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Esther 07-16-2007 09:21 PM

No simian line here either.....thanks for the link, as I didn't know what a simian line was.

Soccermom 07-18-2007 09:48 AM

me neither..

sassy 07-18-2007 08:24 PM

Hey Gina!

I appear to be a very "positive" person--pun intended.

I am ER and PR postive, blood type B+. No Rh negative factor.

There is no Asian link in my lineage. I am not aware of others in my family with Simian line, but I will check as I can. Neither of my children have one.

I have not dealt with any other life threatening illnesses, but have become known to all my docs as a weird case. I react to lots of meds strangely, had a weird staph infection no one could figure out, etc.

Keep us thinking!
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Patricia 07-18-2007 09:15 PM

Hi Gina,

To your question: 'And Patricia, I would also be interested to know your hormonal signature and something about the general health of your husband with the two simian lines, like Tony Blairs. Also, is your husband RH negative?'

I was mildly ER+/PR+. My husband has high cholesterol with a family history of it as well as heart disease. He has also has had a recurring ulcer and has cataracs. Other that those things he is very healthy, active and looks and acts much younger than his age (he is 53). He does not know if he is RH neg. As far as ancestry, he is originally from Nicaragua with his mothers side originating from Germany many many generations ago. No asian descent in the family that we know of.

Good luck with your research. It is an interesting topic indeed...keep us posted.


Roz 07-19-2007 12:39 AM

Yes, I have a simian line on my left hand. (I am left handed!!)

Donna 07-19-2007 01:13 PM

Answer from Donna
Hi Gina,

in answer to your question:

I guess my big question now would be to Donna and Sassy. Are you both hormonal negative that is ER- and PR- as I am or do you have some hormonal element to your illness? By any chance do you have RH negative blood types...I am RH negative type A.

I am ER + 80%, PR+ 10% - I am pretty sure I am blood type O and not RH negative. My lineage comes mostly from Germany with some English, Scot and maybe American Indian thrown in. I was told there was "gypsy" blood in the German side as relatives were known to read palms and do psychic sorts of things. I inherited a crystal ball from one of them.

This is a fascinating thread - I had always thought that with the head and heart line as one my decision process is always a combination of the two - emotion as much as logic. But probably everyone feels that way about themselves. I love that Tony Blair has the lines, I think he's brilliant - except for that part where he fell for Bush's rhetoric.

Best to You - and let me know if there are more results and information on this to be had!


Sherryg683 07-19-2007 08:43 PM

No here, what does it mean if you do have one..just wondering?..sherry

sassy 07-19-2007 08:58 PM

Gina and Donna,

I was interested to see that Donna had Scot and American Indian ancestry, as I too have Scot and a strong element of American Indian. Could there be a connection?
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Kavy 07-19-2007 11:03 PM

No Simian line here.


Andrea Barnett Budin 07-20-2007 10:38 AM

A Medicine Woman In A Previous Life
In the spirit of this thread, FUN, and sharing interesting ideas -- I think I was an American Indian Medicine Woman in a previous life. A Shaman.

A psychic who draws as she converses with you was surprised to see she'd drawn a teepee, plain as day. She'd never done that before.

She was a bc Survivor. When she saw my daughter she commented that she sensed my daughter was concerned about her mother. That she shouldn't worry because she sees me far into the future. That she should ask me to come and see her and she wouldn't charge. I did go. And she wouldn't accept any $. She saw the Spirit of my great Aunt Molly all around me, protecting me. I walked in the door and she asked WHO'S MOLLY? Now where'd she come up with that? It was a very interesting experience. And that was about 2000.

I was lost getting to the psychic. Which is common when you're geographically challenged as I am. Finally, going round and round in circles and getting to be late, I stopped resisting and struggling and calmly led my Guides tell me which way to go. In minutes I was there...

Adriana Mangus 07-20-2007 11:23 AM

Simian line
Not me. Just regular lines....:-)

Gina 07-20-2007 06:17 PM

Smile...this really is a fun thread..
Hi, Roz...thanks for joining this thread. Are there many Aussies with a Simian line??? Would make sense as you guys are certainly more EASTERN, but I suspect it was passed via middle Europe, to the UK and then down under, but who knows???

Patricia...you, by any chance, are not the same gal who had 3 positive blooded children and then a negative RH 4th child by chance are you and then got the her-2?? If so, and if this current husband is not the father of the first three, chances are he is RH negative...but I am probably confusing you with someone else...sometimes it is hard for me to remember posts that we did back in 2005...sighhh...yes, I am getting old...LOL :-)

Also for Patricia, do either of your husband's parents carry one or two lines and do any of your children with this husband carry either of the lines...in general, though, the line is usually passed down from the mother. Once you know to start looking for the simian line...it can be real fun when you find one...trust me...they are rarer than you think...smile.

