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DianneS 05-01-2009 02:32 PM

Herceptin and leg and joint pains

I read the thread posted by Lani but the replies are from 2006. Any updates on Herceptin causing:

1) slow hair regrowth
2) brittle nails
3) legs, feet and general aching all over. I usually feel better once I get up, but I have been getting general aches/pains in the wee hours of the morning, which wakes me up so I am sleepy during the day.
4) fatigue
5) diarrhea, barely controlled by drinking 1/4 cup aloe vera juice daily
6) sometimes acid reflux
7) eye doctor said eyes ok, but tear ducts blocked, recommended I apply moist heat daily.
8) eyes will water a lot when I first get up
9) frequent runny nose

I am done with the sessions of Taxotere/Carboplatin. My last session was March 12. So, how much of this is related to those drugs, and how much to Herceptin? I had a Herceptin treatment April 23.

I am thinking about quitting Herceptin in June. I am node negative & had bilateral mastectomies, right breast 50% DCIS, rest IDC, no spread to vascular system, left breast benign, and not sure I want to feel crummy for 6 more months, esp. when no one knows the long term effects....

I had 5.5 doses of Taxotere/Carboplatin/Herceptin beginning in November, 08 and ending March 12, continuing with Herceptin only every 3 weeks.


juanita 05-01-2009 03:48 PM

my main problem with herceptin was the achy legs, watery eyes and problems with the sinuses. the fatigue takes awhile to go away. hang in there. and the only thing still bothering me 3 years after finishing all treatments is the sinus stuff. lots of sinus infections for me.

Savta 05-02-2009 02:38 PM

Hi, DianneS,
I read your list, and I think I can say I have six out of your list of nine. I finished my year long course of Herceptin April 20--so I hope that things will get better. My hair has hardly grown back and my nails are always breaking. The joint aches and muscle pains are frequent, and the runny nose has me keeping tissues handy in every room and bag. The diarrhea comes once in a while and is uncomfortable---but, all in all. I am thankful for Herceptin. Not so many years ago, women like us weren't given such good odds.
So, I patiently wait while all this passes--and pray that the year course did the job.

Ceesun 05-02-2009 09:26 PM

No Longer on herceptin but I had muscles aches, runny nose for sure. Ceesun

hutchibk 05-03-2009 10:22 AM

I think the overall crapiness you feel is hungover from taxotere/carbo more than the Herceptin. I had taxol/carbo/herceptin a few years ago, and just felt hit by a Mack truck for about 3-4 months after finishing the taxol/carbo portion. Herceptin by itself is pretty easy to tolerate with mostly mild SEs.

My first go-round on Herceptin I had runny eyes and nose... this time, not really at all. But this time it is with Tykerb, so I wonder if somehow the synergy between the two negates certain side effects (while causing others...).

I get sporadic cramps in my leg muscles while sleeping - like one week out of every month. Acid reflux is a foregone conclusion for the rest of my life since being in cancer treatment, but only sporadically and mostly when I eat certain things. Never have I had diarrhea on Herceptin by itself, but definitely when I have had other treatments in combo with it.

Brittle nails became the norm due to taxotere for me, and they have never been good since. And then being on Xeloda for 18 months sealed the deal.

I think you will feel better the further out you get from taxotere/carbo. Those are nasty chemos, and I know that they each kicked my butt. I would be hard pressed to blame the enduring crummy feeling on Herceptin. Give it some time.

If your doc wants you on it for a full year, I would go with that, personally. HER2 is nothing to mess around with, good dx and clean margins or not.

CindyE 05-03-2009 07:35 PM

I have the nightly leg and calf cramping. I also have the runny, crusty nose problem. My finger tips split quite a bit too and my hair has been very slow to grow. I just finished my one year of Herceptin on 4/27/2009 so I am hopeful that things will begin to get back to normal now that I'm not taking Herceptin. All my side effects were minimal and I would say you should finish your full year of Herceptin just to make sure you've killed off those nasty her2+ cells.

DianneS 05-06-2009 05:56 PM

Hi ladies,

I don't mean to complain....well, I guess I do. I just don't know how much is from the Taxotere/Carboplatin, since I finished 5.5 rounds of that March 12. Would I still be getting loose stools from that chemo? I have talked to other women who had diarrhea while on Herceptin.

So I would say that these side effect are most bothersome for me:

Occasional painful legs and feet (helped by compression hose)
Runny, red rimmed eyes
Diarrhea and/or loose stools
Gas ! Enough to fuel a car
Tired, but getting better
Occasional muscle/joint aches, mostly in early am. Helped by walking walking walking.......

