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vlcarr 07-24-2010 10:02 AM

Vitamin D Test Results
Below are the results of my test on 06/24/10. It says my ranges are normal but to me they seem low. I don't understand some of this so thought I would post and see what you guys think with more understanding of this issue. I haven't had a chance to talk with my onc about this yet. It's hard to read so I put in red what they say is optimum levels and my results are at the bottom in blue.

[ Reference Range for 25-Hydroxy D Total: ♦ <10 ng/mL (severe deficiency)* ♦ 10-24 ng/mL (mild to moderate deficiency)** ♦ 25-80 ng/mL (optimum levels)*** ♦ >80 ng/mL (toxicity possible)**** ♦ ♦ *Could be associated with osteomalacia or rickets ♦ **May be associated with increased risk of osteoporosis or secondary hyperparathoidism. ♦ ***Optimum levels in the normal population. ♦ ****80 ng/mL is the lowest reported level associated with toxicity in patients without primary hyperparathyroidism who have normal renal function. Most patients with toxicity have levels >150 ng/mL. ♦ Patients with renal failure can have very high 25-OH-VitD levels without any signs of toxicity, as renal conversion to the active hormone 1,25-OH-VitD is impaired or absent. ♦ ♦ These reference ranges represent clinical decision values that apply to males and females of all ages, rather than population-based reference values. Population reference ranges for 25-OH-VitD vary widely depending on ethnic background, age, geographic location of studied populations, and the sampling season. Population-based ranges correlate poorly with serum 25-OH-VitD concentrations that are associated with biologically and clinically relevant vitamin D ♦ effects and are therefore of limited clinical value.] Nutrition25-HYDROXY D2: < 4 25-HYDROXY D3: 29 25-HYDROXY D TOTAL: 29

AlaskaAngel 07-24-2010 10:41 AM

Status Quo, Vitamin D Recommendations
"Reference Intakes

Intake reference values for vitamin D and other nutrients are provided in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) developed by the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) at the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies (formerly National Academy of Sciences) "


"The FNB established an expert committee in 2008 to review the DRIs for vitamin D (and calcium). The current DRIs for this nutrient were established in 1997, and since that time substantial new research has been published to justify a reevaluation of adequate vitamin D intakes for healthy populations. Determinations of DRIs are based on indicators of adequacy or hazard; dose-response curves; health outcomes; life-stage groups; and relations between intakes, biomarkers, and outcomes. For vitamin D, the FNB committee will focus on (1) effects of circulating concentrations of 25(OH)D on health outcomes, (2) effects of vitamin D intakes on circulating 25(OH)D and on health outcomes, and (3) levels of intake associated with adverse effects [21]. The FNB expects to issue its report, updating as appropriate the DRIs for vitamin D and calcium, by May 2010 [22]."

So I then went to the FNB website to see what they said in May, 2010...:


"Project Timeline
This is a 24 month study. The committee's report is expected to be publicly available October/November 2010. "

So..... until then, the range is what it has been since 1997...

As someone who lives in the northern nothern hemisphere but who bares the skin as much as possible plus supplementing with the recommended 400 IU, my level was in the low 30's. Since the recommended current range allows plenty of room for me to supplement, I'm taking 1,000 IU's a day on days when I don't get much sunshine. I hope to be retested in August to see if I have improved, and how much. My suspicion is that I could be taking even more.


1rarebird 07-24-2010 12:17 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Vicky--You may find it worthwhile to read the recommendations for optimal serum Vitamin D3 levels for different goals as discussed at the NoSurrenderBreastCancer.org site http://www.nosurrenderbreastcancersu...ost?id=4807927 Constantine Kaniklidis recommends for optimal bone health it should be >42 ng/ml; for anti-cancer activity, > 52 ng/ml; and, for relief from amromatase inhibitor therapy side effects, > 66 ng/ml. You have to read through the rationale for these recommendations to see how they were formed. When I read it is seems a person would have to take D3 supplements in increasing amounts and have several blood tests over time to see when the target level is reached. Finding a doctor that will work with you on this is important too.

For me, I am taking 2000 IUs supplement plus the 800 IUs that come with my calcium supplement and my oncologist doesn't have a problem with it. I am expecting my serum vitamin D3 levels to increase from its original 44 ng/ml. closer to the levels for anti-cancer effect. I felt better about this when I read recently that the Canadian health care system is about to change it recommendations for Vitamin D3 supplementation to 2000 IUs.


