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'lizbeth 09-18-2013 11:46 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!

'lizbeth 09-21-2013 09:00 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!

and . . . because the Pink seems to work, a "Pink" vaccine . . .

that just truly offends me. Could they not find a more serious, descriptive name? I'm getting on board with the strong dislike of the exploitative way of using "Pink" for raising money. Grrrr . . .

NEDenise 09-21-2013 09:18 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Okay... the "Pink Vaccine" is a stupid name... I agree 100%

I would LOVE to see this vaccine fast-tracked through the FDA process!
And, before we lose more of our HER2 sisters. :)

Thanks for posting this!

'lizbeth 09-21-2013 09:41 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!

The Phase I trial won't even finish for 5 years, and I would expect decades to pass before a Phase III will show effectiveness in preventing breast cancer with the "Pink" vaccine.

So this grates on me that Phase I won't even start for 2 years - it seems like a lot of hype.

You can't fast-track a vaccine that isn't in a clinical trial, lol!

I agree with you on not losing more of our Her2 sisters. But this vaccine isn't in a position to help them.

I think this October, we cancer survivors can help spread the word about early detection more than the "Pinks". We should all use social media to get the word out about breast self exams and mammograms in a tactful way.

How can we help the stage IVs? That is the important question. Kadcyla & Perjeta isn't available to all yet. What can be done - do we need to help put the word out to gain full enrollment in the trials that would gain full approval, is this what needs to be done?

roz123 09-21-2013 10:14 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
I agree that pink makes me nauseous -I couldn't even look at the color when I was first diagnosed, I was in chemo during the pinktober of 2011

I also very skeptical on how much money was actually raised for research into a CURE not AWARENESS.

I have soften a bit on this front after reading about a new drug going into clinical trials here in Toronto CFI-400945 is a targeted treatment showing promise in breast and ovarian cancers among many other cancers. As all of us her2 gals know, targeted therapies like Herceptin are the wave of the future. This drug was developed by Dr Tak Mak here in Toronto in collaboration with our HERO dr. Denis Slamon. The interesting thing? much of the funds used for this research were funds raised in in a walk done here called "the weekend to end womens cancers". I am doing this one next year specifically because of this research,
here is an article on this new drug:http://www.uhn.ca/corporate/ForMedia...akthrough.aspx

as for screening - I do believe it is still important. Yes it does not work for all, (it didn't work for me). Unfortunately until they know why we get bc and therefore work on prevention it is the only tool we have. Yes catching it early does not mean a cure - we all know that. However it does give you a better shot at a cure (or remission if that's the term you want to use) This may not be true for us girls with more aggressive cancers but for the standard hormone positive, her2 neg tumors if you can detect them very early the chance that you will never see that cancer again are good

Jean 09-21-2013 01:51 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Wow what a hot topic for us.
1. Yes Yes we need a cure.
2. Early detection for some of us is vital. Please remember we each have our own breast cancer.
Mine was horrifically aggressive - I did catch it early stage 1.
3. We have to be super careful who and what we support.
4. Get the world out of good foundations who are researching a cure for us.
5. Easy to find out just call Dr. Salmons office and ask.
6. If each of us saved our change each day and gave it to a worthy cure based center we could provide lots of money support. That change adds up big time.

We all want a cure and we want it yesterday.
I too am fed up with pink and the marketing.
Breast Cancer is not pink and it's not pretty.

Bless all,

Saygoon 09-27-2013 08:46 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
The "Pink Thing" can be fun. I'm all for grabbing all the smiles and laughter I can. I even dye my hair pink and wear a cape but if I can bring a smile to someone newly diagnosed that helps me heal. But lets be realistic. Most of the awareness and fundraising is done by people who think they are truly helping find a cure. They don't stop to research how very little and I mean very little of their money goes to actual research and/or BC patients. I would love to see more money not just in research for a cure but to women who really need help. Help paying their bills feeding their children, everyday expenses that bring on sooo much stress. Sure there's alot of so called free stuff out there such as conferences etc. but what average woman can afford to travel to all that stuff? I agree - we ARE aware - find a cure!!!!! Companies need to quit making money off our pain! Ok Im done ranting now, thanks for listening.

StephN 09-27-2013 10:20 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Ditto on the rants.

I just hate to see the "colors" ascribed to different cancers and such. But marketers could care less the reality of these diseases. They are looking for a cohesive way to bind people to specific causes.

October is not even here and I am seeing the products on the shelves. I just walkon by even if it is something I may normally consider buying. How is that for "reverse marketing?"

