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Lovemyboys3 10-09-2013 03:47 PM

First chemo treatment
Hi All,

Well I am 1 week out from my first TCH treatment and I have to say it is all that I feared it would be. HORRIBLE! I didn't quite expect it to hit me so hard so fast but it sure did. Body aches, tired, constipation and indigestion just to start. But now I have this crazy acne going on all over my face. I normally have fairly clear skin so this is kinda freaking me out. My doc prescribed me antibiotics because I have been having severe pain in my face which could be from a sinus infection but right now I don't quite know what it is. The acne itself is quite painful also. Needless to say this is one 1 out of 6 and I am not looking forward to the other 5. Did anyone else have this sort of acne soon after chemo? Is this going to be me for the next 18 weeks? Constant pain and discomfort? I knew chemo was not going to be easy but this is truly harder than my surgery. My head is also starting to ache also which I am sure is a sign my hair will start to come out soon. All of the things to look forward to.

Just wanted to vent my new to chemo hate!

Thanks for all who listen. :)

tricia keegan 10-09-2013 04:26 PM

Re: First chemo treatment
I'm so sorry this is hitting you so fast and so badly, have you asked your Onc or chemo nurse for something re the face rash and other issue's? I didn't have this but know they prefer you to call and tell them whats happening so they can help you, no point in suffering so do ask them about it and they may lower your dose next time or give it more slowly which may help.

Coux92 10-09-2013 04:27 PM

Re: First chemo treatment
Hi, I too had the painful achne after my first chemo and bad rash on scalp after #2 that required antibiotics but that got better when my pre steroids were cut in half after that. I kept a journal the first few rx about what I took to avoid constipation and other side effects and learned from each treatment? I just had number six today... Done! Now onto solo herceptin and Rads.....YOU CAN DO THIS, IT SUCKS BUT AS MY 16 year old told a friend, "my mom is stronger then the chemo" I'm sure you are too... Prayers headed your way.

MaineRottweilers 10-09-2013 05:13 PM

Re: First chemo treatment
I have had break outs on my face 11 days after taking chemo since chemo #1. I just had my final chemo 12 days ago and my face, scalp and even a few pustules on my chest and arms erupted right on schedule----for the LAST time!

Sorry to say, it goes with the territory. Keep your eye on the final treatment day, you'll get there too.

sarah 10-10-2013 05:23 AM

Re: First chemo treatment
well chemo is horrible but it will probably save your life so concentrate on that. I had open sores that itched and were disgusting and no one could help solve it. I have a cupboard full of creams that cancer dermatologist told me could help, they didn't. Cortisone cream didn't do a thing. to stop the itch I found calamine lotion was the best solution.
I ate pasta and gained 15 lbs but that and reading a zillion books helped me get through it. and of course a loving and patient husband and friends. I did chemo once a week for 6 months. my finger and feet nails went yellow and cracked and broke off - there's a nail polish called Evonail made especially for this that helps. Drink lots of water especially while getting the chemo but honestly I found no one had an answer to the skin problems. Patience, patience, patience. It seems like an eternity and the fatigue, which I found the hardest, is difficult and with kids, really tough but you will get through it and you will live. I hope your kids understand and help you.
take care,
hugs and love

Lovemyboys3 10-12-2013 07:36 PM

Re: First chemo treatment
Hi All, well its been a crazy, crazy first week but each day is a little better. I had an exciting trip to the ER because my temp started to climb. Since my wbc was so very low they were worried about an infection. The Lord heard my prayers and I was able to go home since my temp stayed steady with no signs of an infection. They did give me antibiotics and fluids but otherwise with no fever I was able to go home. Now just making sure I get rest. My doc gave me meds for my face which has help but not sure if it will happen again next time. She is thinking it is from the steroid so they will adjust my next dose. Right now the worst part are the body aches. Its like having the flu everyday. HORRIBLE! But after everything I know it could be worse and I am grateful I at least had one day that wasn't miserable. Praying each day gets better.
My onc did mention they will probably give me an injection of some sort to help my wbc as it was at 100 or .8. She doesn't want it getting so low especially since I have little ones here at home that go to daycare.
Has anyone experience the body aches? Could that be the Herceptin? I really hope not since that is going to be a regular for a year. I will take anything and everything as I know why I am doing it. Its just going to be hard to deal with if I have to for a year.
Has anyone had to have injections for their wbc?

Thank you to all!!

Shirley 10-12-2013 11:33 PM

Re: First chemo treatment
I developed some unusual acne after chemo but it was manageable and more of a cosmetic issue for me (but it was still disturbing so I totally understand your concern). My scalp hurt a lot prior to my hair coming out. It REALLY hurt. Both symptoms disappeared by the end of my 4 TCH treatments.

Are you getting Nuelasta shots after each treatment? This is supposed to help restore the WBC count.

I hope you are able to get some rest. I took about 4 days off from work after each treatment which helped.

