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Joanne S 09-05-2007 09:02 PM

Herceptin---Did you know?
Herceptin, the humanized antibody against HER2 is produced by a mammalian cell (Chinese Hamster Ovary [CHO]) suspension culture in a nutrient medium containing the antibiotic gentamicin.

Chinese Hamster Ovary---interesting----how'd they figure that out?

PinkGirl 09-06-2007 09:46 AM

chinese hamsters
I wonder what's wrong with the ovaries in all the other nationalities of hamsters? I hope the ones from China don't have lead in them!http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

Jean 09-06-2007 09:57 AM

Haha Pinkgirl,
Just the hamsters that draw ......with color....


Joanne S 09-06-2007 04:55 PM

You girls have a great sense of humor. And we all now that's the best medicine.

I am curious, What does Ki-67 40% mean? Also what does TOPO mean? Thanks!

Adriana Mangus 09-09-2007 04:31 PM

Dear Joanne: Interesting?? Where did you obtain this info?
Is there a website we can go to and research the info?.

Thank you.

Joanne S 09-09-2007 06:20 PM

Herceptin - CHO

I found this information on the Genentech website---look under the DESCRIPTION section.
HERCEPTIN (Trastuzumab) is a recombinant DNA-derived humanized monoclonal antibody that selectively binds with high affinity in a cell-based assay (Kd = 5 nM) to the extracellular domain of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 protein, HER2<SUP>1,2</SUP>. The antibody is an IgG<SUB>1</SUB> kappa that contains human framework regions with the complementarity-determining regions of a murine antibody (4D5) that binds to HER2.
The humanized antibody against HER2 is produced by a mammalian cell (Chinese Hamster Ovary [CHO]) suspension culture in a nutrient medium containing the antibiotic gentamicin. Gentamicin is not detectable in the final product.
HERCEPTIN is a sterile, white to pale yellow, preservative-free lyophilized powder for intravenous (IV) administration. The nominal content of each HERCEPTIN vial is 440 mg Trastuzumab, 400 mg http://www.gene.com/gene/products/in...ages/alpha.gif,http://www.gene.com/gene/products/in...ages/alpha.gif-trehalose dihydrate, 9.9 mg L-histidine HCl, 6.4 mg L-histidine, and 1.8 mg polysorbate 20, USP. Reconstitution with 20 mL of the supplied Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (BWFI), USP, containing 1.1% benzyl alcohol as a preservative, yields a multi-dose solution containing 21 mg/mL Trastuzumab, at a pH of approximately 6.


<SMALL>Posted By Jane Chin, Ph.D.
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  • Trastuzumab (Herceptin® Official Website :: Targeting Tumors :: Latest News )
  • What It Is: Recombinant DNA-derived humanized monoclonal antibody.
  • Target: Extracellular domain of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 protein, HER2.
  • Source: Humanized antibody against HER2 produced by Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) suspension culture.
  • Approved Indications: Combination adjuvant treatment of HER2‑overexpressing, node‑positive breast cancer, single agent therapy of metastatic breast cancer overexpressing the HER2 protein with prior chemotherapy for metastatic disease, First-line combination treatment of metastatic breast cancer overexpressing HER2 protein. See Package Insert.
  • Currently Active Clinical Trials from ClinicalTrials.gov.


Before administering trastuzumab,
  • tell your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to trastuzumab, Chinese hamster ovary cell proteins, benzyl alcohol, or any other drugs.

Brenda_D 09-09-2007 06:32 PM

Oh my! How would you know if you're allergic to Chinese hamster ovary cell proteins?

Joanne S 09-09-2007 08:57 PM

Brenda, Funny! ----but maybe not so funny if you are allergic!

MJo 09-10-2007 01:36 PM

Ladies, I took this seriously and had my allergist test me for an allergy to mice before I would take Herceptin. Negative, fortunately. I was frightened when I read that women allergic to mice or chinese hamsters (!!) should not take Herceptin. I think I remember my oncologist told me that the petri dishes are lined with mice embryos, or something like that. I think that's why some of us have to load up on benedryl and steroids for Herceptin -- mouse allergy!

PinkGirl 09-10-2007 02:11 PM

I wonder if you can be allergic to Chinese hamster ovary cell protein, and not be allergic to the rest of the hamster. Hmmm... that would mean you can be allergic to some hamster parts and not to others. THIS IS MY FINAL POST TO THIS THREAD(MAYBE)

SoCalGal 09-10-2007 07:48 PM

I ate chinese tonight...
Stir-fry hamster with snow peas. (Gluten free of course).

Usually I have chicken but this was both healthier and tastier.

