View Full Version : Tykerb and Herceptin-Clinical trial

02-05-2008, 08:19 PM
I was diagnosed with extensive high grade DCIS and .7cm IDC nottingham score of 8-9, her2neu3++ no nodes, double mastectomy, 4-ac, neutropenic fever and appendectomy, 12 weekly treatments of Taxol,herceptin and (Tykerb 1000 mg per day) Herceptin currently every three weeks. I had terrible insomnia after higher dose of herceptin, nausea, sore gums knee pain and foot cramps, rash comes and goes. I am deciding if I will continue in trial, Sick of side effects.
weight gain on taxol and herceptin and tykerb. Attempting to exercise this week. chemo brain is real. I would like to know if anyone has taken this combination? would you continue based on what you know and side effects you are experiencing.

05-02-2008, 08:24 AM
Hello Everyone,

Am new to this site, I was diagnosed in 07/07. IBC i was given herceptin, taxol and carbo for almost 6mos. then i was taken off them and i was taken xeloda and herceptin for 3mos. i was taken xeloda like they were candy i had no reaction to the meds, so i was taken of that and in March i was put on a clinical trial herc/tykerb. I was told i needed to redo allthe first pet scan showed a decrease in tumor size. My doc was exited so was i. On Tues i had to go back and retake another one for comparasion.... Its only stablizing my tumor. Can anyone tell me if the breast return to normalcy or can someone suggest what can be done for the redness

Thank you
Keep Positive