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ElaineM 09-22-2009 02:47 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
I am so sorry to read your news. By all means a second and possibly a third opinion is a good idea. It looks like Joe had some good suggestions in that area. Bring a tape recorder, a notebook and a pen to all appointments with oncologists. Ask the doctor if you can record the conversation first. Most will agreee. Otherwise take notes and ask the doctor to write difficult words and draw diagrams of the affected areas. Ask the doctor for more than one treatment option. Be sure to get all your concerns and questions addressed. Good luck. Hang in there and keep going no matter what happens.

Barbara H. 09-22-2009 04:19 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
Hi Chelee,
I am shocked and so sorry. After you begin to navigate this new road, you will start to learn about the new trials and options that are open to you now and in the future. I have been living with stage 4 for 5 years and am still here and working. Right now my heart goes out to you because no one wants to hear this news.
Thinking of you.
Barbara H.

Yorkiegirl 09-22-2009 04:32 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
Oh No not what I wanted to read from you. Just know prayers are with you. I do hope you can find another Onc WHO WILL LISTEN TO YOU!!!

Sheila 09-22-2009 04:59 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
First of all, I wish I would have been there to go with you today. I can understand your frustration and anxiety after "feeling" there was something wrong for so long, then to get that confirmation. Take a deep breath, then decide on a plan, which i know will be getting another opinion or more. I know that traveling for treatments can be a pain in the butt, but you need to go somewhere where your "team" listens to you and values your opinion. I have been on the mets roller coaster for 6 years now, and although its not easy at times, it is do able. You need to take control, and get your game plan together....you are strong, and know how to fight, and we are all here for you in any way you need us.
This is another stumbling block, that you will climb over and kick to the side...so you can continue your journey. Sending prayers and a big hug, and much strength, although you have already proven how strong you are!

RhondaH 09-22-2009 05:02 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
I am so sorry and send TONS of hugs and prayers...Please stay positive, look at all the LONG time survivors on the board not to mention all of those that DON'T post on here. Take care.

Faith in Him 09-22-2009 05:11 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I know everything is a blur right now. I had a chest wall recurrence also. Even though rads are out, you can do hyperthermia with chemo on the chest wall area. I think there are trials now doing this. So they would give you chemo (doxil, I think) and heat up the chest wall area to make the chemo more effective. Just another option.

Hang in there. I now it's not easy. Like Julie said, I too, just wanted the cancer gone so I jumped quickly into treatment. But it is really hard to think under the circumstances. Explore all your options.

I know that life is easier on my husband when he can keep his mind on work and not on my cancer. Maybe your husband was just trying to cope with the news. Still, It's doesn't make it any better for you.

Holding you close in thoughts and prayers,

suzan w 09-22-2009 05:17 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
Oh, Chelee, I am so sorry that you had to write those words to start this thread...I'll say it again...cancer sucks. It does sound like you need a different, more caring and approachable team. I think Jean, on this site, actually got in to see Dr. Slamon at one point, you might try and ask her how she did that. PLEASE do not let this discourage you for too long, you need all your energy to go on the attack once again. Fear is such an overwhelming feeling, turn it around and use it to your advantage !!! Much love, Suzan

caya 09-22-2009 06:33 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.

I am sorry to hear of your recurrence - but I know that you are one tough chick and you will fight it with everything you have, and we will be at your back!

Vent all you want, that's what we are here for.

all the best

Cannon 09-22-2009 06:38 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
I am so sorry -- but at least you did know it and you pushed! Think of how much you have learned to advocate and take care of yourself.

I'm sorry about your husband, too, but maybe you should just tell him "I need you now." It sounds like he didn't know what you wanted...

I am praying for you and your loved ones.


Laurel 09-22-2009 06:44 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
I am so very, very sorry for your miserable news. I will be praying, Chelee.

sassy 09-22-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.

My heart sank when I saw your post. Please know I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and am her for you.

Please do seek other providers that will be a part of your team and who you will be comfortable with attending to your needs and concerns.

Your strength will be your asset as you move forward.

flynny 09-22-2009 07:18 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
just wanted to send out a big hug to you! I'm praying for you.

Jackie07 09-22-2009 07:30 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.

