View Full Version : Arimidex and hives?

01-23-2008, 06:16 PM
Have any of you had any problems with taking Arimidex and breaking out in hives? I've been taking it since early December, and I've been having hives on and off almost every day. It's not like all over, just 2-3 different hives in different spots everyday. I've never had problems with this before, and the Arimidex is the only new drug I've been taking. At first I thought maybe its mosquito bites, but it's been consistant everyday, and I live in Michigan......we don't have mosquitos now! I thought I had spider bites a couple of weeks ago, and they turned out to be shingles. But these are way different than the shingle bumps. If this continues, I guess I'll have to call my doctor. But first I want to see if this is a common side effect!


01-29-2008, 05:25 AM
I would call your onc. Even if not a common side effect, it still, may be. I had severe joint pain with arimidex after taking it for four months then switched to aromasin was doing fine on that until after 3 months started having excessive bruising in weird places, like my eyelids. Not a common side effect, but they have switched me to tamoxifen. Call your onc.

01-29-2008, 07:35 AM

I did not experience this side effect, though I know that rash is a listed side effect for Femara, a very similar AI.


01-29-2008, 09:30 AM

I have not had any particular side effects except for arthritic type pain but I ran into a woman I know yesterday who told me that she had terrible pain in her hands and the skin was peeling skin off her fingers from the arimidex. My gp told me she had patients who suffered such severe side effects they decided to go off arimidex.


01-30-2008, 12:05 AM
Are you under stress? I remember yrs ago I would get off and on hives, mostly around my abdominal area, and I attribute it to stress. Then it eventually went away. To control it I would take a little benedryl at night before sleeping. That seemed to help.