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-   -   Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived! (https://her2support.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23696)

BonnieR 07-16-2007 09:20 AM

Thanks everyone. I am posting again in order to include my profile with my signature....

Nora B. 07-17-2007 09:19 AM

gerri - i've been browsing through this thread looking for anyone who is still experiencing side effects months after finishing herceptin and i saw your post. if you don't mind, what side effects are you still experiencing? i finished in april and my joint aches and pains and swollen feet and fingers actually seem to be getting worse...

Lani 07-17-2007 09:44 AM

Couldn't access your profile. Are you ER+ are you getting antihormonal therapy, are you postmenopausal, have you had your ovaries out?

The effects of chemo are long term and may have thrown you into premature menopause. Estogen deprivation can be hard on the joints and that may not improve for that reason after herceptin is stopped.

Knowing all these other factors helps one put together a picture of how people do on and off of herceptin to help guide others.

Let's see if others "pipe in"!

astrid 07-17-2007 10:49 AM

Eye lashes falling out again
I completed one year of Hercpetin on May 22, 2007, almost two months ago and today I noticed my eyelashes are falling out again and I still have to keep my finger nails super short because they split.

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-17-2007 11:10 AM

Hair Counts
My hairline never returned with the 2nd round of chemo. My hair is way thinner and weird, like it's not mine. I want my widow's peak back, or at least I want not to have a receeding hairline, or a *high forehead* all of a sudden. I want to put my hair back with a headband like I used to, only now that isn't *normal* looking.

I have 17 eyelashes on the top of my left lid and 14 on the top right. I have 6 eyelashes on the bottom left and 8 on the bottom right. Not that I'm counting...

I have NO eyebrow! They didn't grow back after the 2nd round of chemo (mean old Taxotere that did the dirty work of annihilating every tumor in my liver, but...).

I now have a mustache.

I never could go without shaving my legs, even midst chemo and being totally bald.

I'm just saying.

Astrid's post gave me a chance to whine a bit. I thank God for the gift of every new day! I live in gratitude and love, elated to be alive. But, I'm just saying...

I want my thick long lashes back that everyone used to ask, Are those YOURS? I have to draw and create eyebrows every morning, another little reminder that cancer's been here. Then I inform my body -- NO MORE CANCER! STAY WELL AND HEALTHY!, with as much passion and resolve as I can muster. All of which is obviously the good news. But sometimes complaining is so relieving...

Thanks for listening. Sending loving, healing energy to all my Soul Sisters, hoping you're hairy wherever you want to be and most importantly STABLE!


astrid 07-17-2007 11:31 AM

Flushed Tamoxifen down the toilet
Andi, I see you said Flushed Tamoxifen down the toilet. Do you think it hurt you more than helped you?? I have spoken to my ONC about my tamoxifen concerns, but she feels it is the standard of care for pre menopausal women. I signed up for a study for pre menopausal women. The arm I got was tamoxifen alone. I feel good, so I hate to screw with it. I am only 17% ER and PR + and HER2 + 3.2.

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-17-2007 12:23 PM

Flushing Tamoxifen
Hi Astrid,

July '95 was old school, different vocabulary and testing. I was ER/PR -- borderline. So what does that mean?, I asked. It means we can try you on Tamoxifen, in the hopes that you will derive some benefit from it. I was 50 yrs old and postmenopausal (after 10 yrs of perimenopause, irregular periods after being ev 28 days betw 10AM and 11AM all my life, practically hemoraghing when I got my period and having it for 10-14 days + hot flashing all day).

My dear, longtime friend Rochelle was dx 4 mnths after me. IDC. ER/PR+. After chemo she was put on Tamoxifen.

In Aug. '98 when I metastasized into liver I was found to be ER/PR- and told to flush Tamoxifen down the toilet. That it could have caused me to recur. I was also at that time, after *asking* to be tested for HER2, hoping to get in to a Herceptin trial if + as it was not yet available to the public -- I was found to be HER+ 80%, as they then put it.

Herceptin was fast-tracked by the FDA for the aggressive Her2's who were in a *lottery system* to try and get the drug and save their lives.
It became available to all Sept 28, 1998. I began taking it, in addition to Taxotere started in early Sept as I could not wait to get in to a trial w/fast growing tumors within wks after biopsy, in Nov '98 and have remained on it -- to prevent the aggressive gene from overproduces, keeping it in line and me STABLE (since '99). I believe going off Vit H would mean I'd have many recurrences to deal w, w/chemo + Herceptin to keep on fighting. Staying on the *easy* chemo, Herceptin (which is a monoclonal antibody) is the path I'm sticking w/. My oncs all concur. My insur co is not complaining. My ECHOs keep me informed re any heart problems. Dr. Pegram told me in Feb '06 out in Calif that if I was going to have heart problems they would have already shown up.

