View Full Version : Crocus plant to provide a tumor killing “smart bomb”

09-12-2011, 02:40 AM
According to the latest research, a drug derived from plant extracts could wipe out tumors in a single treatment with minimal side effects. Scientists have turned a chemical found in crocuses into a ‘smart bomb’ that targets cancerous tumors. The advantage is that healthy tissue is unharmed, reducing the odds of debilitating side effects. And unlike other side effect-free drugs, it is able to kill off more than one type of the disease, including breast, prostate, lung and bowel cancer. Potentially, all solid tumours could be vulnerable to drugs developed this way, meaning it could be used against all but blood cancers.

More... (http://www.news-medical.net/news/20110912/Crocus-plant-to-provide-a-tumor-killing-e2809csmart-bombe2809d.aspx)