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Sheila 11-23-2007 05:48 PM

Leg Problems on Taxol Avastin Herceptin
Just wondering if any one has had leg problems while on Taxol or Avastin ...I know its not the Herceptin, I've been on it for 4 years! My legs ache so bad (Worse at night), and this starts about 2 days after a treatment of the above cocktail...they ache from the knee down and my feet...honestly, I was up till 4am this morning...I ususally get up and put TED hose on...sometimes it helps, sometimes not...last night I could not even stand to have anything touch my legs...Advil, Tylenol...no help...any solutions??? I feel like I have run a marathon...

Jean 11-23-2007 06:17 PM

I had muscle ache after my treatments, (not after herceptin trt) but the TC portion. Strange that it would flare at night for me also. I would take advil which helped slightly. My husband would message my legs and feet and taking very warm baths seem to help. I even used a heating pad under my legs which was helpful.

Hope some of this may be helpful.
Kind Regards,

Aangelnxtc 11-23-2007 06:22 PM

Hello, finished FEC-HD 6/22/07, Finished Taxol w/herceptin 9/28/07. Wednesday was my second 3 week dose of herceptin. I Have been on it since 4/20/07. I am having terrible pain in my legs. Doubled from first 3 week dose. Didnt have this problem until 3 week dose started. I told my Doc and she referred me to pain management so she must know that it is a problem. I didnt have the pain while I was weekly. On Herceptin only.
Hope this helps.

PS over the counter ain meds dont work for my pain, and also worsein the evening. I have gotten terrible arm tremors and cant contol useing it,
Went for brain mri 2-day All testing NED cant wait for Monday for thrm to tell me my brain is neg. Then I can say I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR-I AM NED.



Julie2 11-23-2007 06:24 PM


I used to have this leg pain same as you described when I was on Navelbine and Herceptin. Severe ache in the foot. Mortin used to help me.


Gerri 11-23-2007 07:33 PM

Hi Shelia,

I had exactly what you are describing when I was on Taxol. My treatments were every other Friday and I knew that on the following Tuesday my legs would be numb from the knees down. They would get slightly better after a few days until the next time around. Chemo ended for me well over a year ago but I still have neuropathy in my legs, especially if they are tired. I too have trouble sleeping at night at times, but fortunately Advil does help somewhat. I have a feeling I have some permanent nerve damage that I will just have to deal with. I remember reading something about glutanine powder for neuropathy but never looked into it.

I know this has been such a long road for you. I truly admire your tenacity and upbeat spirit as you continue to fight.

Best regards,

Becky 11-23-2007 07:42 PM

Dear Sheila

I had incredible leg pain from Taxol - electrifying, shooting type pains. Like Jean, I soaked in a tub alot and my husband rubbed my legs. I also felt that lying around (common at night - duh) made everything worse. It was better moving around.

No over the counter painkiller worked for me and I never got a script for anything else.

mke 11-23-2007 08:58 PM

I got neuropathy from taxol, and I've never been able to explain how my feet can both be numb and hurt, but they do. What helps me a bit is to soak my feet and ankles in warm water and epsom salts before bed. If I do that and take magnesium and potassium I am less likely to have leg cramps and my feet seem less sensitive. I usually sleep with my feet sticking out from under the bedding, but it's getting a bit nippy for that. I'm seriously considering having my son build me a frame to keep the blankets off my feet. I sometimes take Advil too. And sometimes Glenlivet.

Lolly 11-24-2007 03:56 PM

Sheila, I had really bad leg and foot pain on Taxol, years ago. My onc prescribed Neurontin, plus he said I could take regular Tylenol on top of that as needed. This combo did help, but didn't eliminate the pain completely, just made it bearable.

Since starting Taxotere, I've had similar leg pain at night the day of and for several days after treatment, and this time I asked for a script for Hydrocodone. I usually only need one at bedtime on the nights I have pain severe enough that I know extra-strength Tylenol won't do the job and I know I won't be able to sleep. Hydrocodone takes care of it, but I try not to take it more often than 2-3 nights in a row(usually only need it one or two nights) as then it brings on feelings of depression. It's a strong pain med, but it works wonders for me.

<3 Lolly

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