Hope this answers your questions and concerns, Astrid. If I can add anything, just ask. I am here for you, and any one who is in need of information, support and/or inspiration. Sending you loving energy...

BTW, Rochelle remained on Tamoxifen for 6 yrs, not willing to give it up at 5, believing it was keeping her alive and well. Has now been off it 6 yrs and no recurrence.

Two different situations. She was lucky Tamoxifen could work for her. Though HER2 is highly aggressive, it is a form of bc that is responsible for 20% of bc. Knowing what causes my bc is a +. Because they've isolated the gene and developed a targeted med (Herceptin) to prevent the defective gene to misbehave. It's the good news and bad news all rolled in to one. But I am grateful for the Herceptin smart bomb with each new day. I personally hugged Dr. Dennis Slamon and thanked him for saving my life. Wow! Was that a thrilling day! For me and for him. He was elated meeting me, seeing the fruits of his labor.

Nora B. 07-17-2007 04:21 PM

thanks lani, that menopausal link hadn't occured to me. i'm not ER+, no antihormonal therapy, still have my ovaries, and the chemo did toss me into premature menopause (was 42 when diagnosed, still had regular periods), so maybe that's the source of the ongoing joint pains.

gin-tx 07-22-2007 10:53 AM

Herceptin side effects
Dear Bonnie,

I've had some side effects but nothing I cannot live with. I have driven on the highway with no problems. I had eyes examined in January by a new opthamologist, had big power change, don't know if it was the Herceptin or normal vision changes as we age.

I think my biggest complaint is constant runny nose, drives me nuts, and sleep problems. I am on Herceptin and another drug and have been for a little over a yr. I haven't had problems with fingernails, eyelashes, skin, etc. so far. I guess every person has different symptoms. Keep in touch and let me know how you are progressing.


ElaineM 07-22-2007 08:47 PM

Herceptin side effects
I get tired for 24-36 hours after weekly Herceptin, but other than that I haven't noticed any other side effects.
Elaine M

Val Pfeiffer 07-22-2007 10:54 PM

Vision changes
My advise about vision changes due to Herceptin is to not assume that they are permanent. When I was getting Herceptin every week, as well as triple doses every three weeks, I thought I was experiencing changes to my vision. Now that I am getting Herceptin every three months I am almost sure it's changing, but it is temporary. I have found that my vision changes for about a week or two, then goes back to my normal prescription. I have had to use non-prescription sunglasses during this temporary time because I can't see out of my normal glasses :-)

harrie 07-23-2007 11:26 PM

I am so surprised on how FAST the eyebrows grow back!! Feels like only a couple of wks ago it looked like it was 75% gone and this week I notice it filling in considerably already!!

myraazzopardi 07-24-2007 06:14 AM

Herceptin side effects
Hello Lani

Have had about 5 sessions of herceptin after lumpectomy chemo and rads nodes not affected. After first session had 14 hours in bed with god knows what, fever cold just could not funcion just laid in my bed till must have fallen asleep. Next session went with my book " Love Peace and self curation (In spanish which I borrowed now I cannot get a copy in any language) either the book helped odr my body knew what to expect. Must admit I feel no side effects whatsover nothing. Hope that I have not spoken too soon.
I would like to know about sunbathing in moderation and herceptin. Hosp. has said no.

Take care.

Nancy B. 07-24-2007 09:03 AM

Long-Term Herceptin Side Effects

I am unclear from reading the various posts how and whether we know certain side effects are caused by Herceptin or earlier chemo drugs. In Oct 05 I was diagnosed with Stage IIIc bc (less than 1 year after a clear mammogram), ER+/PR+, Her2+. Had lumpectomy and axillary nodes removed, did 4 cycles of AC, followed by weekly T+H for 12 weeks followed by 40 weekly Herceptin infusions. Clear PET/CT in June 2006, no evidence of disease since and did four more months of herceptin (once every 3 weeks) until MUGA went from 70 to 52. Stopped herceptin 6 weeks ago.

I have felt great throughout my herceptin treatment, except for extreme stiffness in hands and feet upon waking in the morning, which goes away after walking a minute or two. I believe this actually started on the Taxol. So does anyone know whether this is the Taxol lingering on or the Herceptin, and how long will it last? It doesn't seem to be getting any better. I'm 52 and exercise a lot and eat a healthy diet.

Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions!

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-24-2007 09:42 AM

Is It Herceptin Or What...?
I had no stiffness in hands or feet (with Taxotere or on H so long). I do get leg cramps at night. Must stand and press toes to floor and the pain goes away. Hurts, but is easily rectifiable.

I HAVE NOT HAD EYEBROW SINCE '98! Now this of all things is ANNOYING. Like losing a breast in '95, the bald head was somehow worse in many ways. I would like my eyebrows back. ANDI :)

Nancy B. 07-24-2007 10:33 AM

Andi - did you have any symptoms/advance warning of your liver mets?

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-24-2007 06:13 PM

Glad You Asked
Nancy, After initial dx I got ev 3 mnth comprehensive bld tests. In Jan '98 my doc called and said EVERYTHING IS GOOD. Good, I echoed. Well, you just have slightly elevated liver enzymes, but it is very slight. I wouldn't worry about it. Okay. End of conversation.

3 mnths later -- same exact discussion. What could be causing that?, I asked. It could be a lot of things, your cholesterol med, a lot of things. I wouldn't worry about it. For me, it hung in the air. I do not like any of my #s not being within *normal* range, even slightly off. I question them!

July '98 -- same scenario. I took charge. Can I have a liver sonogram? You mean an abdominal sonogram. (He thinks.) I guess we could substantiate that (was he thinking about the insurance co. paying?!). I'll write you a scrip. Do you want to make the appt or should I have Renee do it. I'll call. I went for sono. Radiologist apologized but said he couldn't be sure what he was looking at. (I think he knew.) I have to send you for a CT scan. I'm sorry. Not a problem, I thought, better to be sure...

CT scan results came a few days after being taken, doc called and said, *abnormal* cells. I was waiting for MALIGNANT / BENIGN. Hanging by the phone. My husband calling every half hour. Why don't you and Paul come in this afternoon and we'll talk. I called Paul and reported. What does that mean?, he asked me. I didn't know. I was guessing *pre cancerous* cells, hoping, ever optimistic. My tumor markers were *normal*.

I was told I had multiple tumors in the liver, most likely malignant. I was already 4th stage metastatic ILC (w/2 nodes out of 18). Liver biopsy confirmed the worst. I CAUGHT IT! Months before tumor markets started to climb. I can't go by tumor markers, onc told me for future.

What you have is inoperable, incurable and you will be on longterm chemotherapy for the rest of your life. Well, inoperable was good, keeping me strong for the chemo. Incurable, okay, ca is a *chronic* condition, must be watched vigilantly, but they have many weapons in their arsenal to *control* it. You just have to find the right recipe for you. And longterm chemotherapy turned out to be longterm *monoclonal antibody* which is a cake walk compared to... So I called a miracle to me, lousy prognosis, less than 15%... Shocked I'm still here. That is *they/the docs* are shocked. I felt confident, full of faith, that I would be in that little group that survived. I believe with all my heart that attitude, and what we think all day, calls our desired destiny to us. I wish every woman on this board NED. I send my Sisters love, compassion, prayers, admiration, gratitude and awe... ANDI :)

Nancy B. 07-25-2007 06:36 AM

Andi - Many thanks for your thorough description of what happened. I also have been very pro-active with my treatment - even got my ovaries removed so I wouldn't have to worry too much about possible ovarian cancer connection. Your experience is a lesson that we all must very vigilant about anything abnormal. It sounds like Herceptin has literally saved the day for you - congratulations on your excellent (under the circumstances) prognosis!

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-25-2007 10:34 AM

My Point Exactly!
Yes, Nancy, WE MUST ALL BE PRO-ACTIVE, VIGILANT AND INSISTENT -- ALL WHILE REMAINING MORE THAN SANE, BUT JOYFUL AND SERENE. A neat trick to be sure! I now save copies of every report and test I have and compare one to the last, once home and clear-headed. I micromanage my case, as the best of doc's office make mistakes, misstepping and failing to properly oversee. I am very organized. Always was, but now it's become a Survival skill!

I wish you wellness and I do all my sweet Sisters... ANDI :)

gin-tx 07-26-2007 06:12 PM

Side effec of herceptin
Dear Elaine,

I sent a reply to Bonnie, same thing. I think every person is different, and has various reactions. Hope this finds you doing better. I'm surprised at the people who get weekly treatment vs. every 3 weeks as they do at my onc office. I asked my nurse about every week treatment, she said all the drs in the group only give every 3 weeks.

Keep in touch and let me know how you are progressing.


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