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Sheila 10-04-2007 01:37 PM

I posted a link to her music....it was on page2...here it is.
Just wondering
What kind of swim suit will tip be wearing in Florida...I'm thinking she may need a thong with the tail issue she has.
I wish she could have come with me and my nurse friend to Key West last time we went....on second thought, maybe best she didn't....don't want to expose her to the wild side of breast cancer patients.


Andrea Barnett Budin 10-04-2007 02:22 PM

Oh That Song...
Oh Sheila, That music is too funny. Makes me want to jump in the air and click my heels (even though I can't imagine I am physically capable of doing so). That song is sooo *spirited*! I will have to return to it throughout my day when feeling a lull in my energy center. THANKS for that.

I think TipToe will go topless (w/sunscreen of course). A free Spirit, after all... And I have a private pool, so...

Still can't get over the treat of FULL FRONTAL Pinkie! What a happy face. So glad for the pic, Pink One. And for all the other pics you attached. How clever you are. How'd you do that anyway??

Was in chemo rm today wishing I had Tip w/me. All the staff were wearing PINK! (BC Awareness mnth, ya know...) Guess we're all *aware* every month, I'm just sayin...

BTW, I'm aware in a GOOD way. There just always seems to be a moment where I free associate to the conversation and mention my situation. I am obviously (I'm told) full of joy and serenity, so when I speak of my experience, others feel inspired, and I don't mean just bc others. Met a divorced single mom yesterday, stressed out and overwhelmed. She sat mute getting manicured; couldn't even respond when asked what color polish she wanted. She just smiled. So we chatted over our nail-drying machines. You know, I can't keep my mouth shut. I write long posts... You can imagine what having an actual one on one conversation is like. Oh dear...

Others are immediately drawn in to the bc tale of horror told w/o any sign of the struggle evident. You look fabulous/great, they say. I think -- what, for an almost dead person? They look at me w/admiration and a sudden epiphany that their cares and woes could be so much worse. Their perspective expands and they start to brush the sky (which has seemingly fallen on their shoulders) off. They often part happy and saying things like, God bless you, You're beautiful inside and out, I love you... And my day is made! I bounce off feeling ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE, and *on purpose*! Just thought I'd share. Being aware of having or having had (as I see it) bc isn't always a burden, you know what I mean??

And TipToe will surely brighten my days, till I pass her on with loving energy from me and Pinkie to Marie (our chief BELIEVER). And then she will carry on w/the good vibes of three or four or so and on and on... What an awesome joyful venture we have undertaken. Can't wait to see the journal.

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

PinkGirl 10-04-2007 03:01 PM

the hamster music
Andi, the music is in Sheila's post


Andrea Barnett Budin 10-04-2007 03:04 PM

Thanks Pink Girl
See my post above, please...

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/08

PinkGirl 10-04-2007 05:57 PM

another picture of me
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 400This is Tip's favourite picture taken at my house

From L to R

Bob, Tiptoe, PinkGirl

Attachment 118

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-06-2007 02:38 PM


chrisy 10-06-2007 02:48 PM

Surely you know that TIPTOE likes to be the center of attention! So there are only toes in the picture!

PinkGirl 10-07-2007 06:28 AM

The three of us.....
We lined up in the living room for a picture and that's how it turned out.
She's not very tall!!!

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-07-2007 11:32 AM

Her ovaries must be the size of a chocolate chip...
I SPENT 15 MIN, on 3 separate occasions, trying to figure out how to EDIT the pic. Funny. The world from Tiptoe's standpoint. So cute.

I am often on the floor w/Chase and Scamp, as they too are rather small. We will have fun when she gets here. I'll tell y'all all about it. Promise.
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

When I read your post Pinkie, wishing every one in Canada a happy thanksgiving, I thought I'd fallen down the rabbit hole at first. Living in Fla and not having kids in school, I forget what season it is. Did we have Halloween yet, I thought??? What a minute, what month is it? I was a bit disoriented, till I focused on the word Canada. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Turkey, stuffing and all the good stuff! Thank goodness. I don't have to cook yet...

DonnaD 10-07-2007 12:11 PM

Let us know as soon as Tip arrives. The trip could have been a long one for her. Knowing her reputation she may be tipsy. If so, give her plenty of coffee so she can enjoy the pool. Hope you don't have any peeping Tom's when she is sunbathing in the nude!

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-07-2007 12:39 PM

Assume She'll Come By U.s. Mail Vs Ups...
Promise to let y'all know the minute Tipsy (I mean Tiptoe) arrives!

Pinkie -- is she *boxed* or in a padded envelope. Poor dear. I will smother her with kisses and hugs, little weary traveler. Will arrange to have sunshine to greet her (in between major thunder storms lately). Mid 80s and beautiful mostly... Have tinted shades for her to wear (free from Shiseido).

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

PinkGirl 10-07-2007 01:07 PM

sorry Andi
I didn't mean to confuse you with the world according to Tiptoe photo or the early Thanksgiving. I think it's early here because of the climate. I once lived in a northern town that had it's fall fair in August!

Tiptoe is boxed. I tried a padded envelope but I couldn't fit everything in.
I wanted to make her a little straw nest to burrow into and along with her journal, pen, passport, a few personal items, I put in a little lunch for the trip(really). You might smell the package before you see it. I sent her via Canada Post Air Mail - nothing but the best for our hamster!!!