That is why I would be interested to hear more from Roz and Donna and Sassy. As women, they could have passed the line on to their children, but most likely only to daughters...if they had sons, it might not have passed unless it was dominate...I don't know how it works yet, but I am studying it...

I also did not have SERIOUS health problems until her-2 when I was 33--although I have VERY weird side-effects to every drug, including herceptin...when I first started taking it, I broke out ALL over my face, upper shoulders and neck with horrible ACNE...my onc SWORE it had nothing to do with herceptin, but since I was always MISS NATURAL GIRL...I knew the ONLY different thing I was taking was herceptin...sure enough, one blessed Onc nurse looked it up...in the literature, it is a known side effect...less than 2 percent get it but it was already noted... Sassy, I also have difficulty with infections -- bacterial...not viral. Viruses seem to bouce off of me like soccer balls off my son's head...smile.

I also have Native american and some Scottish but a LOT of German and Hungarian...remember...Germany, especially what we used to call EASTERN Germany, is practically central Europe and my whole point was this genetic link traces back to central europe in recent centuraries but may have been SEEDED 1,000's of years ago from the far east...that was my only point about the Asian stuff.

Also, Sassy, you are the closes person in the group geographically located near me...any of your relatives named Hawley; Taylor; Reedy; Ide; or Bird/Byrd??? These are recent family names on my mom's and dad's side. We are all from the Pulaski/Bluefield Virginia and Bluefield, WV area, although I persoanally was born in Welch, WV...fyi...smile.

Take care all,


rinaina 07-21-2007 09:18 PM

according to the pictures, i think i do have a simian line on one hand, my right hand.

sassy 07-21-2007 09:34 PM


I am a transplant, originally from East Tennesse (not that far away). My maiden name was Hall and there are a lot of Hall's in this area. One of my co-workers was a Reedy; her mother a Hall. All stem from three bothers who came to this country from Scotland. She has done a lot of research on the Reedy line and I would be happy to check names with her if you would like to PM or e-mail me.

I just finished reading the book "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. Interesting read. Her father's family was from Welch--coal miners.

Mgarr 08-05-2007 02:30 PM


I am not clear I have 2 straight lines. From the site Rhonda recommended it indicates I could have a high or low simian line. For the record I was diagnoses ER-PR- her2+++ and I am RH-.


StephN 08-05-2007 03:33 PM

Hi -
I posted earlier that I do NOT have a simian line - but my HUBBY does. On his right hand.
He was looking at me a little askance, as he never thought much of it.

He has a strong Russian component in his genes, and they have a saying "scratch a Russian and you will find a little Tatar blood." Those Khans and hordes went all over in their conquests.

Gina 08-06-2007 12:25 AM

More on Simian Line and Left handedness in breast cancer
Thanks, Mary, for sharing your line...smile...trust me, you are in good company and special thanks to Steph for doing investigative research and finding her hubby, like Patricia's has the straight line. Steph, if you or your hubby have kids, do they have the line?? I really don't know what it all means, but you have to admit it is fun to think about and takes our mind off less fun things... Sorry to read on the board tonight so many rough going side effects with some of the treatments...TCH, etc.

Special note to Sassy: Yes, my own family research confirms the 3 Reedy brothers came from Scotland and I was so happy thinking I had solved part of my geneology problem...until I learned that my maternal grandfather, who carried the Reedy name, did so via adoption. He was actually a Spencer by birth, whose father probably came from England and not Scotland as we once thought. Also, I went to Graham High school with the famous Eddie and Edith Hall twins...any relation to you??? We really do need to get together the next time I head down to Bluefield.

Anyhow, I was going over some of my other research and came across an article that does indicate left - handedness is more common in breast cancer patients (all types, not broken out by her-2) and I am pretty sure back in 2005 some of us discussed this and I had mentioned that I was left-handed from early childhood, but forced to switch in kindergarten although, if push comes to shove, I can still write passably well with left hand and tend to eat as the French do, with the left hand engaged.

So to Steph, I just also wanted to say that I think there could be some slight correlation between hormores in the womb environment and breast cancer. Also, recently, I saw an article that mentioned that even when all other genetic/social/economic factors are considered...there still seems to be a closer link to a woman's or a man's breast cancer via her or his mother's line and not the fathers...hmmmm.

Also, love the point about the Scotish/European/Native American connections...fascinating...

Love comments from any of you...keep them coming...

RhondaH 08-06-2007 02:36 AM

how interesting, I never gave much thought to it and while I knew I am part Clucas, I just found out that our family ACTUALLY came from the parish of Douglas on the Isle of Man (so I'm part Manx)...neato. Take care and BIG huggs.


Kimberly Lewis 08-06-2007 06:35 AM

just a boring old palm here -

sassy 08-06-2007 06:53 PM

But a talented potter's palm Kim!
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