View Full Version : 2nd Chemo Update - Rib Pain Question

11-13-2009, 10:10 PM
I had my 2nd chemo last week (Wednesday). The day after I was really tired but the next day I felt pretty good.

The good news is I didn't have the abdominal pain or diarrhea but went the other way and got some bad constipation. I took stuff for about 3 days including Milk of Mag but no luck. The doctor called me in some syrup to drink 3 times a day and it finally worked. Talk about some major pain in getting relief, and of course it made my hemorrhoid flare up. I drink water like crazy so know I'm doing that right.

This morning I went into diarrhea--one extreme to the other. I've been eating yogurt every day and now I'm going to try Benefiber. I'm still getting some stomach pain but it's off and on so I can deal with that. I really haven't been eating much this week--just don't want much of anything.

I've been in bed most of this week. No energy at all and just feeling pretty crappy. This was the same as with my 1st treatment. I felt better today so hoping I'm getting to the other side.

I also now have bald patches in my GI cut so will probably go ahead and shave it soon. I had planned on going back to work yesterday but just couldn't make it. I'm shooting for Monday.

Had physical therapy today and they tell me I'm doing really, really well and my scar is healing up nicely.

I've been having some rib pain on the mastectomy side. Is this normal? Did any of you experience that?

I know there is a light at the end of this tunnel but it seems so far away. Trying to keep my chin up but do have my "days".

Thank you for checking in on me. I know most of you have been down this road and your encouragement means a great deal to me.

Take care everyone,

11-13-2009, 11:29 PM
Hi -
Taxol/Carbo is harsh stuff and will knock you around.

One thing to try for constipation, which is most likely the problem you will have on the current drugs, is Senna tea. Also Senacot is a gentle laxative. The tea was good for me.

11-13-2009, 11:47 PM
Vicky, I had some serious constipation issues with TCH also. What worked best for me was Senokot. It's gentle enough without having to make a run for the bathroom if you know what I mean. Like you I didn't have much of an appetite either...in fact I lost 37 lbs during trt. Food just did not sound good, or taste good. Everything was disgusting to me. I literally had to make myself eat most the time...with the exception of the wk prior to going back for my next infusion.

As to the rib pain that seems to be very common with so many of us after mastectomy. I know I had it and was always worried it was mets...but it wasn't. So yes...it's normal. Of course you can always check with your onc when in doubt if it gets to bothering you too much.

I had a pretty rough time like you are...just listen to your body and rest/sleep when you have too. I know it's not easy...but hang in there and it really won't be long before you have this all behind you. Take one day at a time...you will get thur this.


Pam P
11-14-2009, 05:31 AM
Vicky - My experience was / is that the diarrhea / constipation issues get a little better as the body gets adapted to the drugs. I've done the senekot, senna as suggested before, also I've done miralax - I liked that because it's mixed in liquid and has no taste and it's effective for me. I've now started just eating a few prunes a day "dried plums" in the dried fruit aisle. That seems to keep me 'going' without any of the other meds. I also have rib pain from time to time and agree with Chelee, I think this seems to be common. Give your body all the rest it's asking for right now. I'm curious why you are getting PT from the mastectomy - is it range of motion for the affected arm / shoulder from nodes removed? Pam

11-14-2009, 06:27 AM
Vicky while I didn't have the bathroom problems you are having. I did however have the rib pain and still do at times. I just believe that this just part of what happens.

Hug's going out to you. You will be done before you know it.

11-14-2009, 08:15 AM
Dear Vicky

Although my chemo regime was different than yours, I also dealt with rib pain.

The rib pain was also during chemo but I had to have radiation too and that intensified it. Even over 5 years out, I still get some throbbing there and on my breast incision scar (especially during temperature changes like at this time of year - going from warm weather to cold weather is worse for me than vice versa). I talked to my docs about this and the surgeon said that incision sensations are common with weather changes (just in case this also happens to you as everything freaks you out in the beginning).

Due to the east coast Nor'easter yesterday, and the huge changes in bariatric pressure, my scar and rib are a bit bothersome - especially yesterday.

