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BonnieR 11-19-2008 12:23 PM

Rina, I will add my name to the list of those who have had vertigo intermittently over the years. So let's hope that is all it turns out to be. Of course, once we have had cancer, everything seems more ominous .
Let me tell you about a recent incident I had. Was feeling some pressure in my skull and had an episode of double vision. My onc ordered a brain MRI. (Meanwhile I was seeing a doc for TMJ. He thought the "pressure" was muscular in nature and not a brain tumor.) The MRI was negative for tumor BUT the radiologist said I have "multiple small areas of infarction." So now I have been sent to a neurologist. HE said the radiologist mis-described the findings and things are normal for my age. No "little strokes" after all. I guess I am telling you this to point out that sometimes things are not at all what they seem. Even if someone is suggesting some reason for concern. Upon investigation it turns out okay. The anxiety, however, is excruciating.

rinaina 11-19-2008 01:18 PM

Bonnie, your point is well taken. I am trying very hard to not worry and jump to any conclusions. I am keeping very busy so it is making this easier. Thanks for sharing your experience and I am glad you are okay.

Jackie07 11-19-2008 02:19 PM


Your breast cancer was in similar size and same stage as mine when it was first diagnosed in 2003. I don't feel it's likely for you to have brain mets to cause the symptoms you are experiencing.

Let's wait for the follow-up of ENT and hope it will help the doctor figure out how to give you relief.

caya 11-19-2008 08:39 PM


Thanks for posting the update. I hope that further testing will give you definitive answers. Still could be a virus. A neighbour of mine had a vertigo virus for a few weeks before it finally faded and disappeared.

Please keep well, and let us know your test results.

all the best

swimangel72 11-22-2008 09:19 PM

Hi Rina - before my dx of BC, I suffered a couple of bouts of vertigo. My ENT did a brain MRI and audiology tests - and called it Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. He was able to diagnose this by tilting the chair I was sitting in backwards and watching my eyes. Then he performed an Epley Maneuver - which made me so dizzy I became nauseous - but the next day, my vertigo was over! I was so happy because it was getting so bad that I couldn't drive! He told me many women get this problem after menopause - that there are crystals in the inner ear and they can get dislodged often through very slight whiplash. Here's an article in the New York Times Science Times describing the ear's vestibular system:


My first bout of vertigo had occured 2 years after I went through menopause. I was 51 but still enjoyed riding the big old wooden roller-coasters. It was hard to give that up - but at my age I finally recognized that "somethings gotta give". My doctor taught me how to do the Epley maneuver myself - I'm not as good as he is - but if I feel dizziness coming on, I try it before I even get out of bed in the morning. Here's a link showing pictures of the Epley manuever:


and here's a video on YouTube showing the manuever:

I hope this information is helpful to you - and that your symptoms have nothing to do with BC.

BonnieR 11-22-2008 09:48 PM

Swimangel, thanks. We surely learn all manner of interesting things here!

rinaina 11-22-2008 09:57 PM

Swimangel, thank you for your excellent information. I am willing to bet that I have Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo because it usually happens when I lay down or bend down. Occasionally at other times. Doesn't happen all the time and sometimes so infrequent that I even second guess if it is real or my imagination. I am having an ENG test on Tuesday so I should know for sure soon. Thanks for your input and knowledge.

Chelee 11-23-2008 12:33 AM

Kathy, Thanks for sharing the diagram and video of how to do that "Epley maneuver". I've been living with BPPV for a good 5 years now. I'm going to pick on my primary doctor for not bringing this to my attention. I've told him how much this really bothers me and affects my life. I even asked him if there was a way to get rid of it?

I'm going to try this maneuver myself and see if it works for me. If it works that would be great...I hate this vertigo.

And YES Rina...from what you just described...I will also bet this is exactly your problem. It makes the most sense to me. Seems to be more common then most people think too. Let us know how your ENG goes Tuesday. Maybe we can start are own "BPPV" group. lol ;)


karenann 11-23-2008 10:40 AM

I had the same thing as Kathy, benign positional vertigo while on Herceptin. I had to go to the er and the doc there had me do all kinds of strange maneuvers with my head, but upon completion the vertigo seemed to go away. I also didn't have bouts of vertigo, mine was non stop. for 12 hrs until I went to the er.

Oh, and I was told the same thing regarding a hair, or crystal that broke loose in my ear and it was floating in the ear canal which was causing the vertigo.

Hope you feel better soon Rina.


AlaskaAngel 11-23-2008 12:34 PM

Rinaina, as I mentioned in another thread, it is a long shot but I did get complete relief from those symptoms after my ENT saw me and evaluated me and sent me to a physical therapist who does PT specifically for those symptoms. Mine was due to a past shoulder injury compounded by breast surgery on the same side, which was causing the neck muscle to tighten up in compensating for the weakened muscles, and was putting pressure on a neck nerve.