PinkGirl 09-10-2007 08:22 PM

Was it a domestic hamster or an import?

rentrac 09-10-2007 08:30 PM

Does it taste like chicken? Hope it wasn't laced with melamine - just served on melamine plates instead! Like hamsters and mice under stress, the very thought makes me want to clean my whiskers - if i hadn't just had them waxed (dang that surgical menopause!)

PinkGirl 09-11-2007 12:29 PM

Maybe the whiskers don't come from the early menopause - maybe we grow them because we have hamster parts in us now. Maybe we're all going to start to look like hamsters! We can call ourselves HH - for Herceptin Hamsters.

Mary Jo 09-11-2007 03:25 PM

Hahahahahahahahaha - Good one pinkgirl! http://www.her2support.org/vbulletin...cons/icon7.gif

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-11-2007 05:07 PM

Here's To Vitamin Hamster!
We do all know that Premarin comes from pregnant mare's urine, don't we? I remember that one clearly. Who ate the first lobster? Who actually thought of cooking it and cracking it open? I take Byetta for high blood sugar. It comes from a particular desert lizard's saliva. Who'd of thunk it?! Oh, and though my eyebrows never grew back after Taxotere, and only a few lashes popped out again -- I do have whiskers instead. Thought it was a post-menopausal thing. Now it occurs to me that it could well be the hamster in me. Been on Vit H since '98! Never thought I liked the mousy little rodents. I've decided to rethink my position on that. After all -- THEY'VE SAVED MY LIFE! Along w/Slamon, Pegram, Genentech et al...

rentrac 09-11-2007 05:32 PM

Maybe we're now blood brothers/ er... sisters! Explains why I keep referring to my hair as my pelt and find I'm irresistably attracted to those little hamster wheels at Petsmart! Sorry, gotta run. There's some great smoked cheddar that seems to be calling me.

Kathy S in Tokyo 09-11-2007 05:35 PM

I'm still on 3ks of Taxol and one week off with my weekly Herceptin (it's really working well!) and don't have whiskers but do have more hair (not much though) on my head than I did with last year's CEF-Taxotere regime.

Maybe I should get a big wheel to run in and lose some of this chemo/middle aged/stress(comfort eating) weight.

Some of the sleepless nights (not recently) may have been form the nocturnal hamster habits too.

Time for some sunflower seeds. Thanks for all the laughs today.

rentrac 09-11-2007 06:13 PM

THAT'S IT! Now I understand why I've been hoarding seedy crackers to go with my cheese! And all along I thought the insomnia was from the Tykerb!

hutchibk 09-11-2007 10:30 PM

I think my front teeth grew a little longer when I was on Hamceptin. I know my hair was a lot softer, especially on my back...

Chinese Hamsters

Species: Cricetus griseus Other Names: Striped Hamster or Chinese Striped Hamster. Chinese hamsters are not a true dwarf hamster, but are of a similar size as the other dwarf hamsters.

Expected Life Span: 2.5 - 3 years.

Size: A small slender hamster that reaches an adult size of about 4 inches (10 cm). This means they are small enough to squeeze through the bars on many hamster cages so an aquarium is a safer choice for housing.
Behavior and Temperament: Chinese hamsters are nocturnal but may be active for short times during the day too. They are somewhat timid but are generally quite good-natured and rarely nip. Because they are so small and quick they can be a real challenge to handle, though, especially for kids. They are very active and require a large cage to prevent boredom.

Social Characteristics: There is some disagreement among experts on this point. As they mature, Chinese hamsters, especially females, may become quite aggressive with others and may need to be separated. However, other owners have managed to keep them in pairs or groupings, which requires a fair amount of space (and only if introduced at a young age). To be on the safe side, plan on housing Chinese hamsters separately, only keeping them together if they show no signs of aggression.

Appearance: The natural coloration of Chinese hamsters is agouti (hairs are banded with light and dark colors), with a dark brown color on their backs, a black dorsal line (along their spine), and ivory colored bellies. The only other pattern seen is a dominant spot (white coat with patches or spots of color). Chinese hamsters have a tail, about an inch long and hairless. Sometimes these are called rat-like or mouse-like hamsters due to their slender appearance and the fact that they have a tail.

Notes about Care: Basic care is like that of other hamsters. As mentioned above, a wire hamster cage may not be escape proof so an aquarium or other solid sided cage with a secure top is preferable, the larger the better. Avoid cedar or pine wood shavings, and keep cages well cleaned though to prevent ammonia build-up from accumulated urine as ventilation is diminished with solid sided housing. Feed a good quality hamster food supplemented with small amounts of fresh foods.

