View Full Version : Has Anyone had success with hyperbarics?

Faith in Him
11-07-2009, 09:34 PM
I am 23 treatments into hyperbarics but plastic surgeon still will not give me a skin graft. The underlying tissue would not support it. I have seven more to go and that's it. The wound on my chest wall is 9 by 7 centimeters and has been open for almost a year. Hyperthermia rads did a number on me but the cancer has been gone now for over a year. It was worth it.

Does anyone have experience to share?


11-15-2009, 12:03 PM
I do not know anything about this. Just wanted to bump this up for you. Happy Sunday.


11-16-2009, 06:18 AM
I have done hyperbarics for my jaw. I have seen it done for others with wound management. I am a nosy nurse and made friends with an elderly patient and his wife. it helped his wound heal, and saved his leg.
Some people debate using hyperbarics because of it feeding "latent" or "hidden" cancer cells. My take on that is quality of life/ versus your overall health. Even if it does flare something if your weakend because of the open wound, and all the complications of the infections and garbarge that goes along wiht it. I would call your insurance and see who has a wound management clinic with a certified chamber, and staff, some places have a "room" that you dive with other patients. It is better to find one with individual ones unless your claustrophopic (they look like a giant clear tube! you can even watch a video or tv!! I would also consult another plastic , but remeber if the site is not good to receive a skin graft, it needs to be healed first then do later. You only have so few sites of your own to use, and when you do use it then you want it to work and be healthy the first time!!!

Take care Darita