Becky 07-24-2010 12:59 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
The last time I had mine done, it was 46 AND it was the first year my dexa came out in the normal range (of which the Zometa was then stopped). I just had another dexa come out normal too. However, I must be a bad D3 processor because I take and have taken 4000-5000iu per day for over 2 years now having taken 2000iu per day since bc diagnosis. I think this runs in our family. For example, my mother (who had bc) ran at 8 and got the weekly 50,000iu pills that she took for 7 weeks. My cousin had 0 (yes, zero) and hers was done at diagnosis (she went to Cleveland clinic and she was just diagnosed last year so they were probably up on this). She had IV and the 50,000iu pills too.

My oldest daughter who is 24 had her physical last year and her level was also 8. I send her 2000iu pills and tell her to take 2 a day. At first, I had her take 3. I remind her to take them because she lives in Oregon and it can be cloudy and rainy there. I make my 2 daughters who still live at home take 2000-4000 a day too. Who knows, that could be the problem in the family for us and bc. You never know. I need to get mine done again to make sure my level is at least what it was.

vlcarr 07-24-2010 02:44 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Thanks so much for the information everyone. Becky, I should probably know this but what the heck is dexa?

The nutritionist I met with recommended that I have my doc check this when I asked about taking Vit D. I'm going to contact her and see what her take is on it.

But, sounds like I definitely should be taking some based on the comments.

Rich66 07-24-2010 03:33 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Mom had some prescription D to get levels up and is now maintaining (per OH25 test) at 89 on 5,000 iu/daily. Said to be very good level for cancer patients.

Becky 07-25-2010 06:40 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results

A dexa is the bone density test to see if you are osteopenic (pre-osteoporesis) or if you have osteoporesis.

Rich - I can take up to that amount too but have not been able to get my levels up beyond 50. I think this could be part of my family's bc problem - perhaps a conversion deficiency. Just to explain that to those who don't know, the D3 that you take in or make in your skin when it is exposed to sunlight is converted in the liver to an intermediate form (another chemical) and then that chemical is converted in the kidneys to the useable form of the vitamin (which at this point is theoretically a hormone). You never know!

My mom's birthday was yesterday and she told me that again she is having low D issues. Her doctor upped her to 1000iu but she said she is also sunning herself 45-60 minutes a day in 15-20 minute stints. I discussed this with her and that she needs bigger supplemental doses like I do. For her, 1000iu is just not enough.

Lauriesh 07-26-2010 04:55 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Hi Becky,

I was wondering what kind of vitamin D supplements you take? I had low levels in Nov, and took the prescription 50,000 a week until Feb. My level was then in the normal range- I think around 25. I have been just taking 1000/ a day since then. I have also thought that my family has a processing problem, as several of my sisters also have very low levels.

I have just been diagnosed stage 4, with mets to my liver. I think I should start taking more, and will ok it with my onc, but just wondering if there is a certain type or brand that you think is best.



R.B. 07-27-2010 02:14 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results

The ability of the body of older people to make vitamin D has been shown to drop to 25 % of that of young people.

Pre-Vitamin D is made in the surface of the skin, and slowly absorbed, so washing within 8 hours risks removing some or most of it, depending on how close the washing is to the sun exposure. Soap will certainly remove it, water may. Even surfer dudes and sunbathing Florida residents are often short of D, at a guess for these reasons.

Moisturisers before or after may affect production - we do not know. In fact there is a whole lot we do not know.

If you are taking it as a supplement you have to digest it, and many have impaired digestion.


There are lots of good suppliers. Some D products come packed in high Omega 6 oils which is not optimal. Vitacost are cheap and efficient, but last time I bought some, theirs was in an Omega six rich oil, although not much. A name of a company was posted that did D in olive oil. I will try and find the details.

TanyaRD 07-27-2010 06:47 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
I agree, Vicky. You are low-normal range and would probably benefit from at least 2000iu/day D3. I would encourage you to discuss this with you oncologist/dietitian.

Carol.hope 08-01-2010 05:36 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
R.B.! Good to see you back. Did you finish your book?

I think it was you who posted those articles from UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center, a year or so ago. They say for combatting cancer, Vit D levels of 90 are good. Mine was 55 at the end of last summer, which I thought was good, but my MD said it could be higher. It was 74 this spring, after I took DDrops by Carlson all winter. I took 4000-6000 i.u./day. A couple drops on food - easy and cheap. Dr. Mercola says to take 5000 i.u. Toxicity is virtually impossible, in spite of an oft-repeated warning from the "old days." You can take 30,000 i.u./day for 6 months straight without toxicity (but start with 2000 or 5000!)

