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Believe51 04-27-2009 04:49 PM

~My Dear Father Is In Need Of Prayers Now~
My poor Daddy had a grand mal seizure this afternoon, the last one he had was 25 years ago. Daddy does not have epilepsy either. We did not know why this happened to him, nor what is going on here. Mom said that he is talking alright now but they are unsure if there is any damage right now. All prayers and positive healing thoughts welcomed. Ho hum.>>Believe51

PS: I have not taken a xanax for months now but you better believe I did today. Ed's Mom is mad we did not spring her from the rehab today and kind of blaming me. WooWee is she maaaad at Marie.....still smiling (of course this could be drugged induced)

karen z 04-27-2009 05:13 PM

I am so sorry to hear this news and know that your father is in my prayers. It sounds like a xanax was called for!

juanita 04-27-2009 05:19 PM

i am sorry to hear this and just want you to know that you have y prayers.

sassy 04-27-2009 06:48 PM


Your prayers were strong for my father; know I am keeping strong prayers for your father. Hopefully all will be well.

caya 04-27-2009 06:53 PM

Prayers from Canada Marie - you are one tough cookie -

all the best

Faith in Him 04-27-2009 06:58 PM

Praying hard for your dear father. I am sorry that you have to go through so very much.


WomanofSteel 04-27-2009 07:05 PM

So sorry to hear this Marie. Hope that your dad will be ok.

Yorkiegirl 04-27-2009 07:25 PM

Marie many prayers going out for Dad. I pray that all well be fine with him.

eric 04-27-2009 08:29 PM

It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you for your father and the strength to deal with you mother in-law.
To help a bit with the strength, maybe a little bit of vodka wouldn't hurt!

Believe51 04-27-2009 09:10 PM

Eric thanks. I only write what my heart feels on this site, never sugar coating or telling someone what I think they need to hear. I say it like it is, this is the real me, the true Marie. Lately I feel like this sounds like I am a crazy co-dependant, pyscho! I really cannot believe this is all happening to Ed and I and it is not a pity thing. I have to smile right through it because I think I'd crack. This is my real life and sometimes I do not want to ask for prayers or sound like I am complaining. This upbeat attitude is mine, I own it and I have to for my quality of life. Hmmmm, let's see, in the last 2 months alone my Mother-in-Law was in an almost fatal accident, coma, now rehab and giving me trouble to go home. My Father has had several episodes in the hospital for his heart, the last one being a grand mal seizure. Lost my job, life insurance and benefit package at a job I had for 7 years. And My Sweet husband, my best friend is starting chemotherapy on Wednesday.

I am handling the stress well despite I do not understand how besides acceptance and determination. I figure that God has to have alot of faith in me to handle this amount of pressure and not crack. Do not get me wrong, I am not no superwoman, I am just an average woman in love with being alive loving these people and life itself. Besides, the big guy needs to know that I will be alright if he is not here.

I did take a Xanax and this has helped me to just chill out tonight and go slow enough to not get so stressed until I shook. I refuse to let stress rent space in my head as much as possible. And you guys, well, I always feeled protected and loved and prayed for. I gather strength and life force here. I am rambling and did not realize I needed to vent that bad.

Thanks you all for the prayers and the strength. Not only do I feel that God has alot of faith in me to handle these things but you all do too. You give me strength, love and courage to be able to move past things and really enjoy my life.>>Believe51

Gee Eric, maybe I should have had a shot, I might have passed out by now......ROTFL!!

schoolteacher 04-28-2009 04:53 AM


Thanks for the card. I got it yesterday. I am sorry to hear about your dad. Please let us know how he is doing today.

Tell Ed I hope he has a good day and you too.


ammebarb 04-28-2009 05:59 AM

~My Dear Father Is In Need Of Prayers Now~
Good morning, Marie. I am also sorry about your father's grand mal and have already said a prayer for him and for you. I hope that today brings better news and that tomorrow goes well for the big guy. I am also not a xanax taker, but have been very grateful for the help that the occasional xanax can give. Hugs to you.

Barb A.

Lien 04-28-2009 06:14 AM

Dear Marie,

I'm sorry you are dealing with all this. It's a lot for one person. You have always been strong for all of them, so they expect you to solve their problems. You have been there for your dear mother in law, and she isn't used to you saying no. So naturally she's disappointed and mad. But that's her problem right now. She will deal with it, and she'll handle the disappointment. You are worried about your father right now, and he deserves your attention. Is there a shoulder for you to cry on, amidst all that is happening? Is there an arm around your shoulder? Because I think you are entitled to some support yourself. We can only do so much online. My arms are long, but they don't stretch to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, alas. You are in my thoughts, though, and I'm sending warm, comforting rays for you, and healing rays for all your loved ones.

You are a very special, honest, loving person. I admire you a lot. Hang in there girl!



Hopeful 04-28-2009 06:35 AM

Oh Marie,

How much can one person take? Please know you are in my thoughts.


nitewind 04-28-2009 09:40 AM

Marie, keeping your entire family in my prayers as always.
Hang in there!

Mary Anne in TX 04-28-2009 11:46 AM

Marie, I know that your heart must be heavy. My mom-in-law has had a couple of grand mal seizures also and it is truly scary. Your plate is full and I know that your whole family is truly blessed to have you on their side. But girl, remember that you can't give out of an empty bucket. Make time to fill up your bucket too, sweet girl. I'll be having a tea party in your honor in my little mind tomorrow around mid morning. I'm deciding right now on all the different types of cookies and treats to be served to my special friend. Oh, yes, my imaginary limosine will pick you up early; so that you can cruise the glory of the God's great world before sitting down for tea with your Her2 friends. Join me mid morning and we'll toast a beautiful day and a brighter tomorrow. Much love to you and a peaceful evening. ma

Believe51 04-28-2009 01:31 PM

Haha....I am hoping that the limo has a sunroof.....Aaaa, you never know when I am going to blow. Thank you for the real big smiles I have on my face right now.

