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jojo 07-10-2005 12:33 PM


I am from California, so I am unsure as to whether this could be applied to the rest of the states.

When I had come to the social security office to apply for disability checks, I found out that my case worker was nice enough to put a "flag" onto my case folder, so that they would speed up my process. The end result that my checks started coming to me 3 months quicker than their standard 6 to 9 month procedure.

She flagged my case, just because I have breast cancer. She offered without my knowing about their flag system.

Try with your case worker, and I hope your application acts fast enough! You know how social security can be quite slow at times.....

Good luck!

Patty H 07-10-2005 03:11 PM

I'm from In. and when I went to appy on line and they ask if this illness would result in death and I said yes. A box popped up and said to call them on the phone to make it quicker. Patty H

Sheila 07-11-2005 08:18 AM

I'm in IL and I was forced to apply so SSD through my company, as I was on long term disability with them, I was approved in 2 weeks and they said my case would not be evaluated for at least 5 years, or until I finish Herceptin considering my diagnosis. My checks started arriving in 2 months, and they even back payed me. I don't like being on it, I would rather be working, but then there are days that I know I couldn't put in 8 hours! I just wonder how many on this board are on SSD or disability?

Patty H 07-11-2005 03:43 PM

I didn't realize I could get SSD until recently. I thought long and hard about it. Then I decided I had paid into it for 30 years and I probably won't be here to draw SS when I am 62. So I talked to my benifit guy about it and hr recommended it. So I just started the paper work a few weeks ago. Patty H

sarah 01-31-2006 07:42 AM

What am I doing wrong? I applied in 2003 for disability and just recently got a request for more paperwork inclucing the original surgery in 1999! I've had 4 more surgeries since then plus......
I feel demoralized and assumed they were waiting for me to die or reach 62 - I'll be 60 in April.
anyway, any advice, help, names of who to contact??? I worked mainly in California.

Help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Unregistered 01-31-2006 10:48 AM

A word of caution--

It is the norm for Social Security to decline deserving seriously ill people three or four times before they get accepted--perhaps they are hoping for the poor people to become despondent and commit suicide to save some money!

I had heard in California that they flagged the charts to avoid that happening to breast cancer patients.

A patient with cavernous sinus thrombosis (blood clot of the main venous draining of the brain) was turned down about 4 times over many years for Social Security Disability.
Websites for attorneys who specialize in trying to help people get their social security disabiility, describe multiple declines as the "norm" even in well- deserving cases with excellent justification documented by physicians.

One word of caution, however. Some health insurance policies have in their tiny printing that one becomes ineligible for their insurance if one even becomes eligible for (let alone accepts) Medicare whether because of disability or age!

Medicare doesn't pay for physical therapy and a lot of other things that private health insurance does, so be sure to read all the tiny print and discuss this with knowledgeable persons before proceeding.

Of course you have to do what you have to do. Just do it with your eyes wide open and looking out for yourself-- when it comes to government-run programs, no one else will, unfortunately.

That said, best of luck!

Lisa 01-31-2006 11:25 AM

I, too, am on disability. And I felt sort of funny getting on it. But I did, and I'm so glad. After you apply, you have 6 months to complete the process, or you have to start over. Learned that the hard way. My case, once started anew, was also "flagged" and I started receiving checks within 3 months, I THINK.

On worker tried to get mine grandfathered from my original diagnosis date, which didn't seem right to me. And it was changed to my metastasis date. But everyone was very nice.

After being on it 2 years now, I've qualifed for Medicare. Now THAT feels weird. You have to accept the Hospitalization part, but you can turn down the other part that includes co-pays, etc. I did, because as of 2006, it would have meant $88/month taken out of my Disability check.

Remember this is not a state process, but federal. I can't imagine it being any different in any state. You've worked for years for this money. Don't feel quilty.

Love and light,


StephN 01-31-2006 11:52 AM

Stage IV cancer speeds it up
Whether on line or at your local office, they WILL flag you and prioritize your claim.
I started getting my disability benefit last year. I had to pick a date to say when I became "disabled" and chose Jan.3 since that was the day that my brain MRI showed the two tumors. This was an agreeable day with my oncologist.
I could have said much earlier as I have been stage IV and on continuous treament since Jan 2002, but this seemed fine with me as I had been able to work some in the intervening years.
By the way, you CAN still work to some extent and get your benefit.
It is standard practice to have a review after 5 years - bet most of us will HAVE this review!!

As for the timing, I did not apply until June and I got my first direct deposit the first part of August. It included a couple of back months. They start the payment at 6 months after the date of disability, so watch that as you may be able to get a few more months by using an earlier date.
It IS nice to have this money as I have been paying the medical insurance stoploss, deductible and co-pays for almost 6 years now and this adds up to a few thousand every year (could have had my whole kitchen redone with that amount of $$!). I figure most of the disability benefit will go to pay for those expenses so I can save a little again or have money to travel, improve my surroundings, etc.

sarah 01-31-2006 01:40 PM

Many thanks for all of your helpful advice. I feel more hopeful. Like many of you, I could then use the money for medical costs not covered by insurance or not fully covered. Today my husband and I have been putting together all the paperwork again. When I first received this new request, I was extremely upset and thought of giving up. You are all so encouraging about everything, it's appreciated and after all this is just silly bureaucratic stuff not health related. thanks.

