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Pam P 10-02-2008 03:08 PM

Please help! I'm really scared - now heart disease too>?
I've been having shortness of breath -- much more noticable in last 2-3 weeks. Had chest x-ray & ct scan. Both okay except for small increase in pleural effusion in one lung. Onc. said nothing to worry about. He ordered an echo to rule out heart issue.

I had the echo today & they found fluid around the heart, my LVEF is down to 45 (about 62 last April) AND a thickening or weakening of left heart wall. I met with a cardiologist only for a few minutes after the test. He said all of this needs to be addressed immediately - could be blockage of an artery or other causes. I have an appointment in the clinic tomorrow morning with a cardiologist to evaluate & decide next steps. I am on taxol & avastin since May. I know the avastin causes high blood pressure which has happened to me. But the dr. said he hasn't heard of these other issues they found being caused by avastin.

I'm in such a panic right now I can barely breath. Isn't cancer enough to deal with..... what now....

Anyone have any similar thing happen? Thanks.

Sheila 10-02-2008 03:53 PM

Pam, I know your fear and frustration...but do let the cardiologist know you are on Avastin...I had to wait 6 weeks after stopping to have a root canal done...so check with the cardiologist before you have any tests as it can cause bleeding and poor healing. I can't remember if you are still on the hercepin? It too can cause the LVEF to drop...what about a muga to compare it to....I am still having slight problems with the shortness of breath, but I had a muga 4 days after my last herceptin and it was 63%...which was down slightly from my echo a year ago. I took 1 Lasix 20mg the day after treatment and it seemed to help...so maybe mine was fluid. See if they will give you a diuretic to see if it helps as Taxol can also cause this fluid buildup....you are in my prayers that they find nothing wrong with your heart and they can eliminate this problem through other means....sending a big hug to you Pam....this disease really knows how to kick us when we are down!

BonnieR 10-02-2008 04:02 PM

I don't have any answers for you but wanted to offer my support. I know you can barely breath but it's time to take a deep breath and try to relax. You have started the wheels in motion and by this time tomorrow will hopefully have a plan in place. You will have plenty of time to worry later, if warrented. You have done all you can for today. Keep us posted. And keep the faith.

Jackie07 10-02-2008 04:20 PM

Hi Pam,

I had a panic attack one time and the symptom was quite similar to what you were describing. Both of us had legetimate reasons to have been panicking. It does not mean there's nothing 'real' behind the panic. But it does not mean there is something to be panicking about, either.

Glad that you are taking all the necessary actions. Will be praying for you. Please keep us posted.

Pam P 10-02-2008 05:43 PM

Bonnie,Sheila & Jackie -
Thank you all for your words of support. I'd gone to the darkest place thinking the fluid around my heart is full of cancer cells, and I have blockage in artery which has caused the weak heart wall and that I'll have a heart attack any time now. All of that could be true... I need to calm down and have hope for better news when I see the cardiologist tomorrow.
Thank you for your care and support. Pam

Mary Jo 10-02-2008 06:10 PM

Hi Pam,

They will figure this all out for you and then you will be able to be helped. Help is coming Pam and I pray it comes quickly and you are feeling better and breathing easier soon.

I send you my prayers, support and love.


Mary Jo

Yorkiegirl 10-02-2008 06:26 PM

Pam I just want you to know you will be in my prayers.

Vi Schorpp 10-02-2008 06:34 PM

My sincere and heartfelt thoughts are with you. Of course you're scared, I think most of us would be too. Cardiologists are pretty smart though and they will figure this out in concert with your other doctors. Easy for me to say, but one step at a time. I hope tomorrow brings some relief and a plan for action that is just right for you. I'll be thinking of you.

sassy 10-02-2008 07:56 PM


Just wanted to let you know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow will be a better day.

G. Ann 10-02-2008 10:04 PM

Hi Pam,
Sometimes all one can do is put one foot in front of the other and move forward. Your cardiologist will have a plan. (I agree, cancer is more than enough to deal with.) Praying and hoping for good news and a manageable treatment plan.

fullofbeans 10-03-2008 03:44 AM

Hi Pam,

I hope that they can provide you with a good answer. I had a pleural effusion and very high breath shortness during Dec 2006 (could hardly walk). But it got better after taxotere stopped.

I hope for you that it is the same and just a temporary problem.

