington State legalized small amounts of marijuana for RECREATIONAL use in adults over 21 on Nov 5th. I would pack and move IF I could!!!! I always knew marijuana was GOOD for you HAHA. But on a more serious note I have told Mom (Sheila) for YEARS now that there would come a time conventional tx would no longer HELP and unfortunately that time is NOW. I know my Mom is very anti-drug but IF that can't hurt it might just help. I am also looking into and researching other avenues as well.


Jen 11-10-2012 09:23 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
You cannot overdose on Marijuana even in "high"(no pun intended) doses.

sarah 11-10-2012 09:31 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
interesting. I know in California it was used for pain and glaucoma. Smoking of any kind though I would think is bad for the lungs so I guess it would have to be ingested - pot brownies!!!

Jen 11-10-2012 09:42 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
I have to admit I have never had hash brownies before but I am sure it would work the same as smoking marijuana which I have done.

rhondalea 11-10-2012 10:48 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
I have a very bad reaction to pot--I become nearly catatonic--so if it turns out to be the cure, I'm doomed.

StephN 11-10-2012 11:14 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Jen - FYI, smoking a little marijuana and ingesting/smoking equal amount of hash are not the same.

From drugs.com:

Hashish is a potent form of cannabis produced by collecting and compressing trichomes, the most potent material from cannabis plants.
Trichomes are the fine growths on cannabis plants that produce a sticky resin.
Marijuana is a green, brown or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowershttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.

There are THC tablets that may be helpful against pain, but I am sure the new laws will sort out which forms of cannabis are allowed and which are not. The Feds may nix the whole thing, and in Washington state we await any backlash.

Jen 11-10-2012 01:40 PM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Hashish is more potent is isn't like smoking leaves and "buds" it's more like smoking a resin ball. Definately higher concentrations of THC in hash but also more expensive....

lasarles 11-10-2012 02:03 PM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Legalized in Washington State yes, but still against Federal law. In other words the person that opens shop to legally sell it, can be busted by the Feds. Be interesting to see how this plays out.

StephN 11-10-2012 02:23 PM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
There may be a talk or Poster given by a researcher at San Antonio next month. This is still early in the research stage as far as what chemically may be extracted from marijuana that may have any effect on BC mets.

Can't tell from the Symposium Program posted online, as these are the main presentations and nothing on this in that list.

Jen 11-10-2012 03:11 PM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Here is a link from Fox news regarding the subject.


Jen 11-10-2012 04:52 PM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Steph I can't tell you or anyone that this IS the CURE we have all been waiting because I simply do not know if it is or isn't but I can tell you what I do know all the chemo drugs my Mother has been on for years was not the cure. Some of the drugs helped (for awhile) while others she PROGRESSED on. ALL of these drugs were tested in clinical trials my Mom participated in clinical trials she failed on TDM1 just like others here on this site have. My Mom put her faith in medical science and right now that medical science is not able to help her that is why I am looking into "alternative treatments" for her and I hope I find it SOON!!

Ellie F 11-11-2012 04:56 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
My understanding is that it is the oil extracted from cannabis that is supposed to be therapeutic. Some time ago California Pacific medical centre published some early research which suggested this may be very effective against her 2 bc. Since there is no big profits to be made I wonder how far this research will get?
When I was diagnosed a friend told me to look on the Internet about Rick Simpson a Canadian who was growing, processing and giving away cannabis oil to cancer patients with reported good effects. I understand he is now to be prosecuted for this !
Interesting how these old plant remedies keep popping back up!

Jen 11-11-2012 07:04 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Thank you Ellie F for your candor and your thoughts on this subject. Although I started this thread here on Her2 I have held back because I wanted some of you (the ones with cancer who are fighting) to bring issues like these up. Ellie as you stated in your reply "Some time ago California Pacific medical centre published some early research which suggested this may be very effective against her 2 bc. Since there is no big profits to be made I wonder how far this research will get?" that is an excellent question. Is THIS possibly the CURE for cancer I don't know if it is or it isn't but I will tell what I do know companies like Genetech makers of drugs like Herceptin don't see cures they see customers they don't see people they see profits. Think about who stands to LOSE here if the "CURE" were as simple as this I will give you a hint it isn't YOU in the cancer patient....it is BIG PHARMA who stands to lose BIG BUCKS because cures would mean loss of customers and profits for them. I truly believe this.

Jen 11-11-2012 07:41 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Like to share some things I found on the Genetech website:
To us, science is personal.

At Genentech, we're passionate about finding solutions for people facing the world's most difficult-to-treat conditions. That's why we use cutting-edge science to create and deliver innovative medicines around the globe."
"Genentech Medicine Significantly Extended Survival in People with an Aggressive Breast Cancer

On October 1, 2012, Genentech presented Phase III overall survival results for its investigational medicine for HER2-positive breast cancer at the ESMO 2012 Congress (European Society for Medical Oncology)."

http://www.gene.com/gene/home/images/pipeline_sm.jpg Our research and development activities are focused on applying excellent science to discover and develop potential new medicines."