I have heard of parcels sitting at the border for awhile, so I don't know how long it will take her to get to you. I think it has been a week now. She could get stopped at customs if her lunch starts to rot and the package stinks. I was hoping she would eat it first. Oh well, she can rest up for all the activities everyone has planned. :)

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-07-2007 02:02 PM

Will Advise All Upon Tiptoe's Arrival!
Here's hoping Tipsy's lunch doesn't rot. I have this image of the custom's guy stiffing the box and pondering...

You do make me laugh, Pink One...Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/08

Lani 10-07-2007 03:19 PM

if you look at the video I highly recommended with an interview with an18yearsurvivor
of lymphoma treated with essentially the first monoclonal antibody, she made earrings and other jewelry depicting the mice (used at that time, now I think they also use Chinese hamster ovaries) used to make her medication (Rituximab). They are quite lively and attention-diverting and might give someone the idea to immortalize Tiptoe and her merry hamster elves.

Have a great weekend.

StillHere 10-07-2007 05:17 PM

Can't see link to video
Am I missing something? I can't find any link or attachment to your last post about a mouse video.

Catherine 10-07-2007 11:30 PM

Midnight humor
Well, I should be in bed since it is almost midnight. But, I had to check in first and get the updated chapter on Tiptoe. Tiptoe does photograph well. Thank you Pinkie for the great photos. And thank you for packing Tiptoe so carefully. I am just hoping that after sunbathing topless she will be even willing to leave Florida. She probably will want to spend the winter there. I am thinking that if Tiptoe could call me collect from Andi's, that I could hop on a plane and join them at the pool. In the meantime, I will keep my unreconstructed chest covered and stay under my rain umbrella. Go Tiptoe!!! Life is an adventure and you are living it. And so are WE!!!!


hutchibk 10-08-2007 12:08 AM

Ahhh, the life of Tipsy the hamster. What a ham! Around the world in 80 days (unless held up at the border...) I wonder if she has her passport with her, or do you think she left it on the bar? Andi - be sure and slather her with sunscreen! You don't need a drunken, sunburned rodent ruining your reputation in the neighborhood! I bet she is a funny, happy, cocktail drinking hamster, though! And I am guessing that she will want to go to the beach, too! Warn her about getting sand in her bikini - especially uncomfortable in a thong...

Lani 10-08-2007 04:28 AM

Still here--I did not think a link was necessary as it had not been
that long since I posted the link to the video I recommended, but as it happens we have been a very busy website with lots of new threads posted since I started that thread and it was a page or so back so here it is:


PinkGirl 10-09-2007 09:03 AM

You guys might have to really work on Tip to get her to come out of her shell. She was very quiet when she was with me. Other than the drinking episode, she pretty much behaved herself. And, she is a very quiet "drunk" as you could see from the picture of her passed out. I couldn't get her into the water here, but it was cold. She walked on the beach and stood on some driftwood once, climbed up a tree once and looked like she was going to take a dive, but she never touched water. Hopefully, a warm, private pool will be more to her liking.

Any sign of her yet Andi? I feel like she's still my responsibility until she gets to you - then I can relax. I know she will be in good hands. Have you decided which supplements you're going to give her? I know you will feed her well - her regular diet is high in the omega 3's so don't bother supplementing that. But I think she could use some work with the mind/body connection. Maybe she'll come back to me as one with the hamster universe!!! :)
I miss her already. I keep looking in my big basket of wool and expect to see her little nose nestled into some angora.

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-09-2007 10:37 AM

Looking Out For Tiptoe...
Still no Tiptoe. I am anxiously awaiting... I feel like you've thrown the ball to me, Pinkie, and I'm waiting to catch it, or her I should say. Always looking for a good drinking partner. Stocked up on wine in anticipation. I won't give her a balloon glass like the one I drink from. She could probably fit right into one of my 24-ouncers. Did you give her a saucer for such occasions? Is she a guzzler?

If she has no ovaries, I'm assuming she won't be hot flashing, so no need for those supplements. Do you think she'll want an immune booster of mushroom blend w/Cat's paw bark?

I didn't know Tipsy was shy. I can relate. I like her personality already. I was shy as a child/young adolescent. Make that into my 20s... Then I decided to work on that characteristic, and have burst forth w/lots of opinions and much to say. And share.
I now approach strangers and start conversations. I chat w/the salespeople taking my phone order. They tell me really neat stuff, revealing their life experience.

Just read an interview w/Elizabeth Edwards. She struck up a conversation w/a young man/recent college grad who had a seat near hers (for the University of South Carolina games). They got to know each other and he has taken her son Jack under his wing. He spent the summer with a friend and Jack making paths in the Edwards' woods, as Elizabeth had wanted to do. She is quoted as saying, "You get these moments of incredible generosity. But the truth is you have to be the person who talks to the guy sitting next to you. You have a part in this. It doesn't just happen to you." She speaks of needing to reach out and then you get this great gift! (I'll have a good talk with Tiptoe when she gets here. Spiritually expand her sphere of awareness...)

I am going to look around the house for a basket for her to nestle in. Hadn't thought that out. Maybe I can use one of Chase and Scamp's sheepskin rugs. They are good about sharing.
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

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