Oh! For those of you who have sinus infection, this may help. Try those nose drops called 'Ocean', or any brand that is salt /saline based. It is healing for sinus tissues and helped me a lot.


hutchibk 05-06-2009 07:59 PM

For the runny eyes, you might want to consider taking a daily antihistamine. I took Allegra (and used Patanol eye drops) when that was a problem for me the first go around on Herceptin. It really helped.

Gas and diarrhea- maybe get really strict with your diet. All clean, fresh and healthy and no junk food/soft drinks/drive thrus. That is what works for me. When I deviate even just a little, it comes roaring back. (lots of day I just eat the BRAT -banana, rice, applesauce, toast- diet for breakfast for extra measure.)

Are you taking Tamoxifen, Arimadex, Aromasin or Femara, too? The painful legs and achy joints sound more like SEs from one of those than from Herceptin...

DianneS 05-13-2009 02:37 PM

No, I'm not taking anything except Herceptin. The onc may start me on aromatase inhibitors later but I am only weakly ER positive and PR negative so I don't know. I see her in June. I won't be done with Hercep until Oct.

I do have a really good diet. I don't eat junk food at all and have never liked processed food. I like to make things from scratch, and we eat organic 99% of the time. My leg cramps and achy ankles are much better. I walk every day and this seems to help.

Watery eyes/dry eyes/crusty eyelids seems to be from the Herceptin. I have seen a lot of posts here about that, yet my onc/pharmacist didn't find anything in the SE's concerning Herceptin and eye issues. Strange. I am using some eye ointment, which pharmacist said will last longer than drops. You just can't see anything for awhile with ointment :) Runny nose off & on, definitely also Herceptin related. Fatigue, ditto.

Also, Taxotere and Taxol are in the same family of drugs but are not the same drug. I was taking Taxotere and was horribly allergic to it but did 5.5 rounds of the yuck.

Does it really take months to get the Taxotere/Carboplatin out of your system? Jeesh.


DianneS 05-13-2009 02:40 PM


Hope you're doing ok.....with all my side effect chatter I forgot to ask. Chemo brain!

Are you on anything now? Are things stable?

Wishing you all the best,


hutchibk 05-13-2009 10:19 PM

I am good. I am currently on Tykerb/Herceptin. Things are nice and stable.

Consider trying a prescription antihistamine and maybe some allergy eye drops... it worked well for me when I had the teary eye issue.

Yep, the hangover from taxanes and carbo can take several months to get over. At least in my experience.

NYSunshine 05-14-2009 04:54 PM

HI! It is soooo good to hear that others are having the same side effects of the chemo cocktails that I had. But I have one other one that I am hoping someone else just forgot to mention....my fingernails are 1/2 white and 1/2 normal...as if the skin under the nail has actually died. They are paper-thin and I must keep them cut close or they will tear very easily. Any suggestions? I have absolutely loved this message board and wish I had gotten to it when I first started with the chemo. Many times I ignored the side effects thinking I was extremely wierd...now I know that many of you have had the same ones! Good luck to all of you battling this battle right now! We are all courageous if we choose to be!

Laurel 05-14-2009 05:30 PM


Chemo wipes out your natural flora in your G.I. tract. A naturopathic doc placed me on Probiotics post chemo for my G.I. irritations and I was good as new within 2 weeks! Impressive. I also suggest you have your Vit D levels checked as low Vit D, and most of us have LOW Vit D, contribute to the leg and joint pain associated with Herceptin and especially with Tamoxifen and A.I.s.

My hair has grown back just as it was pre-chemo. I had a full head of short hair by this past February with my last ACTH in the beginning of Sept. Once I had finished with chemo I began my supplements. I have had little SEs from Herceptin alone. My nails are soft and break easily. I have a drippy nose intermittently. This Spring was awful for my allergies. I cannot recall a worse season, although many friends and acquaintances who are not receiving Herceptin say the same thing. The stiffness and tingling in my feet and lower legs are all but gone now. I really believe the supplements aide me. Have you consulted a naturopath? I am a true believer in their merits.