Do you see the word CURE here anywhere I don't. My guess is because companies like Genetech would not profit if you are CURED they only profit if you are a customer still fighting cancer that will bleed your bank account and leave you to die when their "medicines" either no longer work or you are too sick to continue treatment.

rhondalea 11-11-2012 08:18 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
I think that the individuals who own, invest in and work for big pharma have a big stake in finding a cure. Not just for breast cancer, not just for cancer, but for any prevalent disease. The individuals who do this day after day, along with those who fund them, are well-aware that it could happen to them too.

I'm subscribed to several different medical news services, and it is clear that many treatment options are studied and evaluated daily. It is also clear that an effort is being made to pin down the various causes of deadly diseases.

I'll agree that drug companies are more likely to fund treatments that will return a profit. I've been hearing it for years from my fellow thyroid patients because we don't get any new and better treatments for our stupid, wonky endocrine glands. As a practical matter, though, the only way drug companies can stay in business and continue to do research is to turn a profit.

For potential cures that do not look profitable to the board of directors, it takes a governmental intervention to fund pure science, and we all know where that leads. Tax hikes. Followed by the taxed screaming bloody murder, even though it's likely that many of the objectors will be among those who benefit.

The bottom line is that it isn't the drug companies but the economic model (and in the case of cannibas, the drug laws) that must be blamed. Unfortunately, changing it is right up there with alleviating poverty and achieving world peace.

sarah 11-11-2012 10:48 AM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Jen I can feel your frustration, anger and hurt. Your mom is very lucky to have you out there fighting for her.
I do agree that anything that may help but doesn't bring profit will not be promoted. ~While I hope that big pharma is not jsut looking for "addicts" but hoping to cure, we all know that business is business and ethics and morality are not a given.
Did you see Kim's tumor marker post? would that help your mom?
I know that marijuana/pot has been helpful for pain and if normal things aren't working for your mom, it's a definite possibility. Also it's good for the apetite and generally makes people happy although there are times people can become paranoid. It was a popular drug when I was young. I didn't like smoking so didn't get into it but no one I know who did, got addicted or crazy but I think back then it was much weaker and less expensive - of course now it's distributed by vicious criminals. It would be nice to get it out of their hands and get the taxes from it to use for good uses - like a cure. I've always felt it should be treated like alcohol. Personally I'm a wine drinker myself.

Jen, I send you love and take care of yourself. Find time for yourself.
hugs and love sarah

StephN 11-11-2012 02:09 PM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Dear Tiger Daughter Jen -
It is easy to find an entity that is "too big to fail" to blame things on.

Have you ever ready the book, "HER-2, The Making of Herceptin" by Robert Bazell?

Or seen the movie based on this book called "Living Proof." You can see that on HULU and other web media. The movie leaves out a lot of interesting details, but the gist is there.
I mention these as it is the story of Dr. Denis Slamon's fight to keep on with his research that he felt opened a window to a new direction in drug development. You may know Dr. Slamon's name in connection with Herceptin.
Your mom and I have met and shared hugs with Dr. Slamon at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Joe Druther, founder of this site, introduced us as "living proof" and that became a running quip every year when we would see Dr. Slamon again, that we were still "living proof."

I sure wish there was an answer for your mother; she has been a good friend of mine for many years now. When we met on this site in its infancy I was the one with the worst prognosis with mets all over my liver and on my sternum that had been treated, but were almost sure to come back. Sheila was a much earlier stage with no positive nodes. Her life was full and my energy level was low. SHE was MY role model!

Who would think at that time that I would be sitting here typing and she would be the person unable to take any treatment? NO ONE. It was not logical. But one thing I have learned for certain over these years is that LOGIC is no where to be found when it comes to cancer. This is one thing keeping the researchers in universities and institutes going - looking to find an iota of logic in the complexity of cancer proliferation. If not the logic, then how to follow the deer tracks in unfamiliar woods. Just when a research group thinks they have established a new pattern of down- and up- regulation in cells well enough to get a drug into trials, it may or may not pass the FDA. Maybe the one that did not pass was better, but we have laws and regulations and PEOPLE who can act as a god to decide these things.

And now we have "Death Boards" under Obamacare on top of the FDA. I know of a young family man who needs a bone marrow transplant, and is accepted here at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, but now his insurance provider is dragging its heels. His doctor has written letters to support the case, but still there is no approval. Yes, it is very costly, but his prognosis would be pretty good or the center would not have accepted him.

Jen, I know your frustration. I have felt it myself MANY times, but especially when I was told I would probably die. I felt it when my father was in the ICU and full care facilities for 8 months after his heart operation did not work well. I took my mother to see him every day, and that is where we spent our time. Mom was desperate for him to improve so he could get off the ventilator and come home, but he was never that strong again. She was so desperate that she was not really listening to what the docters were telling us. They tried to explain Dad's conditions in understandable language, but Mom could only keep tearfully asking her questions that had already been answered. My heart was breaking day after day after day. After Dad passed I plunged into the only real depression I have ever experienced.

None of this is helpful to your mother, because each of us only has one real mother. You are fortunate to have a mother who raised the bar of mother- and grandmotherhood. It was the same for my father. He also raised the bar and loved everyone so much. You and Sheila are in many constant prayers. Maybe you WILL stumble upon something, so keep sharing.

Pam P 11-11-2012 03:16 PM

Re: Cannabis and cancer
Jen - I know nothing about cannabis for these purposes. I just want to tell you how much I love Sheila. She has been a great supporter since I joined this site. I wish I could give her a hug. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

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