I always loved to see your Golden Hamster on your avatar. And I always enjoyed your postings. You are one tough cookie. And I know you will get through this.

Caregivers are just human like you and me. They have their own problems and priorities. I was told not to drive any more, so I'll have to completely depend on my husband. (Picked up a special transit application - $4.00 round trip from the residence for medically qualified patient - but haven't filled it out yet.)

Give us a report on your appointment. And I hope tomorrow is a brighter day for all of us.

charlotte 09-22-2009 07:33 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
I am so sorry that you had to hear this diagnosis. Please be assured that prayers are being sent up for you.. You have a lot of people praying for you... and that includes me.

Patty F 09-22-2009 07:46 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that you received the news that you did. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Joan M 09-22-2009 08:56 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.

I can just imagine the frustration with your onc, and I don't blame you. After all, you'd been complaining about symtoms for a few months and your markers were out of the normal range.

Do check out your options, because you might be able to have rads to the chest wall. As Joe pointed out, some of the new machines really target a lesion. The beam "bends" to avoid healthy tissue. I had this type of beam to the head after the brain tumor was removed. And Tonya suggested hyperthermia and chemo, which is being brought back to fight cancer that has spread to the chest wall.

I'm sending you good vibes for finding the right solution.


Gerri 09-22-2009 09:47 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
Oh Chelee,

This was not the news we wanted to hear. I am sure that at this point you are still numb (sometimes a good thing) but hopefully tomorrow you can get up, regroup and start making some plans. It looks like it is time to get some other opinions - you have some excellent options to look into right in your neighborhood. I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Link speak at a conference and I must say I was quite impressed. He seemed to know a lot about HER2+ cancer and he shouldn't be too far for you. As you know, COH has some excellent doctors, as does St. Joseph's, just make sure you get a bc specialist this time around.

You can do this Chelee, I know you can. We are all pulling for you. Please keep us updated.

Take good care,


Paty 09-22-2009 10:12 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
Dear Chelee,

I know that there are no words that could give you confort at this time. I just want to mention two things. First, that we will all be praying and that we will all be here for you as we have always been. Second, I had a hypertensive crisis today while still at work and ended up seeing my onc surgeon for a check up, I was so desperate at the moment, during his conversation, he mentionned the case of a girl who developed metastasis to the bones due to bc, this was 20 years ago, she is doing fine and well, so, even when you may feel bad right now, be sure that there is treatment that can help you out there. I also know a lady that has same situation, she is doing great and enjoying life at age 72. We all love you.


Chelee 09-22-2009 10:21 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
Thank you all for the support because I really need it right now. I am doing this alone and its so hard. I'm feeling so over whelmed today I can't think straight. I know you guys are the only ones that really get "it"...no one else can.

Joan I am writing down every suggestion people give me. The Gamma knife & hyperthermia both Joe & Tonya brought up. I don't plan on missing anything this time around. The first time they played on my fears and won. I am so thankful for this Her2 board because without it I would be so alone. Right now I don't know what I feel...a combination of so many things. I always knew I could recur...but I honestly believed I was going to make it. Living in denial I guess.

I know I plan on going up to COH to see the onc Joe recommended if she is seeing new patients. She has an impressive backround...she also mentions she loves working with woman. I would like to get a total of 3 opinions if I can get it done quick enough. My onc told me Dr. Slamon is not seeing any patients anymore? I asked if she meant HMO patients? She said he is not seeing HMO or PPO? Hummm? Does anyone here know if that is true? (I really wanted to see him.)

Is there any place on the net that lists which cancer centers have the best outcomes for Her2 bc? I use to have a list of which centers treated what types of cancers and which ones had the better outcomes...I can't seem to find that. Anyone know? I'm on overload big time.


Lien 09-22-2009 10:35 PM

Re: Cancer is back...I just knew it.
Dear Chelee,

This SUX big time! I am so sorry. Try not to visit "what if", as it doesn't help at all.

I bet your husband is just plain scared of losing you. He may need some time to adjust. That's what men do, when they are scared: they withdraw. Or at least, most of them do.

If you need someone with you today, tomorrow, the next day, ask a friend. A stable, sensible, good good friend, if you possibly can. I did. I didn't want the extra stress of dealing with my husband's emotions.



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