KTHEFF 03-28-2011 07:36 AM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains

Thank you all for posting your experiences. I finished chemo in Oct. and had bilateral mastectomies followed by radiation that ended in March. I started Tamoxifen and Herceptin within days of that. I experienced intense pain in my bones after the first Herceptin treatment and have been achy and VERY uncomfortable since. My doctor stopped the Tamoxifen temporarily to see if the pain is due to that or the Herceptin. I have to wait another week to see if there is any relief. I have my 3rd Herceptin treatment tomorrow. I notice that I am quite nauseous 2-3 days after the Herceptin for a day or so. I started with the runny eyes and nose a couple of days ago. My doctor is sending me for echo/heart ultrasounds every 3 months or so as well.

My Radiology Oncologist referred me to a physical therapist who has a specialty in oncology recovery. She is awesome and uses a lot of pilates to help me stretch and build core strength. I started it to circulate the radiation and prepare for reconstructive surgery but I have to say that it helps with my pain. It doesn't relieve it fully but I can't imagine how hard it would be without it! They're working to make the physical therapy an automatic service provided after all cancer surgery. I'm in Connecticut and know that my therapist is on a national board of directors working on this movement. Insurance pays for this treatment for which I am very grateful!

It's good to hear that I am not alone in these side effects and that with time, they may lessen. I, too was told that the Herceptin would be easy to deal with after everything else but it's really not. Don't get me wrong, I know that without it I wouldn't be here but I still have 9 1/2 months of this to go and it's a drag to have fitful sleep due to the pain and wake up feeling just as bad as when I went to sleep!

Doesn't it get tiring to complain all the time??!!

Jackie07 03-28-2011 10:59 AM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
That's the purpose of the support group - nobody but our fellow cancer fighters 'gets it'.

Complain as much and as often as you feel the need. This is not the time (or 'place' :) to suppress our thoughts, mask our feelings, or pretend to be O.K.

Hope you'll be feeling better soon.

Christine Mary 03-29-2011 10:27 AM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
I have very similar side effects . I am 9weeks out from taxane and had my 6th herceptin yesterday. I have quite bad joint pain which keeps me up at night. Still not sure if it is left over from taxanes or caused by herceptin. My Dr prescribed an NSAID which has helped quite a bit. Also still have lots of fatigue. 6 down, 11 to go. :)

JaneEB 04-05-2011 12:51 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
When you've had a bucket load of treatment it's so hard to know what's causing what.
Symptoms at present include achy ankles (particularly at night), aching joints all over when I first get up after sitting or lying down, and what appears to be carpel tunnel syndrome in my writing hand. However I noticed the carpal tunnel two days after starting Arimadex and then had first Herceptin. The oncologist suggested I stop the Arimsadex for four weeks, but it hasn't stopped the Carpal Tunnel problem although it is better. Have had 2 Herceptin but also wonder whether fall out from 6 FEC is partly responsible. I am also fat!!! Put on a stone over chemo and can't lose anything despite return to healthy eating.
Don't feel poorly in general but just achy and tired because of disturbed sleep.

Mary L 04-05-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
Herceptin has alot of side effects however one of them is keeping us ned. I still have some of them after 3 1/2 years off of hercepin but I am alive and doing well. Had I not been able to take Herceptin, I know I would not be here today. Mary L

BonnieR 04-07-2011 01:32 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
Re: "carpel tunnel", I developed a "trigger thumb" after being on Femara for a few years. Switched to Aromasin and it resolved.

v-ness 04-20-2011 06:41 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
herceptin caused a runny nose for me, eyes so red i looked like i'd been smoking ganja with bob marley, and brittle, peeling nails. only in the past month have they finally grown and looked normal. i finished herceptin in october. i don't know if herceptin caused my sore joints because i am on tamoxifen and have been since april. they really hurt on damp days or if i haven't been active. thus, exercise is a lifesaver. good luck with the rest of your treatment! valerie

sept66blue 06-28-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
Hi everyone,
I just had my ck up mammo and it looks clear. Thank God. I have had an issue perhaps I could have some feed back. I finished chemo 12/10 and radiation 3/11. I still have 3 more herceptin treatments. I've gained 20 lbs since I started herceptin last year. I've been going to the gym 3-4 x a wk since 2/11 w/ a personal trainer every 4 wks. I still do small portioned meals consisting of veggies, fruit, chicken and fish. No junk, processed, sugary foods. All the doctors deny herceptin as the reason. From the time I get up in the morning I'm active until bedtime. I'm feeling like a suma wrestler........Help

Jean 07-11-2011 08:02 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
Hi Diane,
Well the very ugly part of treatment TC is behind you.
As Brenda said those are powerful treatments.
It will take time for the drugs to get out of your system
and remember we are all different & special. So maybe your body will take a few extra weeks etc.

