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Mgarr 12-22-2008 04:18 PM

Having trouble saying no to "bad" foods. I am eating everything in sight there is soo much around with the holidays upon us I have no will power. Then I go in a vicious circle I feel crummy(physicallly & emotionally) for eating poorly but I do it all over again. Anyone have any helpful hints?


BonnieR 12-22-2008 04:42 PM

I am trying to go for moderation. But I intend to eat and enjoy seasonal favorites. I feel we have deprived ourselves in alot of areas and I want to indulge and savor things during the holidays!
I attended Weight Watchers in the past and am using some tips I got there. For instance, I dont waste my "points" on common food. Or things that are store-bought and just not wonderful. I try to survey the offerings and just have small amount of the special treats. I also try to make up for it by eating sensibly at other meals. And if I really dont want to eat something, I better not have it in the house. But I believe life is too short to pass up dessert!
Don't be too hard on yourself.

Mary Anne in TX 12-22-2008 05:03 PM

Hey Mary! Why not reward yourself? Think of a reward that you really enjoy and then give yourself rewards for short times of eating right. I'd think 1/2 day at a time would be long enough to deal with this time of year. It's the only thing that really works for me when I really have to do it!!! Good luck and remember that you're just perfect just as you are!!!! Luv, ma

Mary Jo 12-22-2008 06:04 PM

Thanks Mar...I can tell already we are all going to learn lots from this thread....maybe even be empowered to do better with our eating while we hear what others have to say.

Great thread. I hear ya for sure. I'm the QUEEN of backsliding in the "sweet treat" department and feel the same way you do - crummy and MAD AS HECK at myself for treating my body poorly. Then in the next breath I console myself by saying...hey life is short....don't sweat the small stuff!

Oh well.......great thread and thanks for starting it. I look real forward to hearing what others have to offer us.

Much love....

Mary Jo

juanita 12-22-2008 07:02 PM

moderation is the key word. that's what i try to remember when i want a treat. but i try not to deprive myself or i'll go crazy and eat a lot more than i should.

Terri B 12-23-2008 08:22 AM

Ya'll are gonna laugh at my technique:

I drink two beers back to back.

With me, it works as an appetite suppressant (maybe because i don't care as much after!). I don't binge after that. I might have a taste, but I don't overeat.

Believe me, I'm an eater. Loooovee sweets. I've NEVER met a cookie i didn't like.

Believe51 12-23-2008 09:16 AM

Ut Oh
Looks like it is time to chime in myself. I have been a bit out of control lately myself and am so happy to see a thread like this one. Being not-so myself lately I find I am really letting go, which does not help the depression issue either. I feel like I am spinning out of total control, spiraling downward and outward (the butt anyway..LOL). Right now I am going to pamper myself and work through the depression first and I am sure that I will gain composure again. If you have not got it yet, I like to stay in control and the lack of it really makes me feel lost. I am so used to 'doing' something and taking charge that I feel a bit powerless at the moment. But I do have the power and have promised that the depression will be tended to immediately and after the holidays....I will grasp the reins once more. So for the last 4 weeks I have let myself go but know this is and has to be a temporary thing. Now I must go, I do believe there is an exotic cookie that needs my attention right now! Kidding, I have a Christmas party at work. I'll be good....but no promises.>>Believe51

Mgarr 12-24-2008 08:42 AM

Thanks all, for making me feel I am not alone AGAIN. You're the greatest. I am taking 1 day at a time so yesterday I did a little better (meaning only 1/2 dozen treats not a dozen-- LOL)

Enjoy the holidays & we'll get on track again next Jan 1st.



Believe51 12-24-2008 09:57 AM

BURP! (lol)...............no problem, glad we are not alone!>>Believe51

dlaxague 12-24-2008 05:29 PM

great thread for the holidays
I'm so glad, and amused, and heart-warmed, to hear from others who, like me, are not perfect. Those who admit to lack of control, and backsliding, and guilt-at-the-same-time. I think that most of us have always had the voice of self-judgment dogging us, but that being cancer-princesses and princes (for however long that lasted) has put us on this pedestal where we began to believe that we should be perfect, and should be always in control.

Next week is time-enough to regain a little control. Big thanks to all who posted with such honesty in this thread.

Debbie, opening the box of See's candy and getting the corkscrew out for the bottle of spanish red wine (organic! - laughing - still seeking that illusion of control)

MJo 12-26-2008 12:17 PM

I cooked Christmas Dinner from a weight watchers cook book, including two desserts. Ate and ate. Didn't gain. Great idea about the beer -- Samuel Adams light is wonderful. I lost 54 pounds on Weight Watchers Core program. Took me exactly one year. I've maintained for three months. My oncologist thinks I'm a hero. So does my primary care doctor. Boy has this holiday been difficult!! Had lunch with Joan M and Becky at Lambertville Station Inn in New Jersey and I ate like there was no tomorrow. I have to get weighed at my Weight Watchers meeting before the end of December. Wish me luck that I've maintained for month four.