Additional Notes: Chinese hamsters are not very commonly bred and can be hard to find. They are also restricted in some places, such as the state of California where a permit is required to keep them.

MJo 09-12-2007 06:34 AM

Adopt A Hamster
In gratitude, maybe we should all adopt a hamster and give it a wonderful life. At my cancer center you can buy a brick for a pathway in memory of a loved one, in honor of a family or loved one, etc. I told my oncologist I am going to buy a brick and write "With gratitude to laboratory rats." Those of us who received taxol could all plant a ewe tree in our yards and raise a castor bean garden.

PinkGirl 09-12-2007 08:39 AM

Wow..lots of info
Thanks Brenda, for all the Chinese hamster info. I guess we should all become educated about the little rodents because, as Andi mentioned, the little critters are keeping us alive. Taking on hamster characteristics is a small price to pay. Just think, if we had all this info earlier, it would have explained so much........the pre-meds for hamster allergies, the hamster whiskers we are all growing, our nocturnal habits and craving cheese and crackers. I wonder if those little hamsters eat during the night - I do.
I was relieved to read that the Chinese hamster is active for short times during the day - just like me! I wonder if they have any pre-disposition to compulsive/obsessive behaviour -- I can't seem to drag myself away from this thread!!!

hutchibk 09-12-2007 08:50 AM

They are nocturnal - do you think that could explain the sleeplessness from Herceptin? LOL

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-12-2007 01:15 PM

HAMCEPTIN...! That's a good one!
HAMCEPTIN! I love that, Brenda! Thanks for all the juicy facts re Chinese hamsters. I eat a turkey and Virginia HAM sandwich for lunch very often. Hmmm... Any connection there, ya think? I do believe that I have been obsessive/compulsive since foever. Long before Hamceptin, but -- my memory cannot be relied on, I have grimly learned. I adore laughing w/all you gals! Humor is the only way to face this dastardly disease.

After my mastectomy I found myself wondering if I could still do the breast stroke? I swear, the thought occurred suddenly. I pondered if I could still wear a double-breasted jacket. And, I was literally shocked to find that when I went for my mammography, post mastec, I was rewarded w/a bargain rate! UNILATERAL mammog??? You've got to be kidding me. You're not going to check my new tram flap breast?????? *I* think of that boob as a boob. *They* apparently think of it as *stomach tissue* I reported to Paul, astounded by the revelation. I asked him -- does that mean if GOD FORBID A HUNDRED GEZILLION TIMES they found canser in my left breast, I'd have *stomach canser*?????? Paul and I had a good laugh over that!!

BTW -- while in NY 9/5-10 I had my every 6 mnth transvaginal pelvic sonogram. AND MY OVARIES WERE PRONOUNCED *BEAUTIFUL*! THE very nicest compliment I have ever received!! And all else "looks the same", which is a good thing. A very good thing. Going for Hamceptin Fri... Have a rotten cold. Am always amazed when I get one, which is not often (but I did just fly in a petri dish of germs and stagnant air) that *JUST* a cold can feel so awwwwful! I am beyond fatigued (which is my new normal in genl). Low FOR ME red blood cell count and no more Aranesp, as I've been boosted by since '98, unless I dip below 11. Or is it now 10? 13-15 works for me, but it is a distant memory and an unattainable dream now I suppose. Such scary reports. Cancer center is being extremely careful. And besides, they tell me -- I'm not a chemo patient. I go to the chemo room and am accessed by a chemo nurse but I am receiving a *monoclonal antibody*. I get that. So, where is the monoclonal antibody room anyway??? And why don't they respect my low energy?! Well, we're all tired, they tell me. I get dressed and I need to lie down. Oh. I'm not *that* tired, I'm told w/fresh recognition. But soon they forget.

Going ev 3 wks for my Hamceptin is a joy, despite the fact that it is given at the canser center and I am surrounded by chemo patients who are where I was several X. My compassion for them is enormous, naturally. I realize that I am the healthiest patient in the room, for the most part. I am daily humbly grateful for that *gift*, to be sure! But, I am still a bc survivor who faces the bc drama all day, every day. True, I choose to do it generally w/joy and serenity, but still...