I have a question for you...when you were having treatment did you by any chance take yogurt? I would eat 2-3 a day to keep my insides running normal. Never had the problems with GI tract (at least it worked for me).
So maybe now you might want to try eating some yogurt even though you are eating healthy...but something in your diet is causing your GI tract to react the way it is and also the the drugs took their place also...remember all the good bacteria was destroyed also during treatment and this takes time to restore.

For the leg cramps this is what I did and it helped a lot.
I would eleavate my legs on pillows to help with the blood flow. Also - a good message on the calfs and foot would help me also. Warm soothing soaks in the tub at night before bed...along with a heating pad on my legs. It did help.

Ahhh the old runny nose...and the crusty nose.
That is from the herceptin. I had that the entire year of herceptin and long after. What helped the most for me
was neosporin cream - I would rub some inside my nose and the crusty stopped.

If you are not eating brown rice already maybe try that with some steamed veggies for a few days in a row and see results...red meat is a real cause for the runs while on treatment or when not on treatment way too rich.

It does get better and you are over the worst of it.
Herceptin is a cake walk compared to TC.
As far as hair growth...my hair took a while to grow back.
Like I said everyone is different. After TC it took a few months to see a good 2 to 3 in. but it does grow back.

Hope some of the above helps. Best Wishes on finishing the TC....

Jean 07-11-2011 08:11 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
Yup those 20 pds...most of us had that too!
It will come off - I found until I was all done with herceptin the weight held on...when my last herceptin treatment then I dropped the 20 pds. It took a few months. Keep doing what your doing - you are so near the finish line.
I am sure once you finish herceptin and work out as you are doing you will see those 20 pd. drop.

Besides you look beautiful in your photo!!!

Best Wishes

snolan 07-12-2011 08:36 AM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
I lost my finger nails during my TCH tx. Have found calcium suppliments have helped but keep my nails short to prevent breaks. I too have drippy nose from Herceptin, no muscle or joint pain since I finished chemo but I exercise like crazy so I am always sore. No cramping or eye problems.

ArmyMomLisa 07-12-2011 05:24 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
My onc told me the watery eyes was due to the Taxotere and should get better 6-8 weeks after treatment. I have seen some improvement (am now almost 6 weeks out from TCH) so am hoping it continues to get better and that it was the culprit more than the Herceptin (will be on that til next Feb.) And I also don't like the red looking eyes...w/ that and the bald head, it's easy to feel rather less than pretty! Stomach issues haven't been too terrible, but I hear you on the being gassy part. Seriously - the things this does to your body is ridiculous. Just happy for some ridiculously good stuff too!

And silly me, I was assuming the runny nose was from having no hair in there to stop the snot! :-) haha

Biggest thing now (besides being so tired all the time, and waiting for hair) is being very eager for the neuropathy to subside.

This getting knocked on your butt business is for the birds. Getting back up is harder than I could ever have imagined and you are right - only those who have been thru chemo can really understand. (I keep reminding myself of that when people say silly things or just don't 'get it')

THank you all for a place to talk and be heard!

Marjie 07-25-2011 05:20 AM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
Hi there everyone - I am new here, never posted before. I had FEC-T chemo and started herceptin with my second last taxotere in January. I am receiving herceptin every 21 days until next January. I know I have some lingering chemo and radiation SE's but I am frustrated with the body/joint pain which seems to be increasing gradually with every herceptin cycle. My onc says it's likely my age and my hormones causing it which makes me kind of angry - I'm 48.
I also have the runny nose and soft, peeling nails, and general tiredness.

I will be glad to be done herceptin - yes it's easier than chemo, but the lingering and constant aches really start to get you down.

snolan 07-25-2011 02:49 PM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains

I finish my herceptin the end of Aug. It seems that these last couple of months have taken forever. I too get the runny nose. Achy joints not so much as I am always sore from my workouts:) Helps hide it I guess. Just know we are all standing behind you, especially those that have finished their treatments. It helps to read about their joy of finishing to help keep that carrot dangeling in front of you. Keep the faith and be patient, hope you start to feel better.

Raquel 08-07-2011 05:40 AM

Re: Herceptin and leg and joint pains
I haven't noticed the achyness from the Herceptin, but I've been on it almost four years now so maybe my body has adjusted.I do have the runny nose and I'm alittle tired after but I can't complain! Try walking,I get energy when I exercise and that might help the joint pain too! Keep going and don't let it get you down, it takes a while for all the drugs to get out of our systems.IT took me about a year from chemo to feel like myself again!

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