Best wishes

Pam P 10-03-2008 05:21 AM

Thank you all for your support and kindness. I love you all on this site.
I had a terrible night tossing & turning. I'm glad my appointment with the cardiologist is in the morning only a couple of hours to wait to get some more information and hopefully some good news with a clear and non invasive treatment plan. I'm thinking this has got to be because of the taxol/avastin. If I get off of these drugs hopefully the damage can be reversible. I know with others of you the LVEF has gone done, but has improved. I don't know about the cardio sac effusion - hopefully that will too. Has anyone had that before? I'm most worried about the heart wall weakening - I don't know what that means or if that could be caused by avastin. Today my heart is very heavy literally & figuratively. I'm scared of an angiogram & hope I don't have to have that. I'm scared of what will happen now - I was feeling like I was doing pretty well with the chemo & the cancer seems to be stable.

I have my son, daughter-in law & 15 month old grandson living with me. A second baby is due any day now! This has been such an exciting time waiting for the grandbaby this week. Now all of a sudden I dont know if I will be able to care for the 15 month old when they're in the hospital - and there arent' other good family options. And will I be in the hospital myself & miss the birth. My mind is racing and i'm rambling away hoping to get this all of my chest - pun intended. I'm trying to pray but can't settle down so I'm so grateful that you are holding me in prayer.

MJo 10-03-2008 07:24 AM

I haven't exerienced what you are gong through, but I know panic can sure cause shortness of breath. I use Xanax when I have too, which, fortunately isn't too often. Yes cancer is enough to deal with. I tell God that because I've had cancer, he/she shouldn't give me any more health issues to cope with. Ya think?!? With the help of a good cardiologist, you can bring these heart issues under control.

BonnieR 10-03-2008 09:57 AM

It might be good to ask about some medication to relieve the anxiety. Try not to project so much until you have more information. I did not say it was easy to do! I know how our minds work in these situations. Keep the faith.

Pam P 10-03-2008 04:48 PM

update from the cardiologist visit today
I still don't know much more, but now at least have a plan. I am having a nuecular stress test on Tues. To give more info on why part of my heart is not pumping. It is mostly to see if there's a blockage in artery I think. If a blockage is found, an angiogram will be next. They also did an ekg showing some abnormalities which could indicate blockage.

I'm also to have another echo gram in 2 weeks. And I'm to start a beta blocker medication. I will stay off the avastin but continue with the taxol treatments.

The cardiologist said she wasn't as concerned about the fluid around the heart - it's a small amount but will be watched. Also didn't say about the drop in LVEF; asked about hercptin, etc.

So I don't have answers but at least the stress test is soon & hopefully that will be better news. I am dreading it all & praying that I don't need anything more than some meds - & not angiogram or worse.

I'm trying to get calm, trying deep breathing. I hope I'm not being a big whiner -- everyone here is so brave & strong. I don't know how you hold together -although I know you have the same panic times that I do. This is so unfair for us to have to deal with so much. I know that's an obvious statement - and also a dumb statement - life isn't fair & we don't get to choose; I just had to say it.

juanita 10-04-2008 08:09 PM

sending hugs, prayers and positive thoughts your way!

Catherine 10-05-2008 10:02 PM


In my opinion you have a right to be scared. Thank goodness you have had the appointments with the cardioligist. Glad you feel you can come here and vent to your buddies, we are here for you. Hoping that the doctor works closely with you and that these issues can be resolved. No fun, I agree. All the very best as you get through this tough time. Waiting to hear you are better and waiting to hear about the new baby in the family.
My niece and her family live in Minneapolis. What a great place to live. I sure hope you feel better soon. Strech and breath as much as you can. Reach out to your family and friends, I believe it is just fine to tell people you are scared. Bring in all the help from above and help from around you, so that you are not in this alone.

Hugs, Catherine

hutchibk 10-05-2008 10:26 PM

Big whiner? No way. You are not a big whiner. You are concerned and worried - and that is your prerogative...

I send ya love and prayers and peace and calm ~

Sheila 10-06-2008 04:50 AM

Sending love and good wishes that the nuclear stress test will show no abnormality tomorrow, and just the meds will take care of all this....you are in my thoughts and prayers....

Pam P 10-06-2008 05:11 AM

Thank you for continuing to hold me up.
Sunday was a good day. I woke up this a.m. after terrible dreams in a panic. I just have to get through 24 more hours then the stress test. (This whole weekend counts as a stress test!)

rosemary 10-06-2008 08:15 AM

Hang on. Waiting is the worst but heart problems can be treated, I know more drs. is not what you were planning! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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