LeahM 09-28-2013 06:39 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Ahhh....Pink-tober....you can't avoid it...and yes, we are all aware...but that is because we have no choice. Others are so unaware its painful to watch.

So I am looking at the word awareness in a whole new light this year.

And I personally and raising funds during this most bright and cheerful (pink is bright and cheerful, yes?) month that stays 100% right here in my community. The money raised isn't going towards finding the cure but it is going to people in need as they go thru cancer treatments.

I will not buy pink chapstick, or yogurt.

I made sure before I got involved with the ACS Making Strides Lehigh Valley that the money raised stays local (well, 80% of it does) and is given to local hospitals cancer centers.

I feel I need to do my part, yet what I can do is never enough. Meanwhile, I will wear pink...it looks good on me.

NEDenise 09-28-2013 07:10 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Even our beloved Coobie Bra company is in on the madness this year!
Of course you're all right... it's done thru ignorance not malice, or disdain for a cure.
But still, so frustrating!

caya 09-28-2013 08:21 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
I have to agree with KaiM here - and again, it may not be a popular view, but IMHO, any $$ BC research/support etc. gets from Pinktobter is more $ than we had yesterday.

I realize that more % of the money raised should be going into the cause, and hopefully in the future it will. But I have to tell you that I will specifically buy the Kleenex box and toilet paper with the "Pink" because if even one penny (oh, we don't have pennies anymore in Canada, so I'll say one nickel!) goes to toward BC research to find a cure, that might be the nickel that finds it!

Every October in Canada there is the CIBC Run for the Cure - CIBC stands for Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - one of the 5 large Canadian Banks - my daughters, neighbours and friends and I have "walked" that 5km. every year since I've been diagnosed - this will be our 7th year. We have raised over $15,000 for the cause. Every year the total raised across Canada has been in the $25 million range. The money goes directly to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, a non-profit organization that has funded many trials etc. across Canada. Lots of "Pink" sponsors, and on Run day, lots of booths set up with corporate sponsors with "Pink" products that they give out and also sell. And I buy some every year - I have pink mittens, caps, shot glasses etc. Because that $1 that goes to research, it might be THE $.

Yes, I know BC is not "Pink" - but Pink has been the universal colour symbol for girls/women for years, so if that's the colour that represents BC - well, it is what it is. In my case, pink has always been my favourite colour - probably foreshadowing.

all the best

'lizbeth 09-28-2013 09:03 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Not All Pink Ribbon Bling Raises Dough For Breast Cancer

By Pam Stephan, About.com Guide

In mid-September I am walking through the grocery story and come upon several displays of pink ribbon merchandise. "It's the start of PinkTober!" I tell myself. Every month, it seems, has a selling season, which actually begins the month immediately before the actual month - well, you know. Halloween items start appearing in August and in September, turkey and pilgrim decorations for Thanksgiving are stocked right next to school supplies. It's all about getting you to part with your money.
Here's a rule I think we should follow: Think First, Pink Later. I'm sure you've seen items lavished with pink ribbons all around you during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Some items truly do generate a donation from their sales to charities that benefit patients. But many of these products are just taking advantage of the pink marketing blitz, getting to the consumer under the guise of benevolence, when in fact no donations will be made.
Now please understand me: I like cats, but I won't buy kitty litter just because it has a pink ribbon on the bag. I always read over the packaging and search for a statement that promises a donation to a named breast cancer charity. If there is no promise of funding for research, support, advocacy, treatments, or screening, then I keep shopping around. I like jewelry, and if it is pink I might take it home, but if the tag makes no mention of a percentage of the profits going to The Cause, then I know its just Pink Hype.
Read the labels. You're going to see pink shoes, socks, skillets, sippy cups, lip gloss, nail lacquer, lunch bags, potato chips, and all sorts of poppycock that you might not normally buy - but are tempted by during October. Don't get in a rush to make a purchase. Turn over the tags, scan the sacks, and read the packaging. Not every pink ribbon gewgaw will raise money for The Cure. Save your green for the real Pink. Better yet, write your favorite charity a check.

I like this article. I'm happy that we still have members with a sense of humor. I think I've lost mine about the pink, and would like to see more progress in directing research money to be effective, not just mindless giving. Perhaps I am just too serious at times.

Previously someone had posted the charities that where the largest portion of your donation went to research. I like that idea.

'lizbeth 09-28-2013 09:14 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Ah ha!