Esther 01-31-2006 03:43 PM

Sarah, you are living in France and collect SSDI from CA? I didn't know that.

Joe 01-31-2006 04:16 PM

If you are having problems applying for SSD, get your congressman involved. They can cut through the tape.


julierene 01-31-2006 04:45 PM

So just saying I will die from this DX is enough to get SS income? I am still working full-time right now. I don't know when I will not be able to work FT anymore. When should I start thinking about SS income?

CLTann 01-31-2006 04:52 PM

The social security disability as well as health insurance are very confusing for me. Admittedly, I have a low grade breast cancer and in most days I can perform my job as a pharmacist. I got disability insurance from my health coverage at work when I had mastectomy. I had to go back to work since my hospital has very strict policy of not allowing excessive absence, else the employee is terminated. If terminated, I would have no health insurance coverage. I am 61 now. For me to get COBRA coverage, I understand that I must keep on working until I am 63.5 years old. Is my understanding correct? My hospital benefit staff is of no help at all. They said that for benefits outside the hospital plans, they will not and cannot help me. For those of you on social security disability now, how do you get health insurance coverage? I believe there is no insurance company which is willing to accept a breast cancer patient as a new insured. Is there a mechanism there that Medicare can be activated before one is 65 years old? Thanks for any who is knowledgeable in this confusing mess.


Lisa 01-31-2006 05:19 PM

It's not a matter of "going to die." After all, we're all "going to die." I believe it's more a matter of having a chronic disease that keeps you from working. In my case, it just happens to be Stage IV bc.

As far as health insurance, SS disability and health insurance are two different animals. One does not affect the other. I collect SSID and am also part of my husband's health insurance plan.

And as for COBRA, you have the right to this (expensive) insurance for 18 months after you leave a job, whether voluntarily or not. Age is not a factor.

Love and light,


julierene 01-31-2006 05:40 PM

CLTann, if your husband is under the income limit for Medicaid, you can get insurance from the state. If you are single, and you can manage a way to live off of SS income, I would consider it. But in order to be disabled, what are the guidelines? I am still physically able right now.

Sandy H 01-31-2006 08:32 PM

I have been getting diability for 3 years and just did my review papers this month. I got a letter the first year telling me I would be up for review this year! My husband's letter said he would be up for review in 8 years and he doesn't have cancer or a life threatening disease. He does have multiple medical problems. It was a hard one for me to swallow but I did work many years and didn't think I would live to 65. I thought I might be lucky to draw it for a year. Well its been three now and I even get Medicare. We didn't ask to have this disease and so I feel we deserve what little we get from this. Most if not all of it will go toward our medical bills and for me it will be for supplements. Its not like we are doing big things this money. It does help. hugs, Sandy

Patty H 02-01-2006 06:40 AM

They made it so easy for me to get SSD that it was scary. I did it all over the phone. They then sent me papers that I signed for release of my medical papers and within a month they had deposited a large check in my account. They went back to the time I was dx with breast cancer. I did not feel I was disabled at that time, a lot of women work with breast cancer. But they were only allowed to back pay me one year. I think my medical records must of sounded like I was dying real soon, but I'm not planning on dying for a long time!!! Since they back paid me for a year, this summer will be considered year 2 so I will also have medicare. I will be able to keep my private insurance but I guess medicare will be number 1 and my other the secondary. Patty H

lu ann 02-01-2006 01:40 PM

Don't have enough credits
I was a stay at home mom for most of the past 22 years so I do not have enough credits to file for disability benefits. A friend of mine was in the same situation. She does not have breast cancer, but has an allergy to artificial light and sunlight. She lives in the dark, only going out for church on Sunday, medical appts., and special occasions. Imagine having to live like that. She became a widow and was eligable to apply for widows benefits. She was denied the first time she applied. The second time she won and was awarded a monthly check, health benefits, and retroactive payment for all but the first 6 month waiting period. This could not have come at a better time as she depleted all her husbands life insurance and was living off of credit cards. She was also paying 500.00 per month for Kaiser medical insurance. If there is anyone out there who is in the above situation, you might be entitled benefits. The only way I can get disability benefits is if my husband dies. He is 3 1/2 years older then me and he will have to continue working for health insurance until I am eligable for medicare. Many Blessings to all of you. Lu Ann

StephN 02-01-2006 04:49 PM

Stage IV or "terminal"
AS for who is really disabled and who is not - that is NOT the criteria in the case of our cancer.
They want to know if we CAN die of this disease and if the doctor says "yes, no cure" then we are eligible. Once it is determined that the applicant has a disease progression and must be under continual treatment, we are eligible.
Some may be considered StageIIIb, with skin mets, but they have to stay in treatment off and on, so also get the benefits if there are enough points for the last 10 years.

SH-h-h-h-h! I think these rules are based on old stats - we all know about those, huh? - that when cancer progresses it is only a matter of a short while before death follows.
Guess we had better keep our 'secret' to ourselves!

Ginagce 02-03-2006 06:32 AM

I applied for SSDA in June 05 and was approved and received my first check in July 05. Don't know how that happened so fast but I suspect my family doctor's letter to them had something to do with it.

My doc knew that I had worked every day thru my first treatment for bc, my husbands illness and death from cancer, and even after masts, recon and chemo. In fact he was the one that said I needed to slow down and tend to my body for a change.

Best of luck to you. If you don't get it, try one of those disability specialist lawyers.


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