11-14-2009, 08:28 AM
Becky, you are so right about continuing pain from scarring. It's like having an old football injury! I am four years past surgery and my lumpectomy and sentinal node site still hurt.

Vicky, I had rib pain during chemo and herceptin. Was worried enough about it to question my oncologist. Very common. We all worry that aches and pains are a recurrence.

11-14-2009, 09:27 AM
Thanks everyone. So far I'm feeling much better today!

Pam, my surgeon sent me to PT and I didn't really know why either. I have the standard exercises I do at home, but what they do at my sessions is called Myofascial Release therapy. It's a hands on type of therapy where they touch and put pressure on the area including the incision sites on the breast and the side where the drainage tubes were.

It's kind of hard to explain but the handout explains that fascia is a tough connective tissue that spreads throughout the body in a three dimensional web from your head to your feet without interruption. Trauma or inflammation can create a binding down of fascia resulting in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels and/or organs.

It goes on to say that since standard tests such as x-rays, CAT scans, etc do not show the restriction, it is thought that an extremely high percentage of people suffering with pain, headaches and/or lack of motion may be having fascial problems, but most go undiagnosed.

The therapist told me yesterday they are starting this on women who had mastectomies earlier than in the past to avoid problems down the road.

It doesn't hurt at all, and I can tell a difference when I do my exercises. Things don't feel as tight.

I highly recommend it.

Thanks again for sharing your experiences with me. I feel better about the rib pain after reading your posts!

11-14-2009, 10:01 AM
I was going to say the "pain" is probably scar tissue. The key is to stretch everyday. Even though I walk twice a day (thanks to my dog) I must also stretch and twist (gentle).

I've had a ton of surgery, reconstruction a few times, parts moved from there to here, radiation three times & am no stranger to these weird pains. The more I move, the more I feel "right". Sometimes nerve damage can take up to a year to repair, and settle down. And as many pointed out, your regime is tough!
Hang in there! Flori

Ellie F
11-14-2009, 10:25 AM
Just wanted to say that the thing that worked best for me for constipation was freshly ground flaxseed (also known as linseed) I have some every morning in yoghurt (1 tablespoonful) and have never had a problem.

Pam P
11-15-2009, 05:26 AM
Thanks for the info on the PT. It makes good sense.

Mary Jo
11-15-2009, 04:48 PM
Hi Vicky,

I, too, did a different chemo than you......I did AC/Taxol + herceptin....however, I remember experiencing rib pain ALMOST the entire time. It concerned me greatly but soon found out (through here) that many, many, many of us experienced that.

As for constipation, I started Senakot the night of chemo - every time - and continued it for at least 3 - 5 days after. Once, I thought I didn't need it and NEVER did that again. While taking the Senakot I never experienced constipation.

Sending you prayers for "feeling comfortable" throughout this time.....trust me, this too shall pass and one day this will all only be a memory and a VAGUE memory at that. I am an almost 4 1/2 year survivor and the "past" I can hardly remember. I'm not quite sure why, but I can't. My husband says it's God's way of protecting us by taking these unpleasant memories from us.

Love and hugs...

Mary Jo

11-15-2009, 06:32 PM
Vicky ~
I suffer from the rib pain...still :-( and just as Becky said the change in pressure/weather will make my scars bother me. I wish so much I would have gone to a PT right away. I ended up with frozen shoulder about 1/2 year after diagnosis and it was so painful for the scar tissue to be broken up.
I didn't have the diarrhea problem but definitely had constipation. What helped me the most was juicing carrots and adding some different fruits to it...mostly apples and kiwi. I also think you don't drink as much water when you feel bad and it just all tastes bad anyway. You are taking a tough combo of drugs and I know it is hard on you.
I'm thinking about you and hoping you'll feel better every day!
Hugs ~ Ruth

11-16-2009, 10:29 PM
I remember the rib pain. Mine went away. I still get sort of little pains here and there that remind me about the scars on my chest. It has been 3 years since surgery for me, but I do remember that the rib pain scared me.

All the best, Catherine

11-17-2009, 07:13 AM
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