Charity Navigator gives information on the charity. I see American Cancer Society is only 2 stars, :(

Here is a list of some of their best rated breast cancer charities:


For a quick list the ones with a 4 star rating are:

1) Living Beyond Breast Cancer
2) Breast Cancer Connections
3) Sharsheret
4) National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
5) Breast Cancer Research Foundation
6) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
7) Young Survivor Coalition
8) BreastCancer.org
9) Susan G. Komen for the Cure
10) Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation
11) The Rose

'lizbeth 09-28-2013 09:26 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
This is a nice article, and Robbie's statement shows us there are some unscrupulous folks out there scamming the Pink.

Robbie Finke Franklin:
"Just because a company states that they are giving to a charity doesn’t mean they do so. Check the charities web site to determine if the company is a partner and be careful not to buy products that state or imply that a charity will benefit from a consumer sale or transaction rather than clearly disclose how the charity benefits from the sale of products or services."


'lizbeth 09-28-2013 09:30 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Another interesting article on breast cancer charities:
Charities Working to Prevent and Cure Breast Cancer

Although breast cancer receives the most attention during Breast Cancer Awareness month each October, charities work all year long to raise funds for the prevention, treatment, and cure of this devastating disease. All throughout the year people have the opportunity to participate in various walks, runs, and other special events raising money to fight breast cancer. The pink ribbon has become the symbol for awareness of the disease and can be found adorning everything from soda cans to sneakers. But how many of us stop to examine those pink ribbon charities soliciting our support?

At Charity Navigator we've done the work for you. We've reviewed the financial health of over two dozen of the largest charities working to fight and prevent breast cancer in America. Although these charities have been very successful at generating support, together raising nearly $1.7 billion annually in contributions, the disparity in their financial health is enormous.

The good news is that several of these charities efficiently utilize donations to pursue their mission of curing and preventing breast cancer. However, others will astound donors with their inefficient operations and low marks for Accountability & Transparency. For example, one charity spends less than 2% of its budget on fundraising expenses, while another spends nearly 98%! Many of these charities spend at least 80% of their budgets on programs and services, while four spend less than 50%. And while more than half of them earn high ratings for their commitment to Accountability & Transparency, three of them earn 0-stars and two earn just 1-star in this area.

Click on the links to the right to learn more about the breast cancer charities soliciting your support.


Enough from 'lizbeth - who is just asking you to Pink Responsibly!

StephN 09-28-2013 03:42 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
My hubby brought home Eggland's Best with the Susan G. Komen logo stamped on each egg in the carton! The donation info inside says that Eggland's Best will donate $50,000 to Komen in 2013.

Why do people and companies think that is the best use for the money they will donate??? Komen must have a good corporate "pitch person."

jaykay 09-28-2013 04:40 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
And the pink madness is worldwide! I'm currently in Singapore on business, was walking around yesterday and there was a 5k run sponsored by Sketchers (shoes). I was surrounded by pink as the event broke up - yikes!

NEDenise 09-29-2013 02:29 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Okay... I agree with Caya, every penny is one more than we had before. And the CIBC 5K sounds like it's doing it right.

I don't object to pink... I just want the lion's share of the money raised to go to researching and FINDING A CURE!! Enough with the awareness message! I dare you to find one person in the US, Canada, the UK, or Australia who has not personally known someone affected by breast cancer. We're aware!

And a lot of those pink products claim to fund mammograms for the uninsured. Great idea! But...There are no uninsured in Canada, the UK or Australia, am I wrong? And, I'll be anxious to see, once the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) goes into effect here in the US, and EVERY woman gets her mammogram for free... what will these charities start spending the money on?
I wonder if the money will then, finally go to researching a cure... or will it go into more publicity? Or, God forbid... dry up completely!

Like Caya pointed out, any $ is better than no $... but a cure would be BEST!
Just my humble opinion... but a stongly held one if you couldn't tell.
Seeing all that pink, and all the hype about awareness when my friends (and I) are dying slowly, without a cure in sight makes me angry... and sad, very very sad.

~Who still wears pink and appreciates when people wear pink bracelets

jacqueline1102 09-29-2013 03:09 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Standup2Cancer is an excellent organization where 100% of the monies go to research for all kinds of cancer. Noreen Fraser who had worked for Entertainment Tonight was diagnosed with Metastic Breast Cancer 10 years ago. Please check out the site. Her blog is powerful and poignant.

caya 09-29-2013 04:47 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Thanks Denise, glad you agree with me. I know the pinktober stuff can become nauseating, but as I said, every dollar is another dollar we didn't have.

And BTW, I don't buy "pink" items that I don't need - I don't have a pet, so I don't buy pet food.

And yes Denise, in Canada, as far as I know, every Canadian citizen, has health insurance. No charge for the mammogram, the mastectomy, the IV chemo, the rads, the Herceptin.

all the best

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