View Full Version : Had my ECHO....now what? :(

01-05-2010, 09:54 PM
Monday I went for my first ECHO since starting Herceptin/Navelbine/Zometa. (Had a baseline over 3 months ago before starting Herceptin...all was fine.) Maybe things still are but the gal running the ECHO asked me if my pulse was always so fast? She said my pulse wasn't terrible...but it was 93. My normal pulse is about 68 to 74 at rest. But I've noticed since starting trt it's been fast. Even my onc asked me one day why my pulse was 99? (I have no clue...this is their job...not mine.) I just told my onc the other day that after taking the Neupogen injections I woke up each morning after the injections between 4 & 5:00 AM and had a rapid heart rate and could hear my heart pounding in my ears which concerned me. She kind of blew it off and said to take the Neupogen every other day instead of 3 days in a row. I googled Neupogen and rapid heart beat is a rare side affect that they say your onc should take serious.) So much for that.

My blood pressure has been in the normal range...it's just my pulse that seems to be fast. So I don't know what's causing it since it could be any number of things? Next thing you know I'll have to see a cardiologist. I hope this doesn't mean they will take Herceptin from me? I had no problems with Herceptin the 1st go around...I wonder if it's the Navelbine? Anyone had a fast pulse during their trt? And if so what caused it? My resting pulse remains fast, it's always between 88 to 101 or so. :( (Side note...thats even with my xanax.) I know Navelbine is hard on the veins...hope my new powerport isn't leaking inside and destroying veins? My mind is working over time as always.)


01-06-2010, 09:09 AM
Hi Chelee,

My pulse always races up to 99 before visiting my doctor because I am sort of stressed and wound up. I am hoping that this is all it is for you as well. This is, no doubt, a stressful time and we need to be reassured constantly. Wish the doctors would realize it but they don't always do.

My prayers for you to be blessed to peace and strength!


01-06-2010, 01:36 PM
Hi Shobha, There is a thing called "white coat syndrome" where your blood pressure and pulse go up because your at the doctors. I do know about that. :) But in my current case that's not what I'm experiencing. (Wish it was though.) Plus my BP is always great! This last time it was 122 over 74. But pulse 99.

That why I explained in my post I am waking up between 4:00 & 5:00 AM with a rapid heart rate. It's fast most the time I'm just sitting here at home doing nothing. I'm relaxed yet my pulse is elevated. Then again the mornings after I take the Neupogen injections I have a really rapid heart rate and hear my heart pounding in my ears. When I did my ECHO I was very calm and relaxed. I've done so many EHCO's it doesn't faze me. So something isn't right. :(


01-06-2010, 02:36 PM
Hi Chelee,

I understand your predicament now and pray that is is not anything serious. I do hope that your Onc. will listen to you and get it resolved. Wishing you the very best! Stay strong.


01-09-2010, 01:21 AM
Hi Shobha, They have had plenty of time to call me since I had my ECHO...guess they aren't worried about it? I'm due to have my infusion this Monday again. So all must be fine? My onc is gone on vacation till the beginning of Feb., so I don't even know if anyone will check my ECHO? O'well...

Thanks so much for your reply.


01-09-2010, 01:40 AM
Hi Chelee,
I had some episodes with A-fib. Atrial Fibrillation. My echo's were never affected. They can see what's happening with a heart monitor. I had one at home that I'd use when having an episode, and call a number and put it up to the phone. It was all very state-of-the art. Under one of my Dr's supervision, I increased my omega's and the situation resolved. Thank goodness I have not had any episodes in a long time.

Also, in the past, when I was anemic, I would "hear" my heart pounding. Palpitations are also a side effect of anemia, dehydration and all sorts of junk. Perhaps it would give you peace of mind to see a cardiologist and get followed up.

Once you are able to, walking improves everything - heart can regulate and pulse can slow. As does meditation and slow breathing.

Take good care,

01-09-2010, 02:28 AM
Flori, You just gave me peace of mind. The mornings I was waking up with a rapid heart beat and heart pounding in my head was the the same day after my Neupogen injections. Those were by far were the worse...wake up out of a dead sleep with my heart pounding. My counts tank so fast on Navelbine. I have looked at my labs and I have been anemic. I noticed now that I'm in my 2nd week since my last infusion of navy beans my counts are back up and I've been fine. So that has to be what it is. That stinks that my onc didn't mention that possibility to me...just let me sit and worry about it. I told her I'd been really thristy too and thats not like me. She just said I'm unusal and to go see my primary.

I do have a cardiologist I can go see. He's great...love the guy. Went to him the first yr I did herceptin to ask some questions. Very patient doctor. Explains things in detail and gives you all the time you need. I take my MIL to him. In fact she wore one of thos A-Fib moniters. High tech! :)

Thanks so much Flori...I am sure that is exactly what the problem is. What a relief. You made my day.


01-09-2010, 08:36 AM
Excessive thirst can be another sign, I used to CRAVE ice like mad, too. Dark leafy veges, kidney beans, broccoli, beats, and of course (grass fed organic) red meat are all foods that build back the blood. For thirst try one of the vitamin waters, or juice ALONG with plenty of water.

I hate to diagnosis anyone online (or at all) so make sure to double check everything with a real doctor:)

01-09-2010, 01:08 PM
And if it is indeed anemia, try apricots. They help with constipation too.



01-09-2010, 01:54 PM
Had not had to time to post, but been thinking about your question, Chelee.
Flori came through, as usual!
Was going to ask about your counts, and that is just what happened to me. My pulse would get high (not as high as yours) and my blood pressure was low.

This was all in conjunction with low blood counts. My nurse friend who is a respiratory therapist told me that my heart was working harder to circulate my blood because my tissues were wanting oxygen. My onc was aware and said my heart was just doing it's job!

I'll bet you are having the same syndrome as a side effect when your counts are lowest in your treatment cycle.

01-10-2010, 01:29 AM
Flori, No worries...I will make sure I get checked out. But what you & Steph are both saying makes total sense. Plus this all happened after I started on the Navelbine. My counts take a serious dump the day after Navelbine...so I'm sure that has to be it. I noticed my pulse has been fine this wk...but that's because my counts have had time to re-bound this wk.

As to me being so thristy...I have a family history of diabetes so that is always my first thought. My onc & Endo both check my glucose & it's been fine. So not sure what's causing that yet?

Steph, your nurse friend is so right, makes so much sense. This really is a relief to me. I was a bit stressed when the ECHO lady started asking me about my rapid pulse. Not what you want to hear when your stage IV and don't want to be pulled off chemo. Thanks to both of you! I really appreciate it.