Aussie Girl 10-13-2013 05:31 AM

Re: First chemo treatment
Hi Lovemyboys3,

Many people feel like they have the flu and have muscle aches - all of the drugs can contribute and the white cell stimulants like neulasta or neupogen can contribute. However, I would strongly recommend having the long acting Neulasta on the second day of each cycle. If greatly reduces the chances of having to be admitted to hospital again for fever. You will still get low white cells, sometime between day 7 and day 10 probably, but they won't go as low and with return much quicker with Neulasta.

Muscle aches can usually be controlled by taking long acting Paracetomol (aminoacetophen) eg. Panadol Osteo which covers 8 hours instead of 6. Usual dose is 2 tabs 6 to 8 hourly , no more than 6 per day. Regular paracetamol is more effective than an occasional dose. Please discuss pain relief with your oncologist because everyone's experience of pain is different and your oncologist is a specialist in pain relief (and nausea relief). The tiredness and aches can vary from cycle to cycle.

Nurofen and aspirin relieve the pain but are not recommended because they reduce platelet function and your platelets (clotting cells) reach a low at about 2 1/2 weeks after dose. This is rarely significant, as the platelets still work, unless you've taken a drug that reduces their function. Your platelets have to get back to over 100 before you can have your next dose or the dose will need delaying a few days.

Warm baths or showers and regular low impact exercise can reduce the aches. See what works for you.

Good luck

Aussie Girl

Lovemyboys3 10-16-2013 09:44 AM

Re: First chemo treatment
Thank you all for your replies.
So first chemo treatment certainly got worse before it got better. I ended up in the ER due to a fever recently. After a long night in the ER I was able to go home as my temp stayed steady at a normal temp and no infection was found. Never the less they gave me antibiotics, fluids and watched me for a long while. Apparently my WBC was at almost 0. I was at 100 the day prior and it dropped even more which explains why I was MISERABLE that day. My Onc was not happy to see my numbers and has said I will now have the Neulasta shot after each treatment to help my WBC. No way I am going through that again.

Has anyone had this shot? Did you have any significant side effects?

We will also adjust my steroid meds to see if that helps the break outs I was having.
I also think I have a good med combo to help with the tummy issues. So praying it keeps working for next time.

My head hurt so much for a few days and is fine now. I have seen some "shedding" but nothing to bad just yet. When does the hair really start coming out? I am at day 14 and so far so good. I am expecting to see more and more come out in the next few days but was wondering what most have seen. Is there a "day" I will just wake up and it go crazy? I feel ready for this but know that day will probably be very hard. One day at a time.

All in all I am doing MUCH better now as my WBC is making its way back up and the Chemo side effects have subsided. But of course my 2nd rounds is coming up and I am getting nervous. After round 1 I know what more or less to expect and it wasn't fun at all.

Thank you to all for you kind words and advice.

NEDenise 10-16-2013 02:05 PM

Re: First chemo treatment
Thinking of you!
I remember those feelings well... but as you said, "you know why you're doing it, and it will be worth it."

Be good to yourself! You deserve a little pampering right now. :)
Prayers headed out on your behalf!

caya 10-16-2013 03:49 PM

Re: First chemo treatment
I think I started to "shed" around Day 17 -18. But you could go into the next round of chemo with hair. Your scalp may itch, tingle or just hurt in advance. You may be washing your hair in the shower and handfuls may come out.

all the best

Aussie Girl 10-17-2013 12:09 AM

Re: First chemo treatment
Hi Lovemyboys3,

The Neulasta is well worth having as it markedly reduces the chance of having to be hospitalized for febrile neutropenia. You are much less likely to end up with a serious infection. You are less likely to have your chemo delayed because of persisting low white cells. If your white cells got down to zero, you are likely, like me, to have particularly sensitive to the chemo (in my case the carboplatin). Your doctor may reduce your carboplatin a little.

The side effects of Neulasta merge with the side effects of the other chemo. Some people get bone pain and it varies from cycle to cycle. It is usually mild to moderate, but can be severe. It is because the white cells are rapidly proliferating in your marrow and stretching the tiny nerves in there. The pain is usually treated with aminoacetophen/ paracetamol like the other aches and pains from chemo. You may also get some stinging, itching or bruising at the injection site.

Rarely people are allergic to the drug (as may occur rarely for most medications). This is usually mild (itching, rash), but very rarely severe (as in swelling and itching of throat, racing heartbeat, breathless, dizziness .........call the ambulance). The other rare significant reaction is stomach/ abdominal/ right shoulder pain due to swelling of the spleen or even rupture. This is again very rare. It is not recommended for people with prior spleen problems or sickle cell anemia and is not usually given during radiation therapy.

I hope that isn't too much information. I think the neulasta is definitely worth having. So far, I have only have mild aching legs from it when I forgot to take my paracetamol.

Aussie Girl

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