Mary Jo 12-26-2008 12:40 PM

Wow Mjo...that's awesome. Just had to "weigh" in (lol) and give you a high 5! Losing 54 pounds is super duper fantastic. Good for you. I could surely stand to lose a good 10 - 15 and you are my inspiration.

Sending you another high 5 and a hug,

Mary Jo

Louise O'Brien 12-28-2008 11:09 AM

We have way too much candy in our house. Boxes and boxes of it, sent from distant relatives. For the past few years I've decided on a cut-off date - and today's the day.

I take all the unopened candy - and there's literally a shopping bag full - to a women's shelter. They always appreciate it, both staff and the families staying there over the Christmas holidays and I feel that we've done something positive.

When my daughter was still living with us, it was our secret routine - to sneak that extra candy out of the house before my husband was aware of it. Because if it stayed - it would get eaten. She's visiting now and doesn't want any back with her so she just gave me her share.

We've had our pig out and it's been lovely. Now we're on to a week of light meals - soup, fish and in particular a fish stew recipe we both love that is very healthy and tasty.

ElaineM 12-28-2008 04:08 PM

I know it is difficult to control our eating at this time of the year. We all fall off the wagon occassionally, especially over the holidays. Forgive yourself for an occassional fall and move forward to healthy food.
I allow myself one holiday treat a day. Meanwhile I visulize all the things the healthy food can do for me. Life is about choices. Do I want to be healthier or do I want to enjoy a few moments of fun eating things that may not contribute to good health? If I want better health and if I want to live longer I have to choose the healthy things to eat. I am happier and less stressed when I choose healthy things to eat. I love the healthy foods for what they can do to help me. Most of the time I am so busy trying to eat all the healthy things I forget the other things. I still have cookies in the freezer from last year !!

Laurel 12-28-2008 04:32 PM

Cookies in the freezer from last year!!! Wow! Elaine, I just want you to know that I am on my knees, arms extended, bowing in homage to your incredible will power! I'd say something trite like: "I am going to strive for that, too!" Sadly, I know my limits and cookies utter a siren call to me: Laurel, come eat me for I am delicious... My only defense is to limit their presence in my home. Since I am not much of a baker that works. Now there still remains the problem of chocolate.....I always say I live in Hershey for a reason!

Pam P 12-29-2008 06:34 AM

Wish I had words of wisdom on this. I have the same struggles. I want to eat healthy & try to; I love healthy fruits & veggies. I also can't shake the taste for sugary, salty, fried, creamy, chocolatey, crunchy tasty treats. Sometimes moderation works for me... other times that only triggers the desire for more. If I don't see it in the house it's better. Right now all the Christmas sugar cookies are teasing me... I could take someone's idea on this thread & throw them out -- maybe I'll just tuck them in the back of the freezer in small baggies & see if I can stretch them out until summer.... although I'm not above eating a frozen cookie along with a bowl of ice cream as long as I'm in the freezer...

Mary Jo 12-29-2008 06:44 AM

I love reading this thread and love the fact that we are all alike. Hehe! You do meet an occasional "nut" who will say things like "no thank you, I don't like chocolate" or "no thank you, I don't like sweets" but I find those people, few and far between. I don't believe those are human people anyway..............only aliens or non humans don't like chocolate or sweets....in my opinion.http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

One day at a time.....and a commitment each day to healthy living......that's what I try to do. Some days it works and some days it doesn't. I'm learning that I can't nor shouldn't beat myself up over it. Afterall, who am I but a mere human (yes, I am human - I like chocolate and sweets) I guess I don't think I can control when my life will end anyway. Maybe if I did I could control these things better....but I'm more of the philosphy....LIVE AND ENJOY.......LIFE IS SHORT! Of course I know we shouldn't be little piggy's BUT moderation and enjoying life is definitely what I will do.

What a fun thread.................and everytime I read it I want a cookie or something! LOL!

Love you guys....

Mary Jo

ElaineM 12-29-2008 11:42 AM

Oh. I love the idea of donating unopened boxes of sweets to the less fortunate by a certain date at the end of December !! Great idea !!
Occassionally a friend who is a total chocoholic and I also exchange after Christmas. I give her unopened boxes of milk chocolate I received and she gives me something "practical" she doesn't want and I may need.
That works too.

Believe51 12-29-2008 11:59 AM

I have a taste for sugar. I am alright with things as long as I can get over the initial cravings but once I give in it takes great efforts to get back on tract. I was not going to mention anything about this since it is embarrassing, especially knowing what I know today. I am so grateful for this thread since I am not alone, I am human. It has allowed me to face things in black and white. Thanks again!!>>Believe51

harrie 12-30-2008 12:46 AM

I eat whatever treat I feel like eating during the holidays and then after Jan 1st, I get rid of or give away whatever treats are left and go back to my nomal dietary habits. Dark choc is my number 1 weakness.

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