Vit D is good for bones and almost everything, and those cancer docs figured out that cancer's very first step - dissociation - can't start with adequate Vit D levels.

It seems like the new take on Vitamin D is very important! Thanks to RB for posting, back when!

vlcarr 08-07-2010 10:57 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
My onc put me on 1,000 IUs daily and will re-check in 3 months. Tanya, I saw your post for the first time today. Wish her solution was more in line with yours???? But, if she is going o re-check it, I guess I should not panic over it?

R.B. 08-11-2010 02:18 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Hi Carol,

Thanks for the kind words.

Some of the Vit D posts were Teds.

The new book is nearly (hopefully) finished. It encompasses the information in the first book, and takes it a lot further weaving the roles of Omega 3 and 6 in with other aspects of the diet like vitamin D and minerals through the common thread of oxidative stress.

The science in the first book was fine but the editing was poor. The new book is better edited and it has helped that my head is clearer, as the jaw infection I had has largely cleared.

TanyaRD 08-11-2010 09:47 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Don't let it worry you. You are right. It will be checked again. Did she say when she'd recheck it? 6 months might be a good time span for reassessment and adjustment in dose as needed.

StephN 08-11-2010 11:52 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Hi -
Carol mentioned the Carlson's D Drops. I have also discovered those and take every night right after dinner under my tongue. I also then take an evening calcium supp which also has another 200mg of D3.

My next blood work will be taken this Friday, so it will be interesting to see how my D level is this time.

Since I now have some sun damage on my face, I am not getting much sun this summer. Interesting about the washing after sun that R.B. mentions. If I am getting sun while working outside, I usually take a quick shower to clean up, and never thought I was affecting my vitamin D intake by doing that. (Besides the general garden grunge, I want to get the pollens from the air off me.)

Rich66 08-11-2010 12:40 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
"Pre-Vitamin D" Wow. Hadn't heard of that.
If so, makes me wonder if there is a topical approach that could enhance Vit D. imagining a sunscreen to prevent damage while enhancing D.

vlcarr 08-11-2010 05:05 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results

The nurse said they would re-check in 3 months so I won't worry. Thanks so much for the info.

Jackie07 08-20-2010 03:47 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
My doctors never mentioned about supplements. I guess living in the sunny Texas they are more concerned about skin cancer than patients not getting Vitamin D.

I do take multivitamin several times a week. The information I read from Wikipedia comforts me since I do eat yorgurt, eggs and other foods that contain both Vitamin D and calcium:


R.B. 08-20-2010 01:22 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Hi Jackie07 and anybody else interested on Vitamin D.

People can make much more vitamin D than they will ever get in their diet, which suggests we are meant to get much of our vitamin D from exposure to the sun, and if we do not do that the alternative is to supplement. People with darked skins make it less efficiently because their skin blocks UVB better.

I highly recommend the videos on Vitamin D from UCLA in this link


Jackie07 08-22-2010 04:49 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results

Those are wonderful video clips. Thanks.

Here's a link to the Medlineplus on Vitamin D:


Carol.hope 08-22-2010 05:21 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Hey, R.B.
Please tell us about your book - when will it be out, what's the title, how to get it, etc. Thanks and good luck! - Carol

AlaskaAngel 08-24-2010 12:59 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Hi everyone,

Just an update on my vitamin D lab results. I do live in Alaska, which is a disadvantage sun-wise, but have diligently done limited sun baths at every opportunity, and have been taking 1,400 mg of vitamin D on days when I didn't get any sun (multivitamin content plus 1,000 mg pill). Last year in August (summer sun) I was tested for vitamin D level for the first time and came out at 39. This year despite the added 1,000 mg on dark days my reading is in the low 30's. My NP advised doubling the dose I have been taking in summer and taking at least twice the doubled dose in winter, which I will do.


R.B. 08-25-2010 03:57 PM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Thanks Carol for your kind thought.

I am still nerding (-: away at the book, but it is getting closer to being set ready for proof reading so the end is hopefully not too far off. I will be delighted !!! (-: to let you all know once it is finished.

Again many thanks

Jackie07 09-13-2010 11:11 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
The subject must be a hot topic. WebMD posted a featured article today on Vitamin D:


AlaskaAngel 09-13-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Vitamin D Test Results
Thanks, Jackie!

From the discussion:

"There's evidence that people with a lot of body fat need more vitamin D than lean people."
"Does vitamin D interact with other medications?

Yes. Steroid medications such as prednisone can interfere with vitamin D metabolism. If you take steroid drugs regularly, discuss vitamin D with your doctor."

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