Best wishes,


StephN 11-23-2008 02:28 PM

Hi -
I have not experienced this vertigo type symptom, but my step daughter had it. She was in her late 20's when it happened and went on for a while before she was sent by her audiologist to a specialist for that maneuver to reposition the inner ear crystals.

All has been well since then for her. They think hers may have been related to her bad TMJ that she finally also got treated for.

Yes, our bodies do all sorts of things and we have to keep the faith that these other problems will be unrelated to our cancer, as hard as THAT is!

Hope you get relief soon, Rinaina!

rinaina 11-23-2008 03:30 PM

Oh boy Chelee...just what we all need, another support group for another ailment, LOL!!! This better subside soon so I don't need that! Thanks everyone for your feedback. I am feeling so much more at ease about this vertigo being nothing more then that positional vertigo ailment. I am sure after the ENG that is what they will find. Then I can get treated with those exercises and be done with this hopefully. I just love this forum because you can always get great support and valuable info. Thank you all for everything and will report back as soon as I know anything.

rinaina 11-25-2008 04:54 PM

I am feeling quite relieved after my ENG test today. The audiologist was so excited to report to me that she definitely got some positive readings that points to benign positional vertigo that would respond most likely to physical therapy. Kathy, you hit it right on the head so thank you very much to you and everyone else. Of course the doctor has to verify the findings and it may be an additonal five days before that happens. I am leaving town Friday but will be in contact with his office during my vacation. Hey, maybe the change in scenery and climate will cure me! Stranger things have happened, right? Will post again once I know anything definitive but for now I am worry free...Yeah!
Wishing all my her2 sisters a very Happy Thanksgiving filled with love, peace and good health.

Bill 11-25-2008 05:19 PM

Sorry, Rina, for being late here, but at least I got here in time to hear the good news! I hope you have a wonderful warm Thanksgiving. Hey, hey, where ya goin'? Come on, tell us. We need to know. Where ya goin'?

hutchibk 11-25-2008 05:21 PM

I have been lurking on this thread for the last couple of days... as I have basically been bedridden with a sinus headache, dizziness and accompanying nausea, no fever. Went to the ENT yesterday and he believes it is inflammation in my middle/inner ear, but didn't completely rule out a viral or bacterial sinus infection. He tested me for positional vertigo, but didn't see that as a possibility. So, I came home with prednisone and antibiotic. The nausea is gone today, but I am weak, prefer to be horlzontal, my ear canals are hypersensitive to most sounds, and I can "hear my eye movements" - which is really weird. I get whooshes through my ear canals when I move my eyes to try and focus. It's so freaky... I think I lean toward virus or infection. My onc leans toward fluid behind my ear drum, allergies and sinus infection.

Sigh, I just want it to go away.

rinaina 11-25-2008 05:34 PM

Brenda, I hope whatever it is, it leaves quickly. Sorry you are dealing with this. Hopefully it will clear up soon.
Bill, we are leaving frigid Chicago and heading south to sunny and warm West Palm Beach Florida for a week. Shoot, just thought of something...sure hope the flight doesn't play havoc with the vertigo. My ears always hurt on decents.

Sheila 11-25-2008 08:09 PM

There is a woman that I met at chemo at Rush who is a Physical Therapist and treats BPV..seems she is in Bucktown or near the loop...i will try and get her name if you are interested. She has had alot of success, they did a special on her on Channel 7 news, and she is an Imerman Angel to boot and a breast cancer survivor.
Have fun on the trip...chew gum, it helps!

rinaina 11-25-2008 09:18 PM

Thanks Sheila and I will take that info if you don't mind..but I may end up some where closer here. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

swimangel72 11-26-2008 08:55 PM

Rina I hope your vertigo ends soon - and you are smart to worry about the flight affecting your ears. To help with the air pressure (increases and decreases) you can buy ear plugs in CVS called "Ear Planes" - they are made specifically to reduce the stress to the ears while on a flight. I wear them for swimming - they are so comfortable and the only ear plugs that really fit and keep the water out. But truly they were invented for air travel.

No matter what the cause - vertigo is so extremely debiliating to our daily lives. I would hold on to the walls when walking - I felt like a drunken sailor - fortunately I only got nauseous that one time in the ENT's office. But while suffering from the vertigo (my bouts lasted for 3 months a piece, non stop) - I wasn't able to go to the dentist- tilting the seat back made the ceiling spin - nor could I go to the beauty parlor for the same reason. Driving became nearly impossible unless I held my head absolutely still and didn't make abrupt changes with my eyes. Laying down in bed and getting up again caused the world to spin. I learned to make accomodations, but was so happy when my ENT said he could "cure" me immediately with the Epley Maneuver - and I hope your vertigo will be cured soon too!

rinaina 11-27-2008 07:51 AM

Kathy, you really had a bad case of vertigo. Mine isn't as debilitating as yours. I can go hours without an episode and then sometimes it happens one after another but certainly not all day. I have been able to function fairly normally most of the time. I do look forward to that maneuver though because I would love to get rid of it all together. Thanks for all your great info.

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