You know me -- always long-winded, w/much to share. Sorry if I'm digressing/rambling, but...
Had a stationery bike that I moved from Manhasset, Long Island to Boca and finally gave away. It remained stationery at all times. But now I'm thinking I'd love a WHEEL to tread, all of a sudden, upon reading this hilarious, yet informative, thread!
LET'S KEEP ON SMILING LADIES! It's the only route to joy and wellness I am sure. LAUGHING OUT LOUD every day is mandatory to NED. http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gstres/thghts/smileJust love y'all!!
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/08

PinkGirl 09-12-2007 01:33 PM

ten speed bike
I didn't even make the connection until I read Andi's post about her stationery bike being stationery all the time. About a month ago, I purchased a new bike. I didn't know what came over me, to want to spin some wheels around. Now I know -- it's the hamster in me. So much is coming to light now that I know what was shot into my veins for a year.

Believe51 09-12-2007 02:05 PM





Eternally Grateful For Each & Every One Of You.>>Believe51

P.S. Flori, think you could get your hands on the recipe?? I am a vegetarian but I am open to new recipes!! LOL

and Brenda, that explains my whiskers!! (thought it was due to my hysterectomy!!) LOL

PinkGirl 09-12-2007 07:25 PM

Thought of something else
Congratulations Andi on having your ovaries declared beautiful. I hope you realize that you can't take all the credit for them.... now that you know you are being injected with hamster ovaries... most likely your ovaries have been affected or enhanced in some way by the hamsters. Sorry you have to get your hamceptin in the chemo room and not in a monoclonal antibody room. Maybe we should be requesting our treatments be done in the hamster/rat lab -- that way the Chinese hamster ovaries will be nice and fresh.... Good night

Joanne S 09-12-2007 10:06 PM

CHO Side-Effects

Joanne S 09-12-2007 10:11 PM

Pink Girl---You have been diagnosed with Happy Chinese Hamster Ovaries
http://www.hampsterdance.com/images/hamu.gif <<<<<< Pink Girl

PinkGirl 09-13-2007 06:22 AM

looks just like me
Glad you chose a chubby little hamster -- looks just like me !! Wish I could do aerobics like that....

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-13-2007 09:10 AM

Cho Happy To Know The Source Of My Winning Streak!
Joanne! LOVE the visual effects. I will think of them tmrrw as I am infused with *happy Chinese Hamster ovaries*, and I will think of you, and all my fabulous, fun Soul Sisters in the *club*! Thanks for that...

hutchibk 09-13-2007 04:23 PM

I will toast the Chinese Hamsters tonight when at dinner with friends! I do prefer drinking from a straw... like the ones for the water bottle in a hamster cage, wonder if there is a connection? Might look funny drinking my beer through a straw, though. I'm not in my 20's anymore. LOL

PinkGirl 09-14-2007 06:40 AM

I'll let you know
Hi Everyone
I have an appointment this PM with my Optometrist. It's time to have my yearly check-up. Before my canser adventure, I had 20/20 vision. After I finished Hamceptin, I needed glasses !! Just another thing that happened to me that is hamster-related, but who knew ??? The poor eyesight can also account for the increased sense of smell we get....those little rodents have very poor eyesight, compensated by a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing. I'll probably need my prescription changed.....

madubois63 09-14-2007 06:51 AM

This is soooo funny - thanks for the laugh. I received lots of Hamceptin and horse serum. What does that make me????????????

PinkGirl 09-14-2007 08:13 AM

Madame Dubois, you have received both hamster and horse parts! Are you by chance a Sagittarius? I'm not sure what kind of advice to give you, other than to watch out for cravings for oats and big bales of hay. If we all start to grow hamster tails, yours will be an interesting combo. Gotta go to the eye doc now...........

hutchibk 09-14-2007 08:29 AM

MJo - Taxol and castor bean plants??? wow... castor bean plants are supposed to be really poisonous, right?

TriciaK 09-14-2007 12:16 PM

Dear fellow Chinese Hamsterians: I've just read all your posts and haven't had such a good laugh in days! You are all delightfully crazy! I wondered why my nose keeps twitching, and I have little whiskers growing, too. And the nocturnal craving for seeded crakers and cheese---I can relate to that! Does this mean we can't live with cats anymore? As long as we can keep laughing, we'll make it! Hugs, Tricia

PinkGirl 09-14-2007 06:48 PM

Yep, I was right,
my Optometrist confirmed it today. She gave me a thorough examination and declared at the end that I now have rodent eyes. What next ???

PinkGirl 09-14-2007 06:52 PM

Tricia -- I think we'll be okay with cats because of the size difference. Unfortunately, our donor hamsters are at a real disadvantage size wise. I think we'll be the biggest hamsters those cats ever saw !!

harrie 09-18-2007 09:43 PM

Hmmmmm...Chinese hamster ovary....MAYBE that is why I just happen to notice today when I was looking at my chin in the car mirror....I have this fine fuzz that I have on my chin now!!! I don't remember having that prior to chemo and herceptin...

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