My sincere thanks to you all, you are the best and I could not do without you. Now if that does not sound co-dependant nothing does. (laughing real loud)>>Believe51

eric 04-28-2009 03:49 PM


I thought Jacqueline expressed it perfectly. I don't see you as dependent, I see you as human. I believe we all need emotional support and being independent is allowing others "in" while not allowing anyone else to dictate your reaction. I see nothing in your threads that expresses neediness and dependency. On the contrary, I see someone who is extremely human and strong...with all the normal emotion that goes along with that. EVERYONE needs help.
You're WONDERFUL so be fair to yourself and allow yourself to be human with all the normal imperfections that go along with it.


tricia keegan 04-28-2009 05:08 PM

Thoughts are with you right now Marie:)

Believe51 04-28-2009 06:48 PM

I am so happy to say that a heart attack or stroke is ruled out. We are working on a few things like the brain, dehydration, sugar issues or the darn UTI he had last month. My Daddy has a urine bag that goes into the bladder from his side. That health issue has never had infections so we are very lucky there thanks to Mommy. We are still working on it. I'll keep you posted if you could just continue the prayers for us. After all I 'Believe'>>Believe51

StephN 04-28-2009 07:12 PM

Dear Marie -
Good to hear this news. I hope they get to the bottom of the seizure so that you can have a few tablespoons of "stuff" removed from your overflowing plate.

My wise grandma told me that those with the biggest, most loving and open hearts will get the most difficult trials.

ElaineM 04-28-2009 08:50 PM

her2group > ~My Dear Father Is In Need Of Prayers Now~
I am so sorry to hear about your father. I hope he will recover completely. You, Ed and your family sure have had a rough time lately. I will pray for better times ahead for all of you.
Take care. Hang in there.

eric 04-29-2009 05:24 AM

Prayers coming your way! Eric

ammebarb 04-29-2009 05:44 AM

Good morning, Marie. I hope that today brings some answers and that your dear Dad and your family find some reassurance. Thinking of you and asking for a "lift" in that limo!

Barb A.

naturaleigh 04-29-2009 05:57 AM

Wow, Marie,

You are catching it from all sides! I will keep your Father, your husband, your Mother in Law and YOU in my prayers. With everything going on in your life, don't forget to take lots of time out to take care of you. What about an nice looooong bubble bath with soothing music in the background. Maybe some candles and a glass of wine!! Calgone - take her away!!

Shobha 04-29-2009 10:31 AM

Continuing to pray for your dad and your family, Marie! So glad to hear that it is not a heart attact or stroke. I know you are very strong and able to handle so many crisis together - hats off!


schoolteacher 04-29-2009 12:28 PM


I hope your dad is better today. Thank you for the card. It brought a smile to my face.


Sheila 04-29-2009 03:47 PM

My prayers are being said for your Dad...when it rains it poors...we gain such strength from our parents, it is so hard to see them ill......stay strong, better days ahead!
Thank you for thinking of me and the card....it came on a day I needed an extra hug!!!!!

Joan M 04-29-2009 08:28 PM


You are incredible. You have so much on your plate, yet you continue to cope and support all those around you. And if you need to take a Xanax, that's okay.

I'm glad to hear that your dad's docs ruled out heart attack and stroke. He's in my prayers for a quick recovery.



jml 04-30-2009 04:47 AM

This is good news, Marie!
I hope you can find a few peaceful, burden-free moments now.

You've got all my prayers & those of your family of friends here.
Thank you for your ever present kindness & compassion, not to mention your encouragement. You are such a bright spirit & always there to comfort those around you.

ammebarb 04-30-2009 06:33 AM

Good morning, Marie. How is your father? Has there been any encouraging news. You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Barb A.

lisajones4 04-30-2009 02:31 PM

Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are truly an amazing person. Sending a big hug!


Believe51 04-30-2009 02:52 PM

Well, as much as we thought this was not a heart attack, it was confimed. Daddy will be getting a catheterization soon for the blockage he has and he will remain in the hospital. They are still exploring what else is going on in the body and at the moment they have him on a anti-seizure medication just until they find out why the major seizure.

I feel pretty comfortable with his health care thus far and that does bring some peace. Mom is an Angel and she amazes with each day of my life. Things are moving forward and if we are not comfortable with this procedure here (the hospital he is at), we will be going to the Veterans hospital in Conn. RI Veterans hospital does not do this procedure. Right now I do not know the exact complications he has but told Mom that we can make a day trip together in Conn, how fabulous is that??

Thanks for the continued prayers, please keep them coming too. I appreciate each and every one of you, you guys rock>>Believe51

Patb 04-30-2009 04:39 PM

How much more can one person take. Please know
my prayers and thoughts are with you. You are a
strong person and I hope everything will be better

Joan M 05-01-2009 07:21 PM


He's in my prayers that all works out well.

Hugs and support,


Believe51 05-04-2009 11:08 PM

Thanks for the prayers and thoughts for My Daddy, our family really appreciates them. Dad is getting stronger by the day. Wow are we so lucky that we prevented a severe heart attack.>>Believe51

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