View Full Version : Progression; New Triple Combo Wednesday

12-11-2007, 10:39 PM
Hi All; My onc called tonight with a new plan of attack, starting tomorrow.
I stopped Taxotere/Xeloda 3 weeks ago due to H/F and other side effects, and because the chest nodules were starting to take off again. Have been on just Herceptin for a couple of weeks and continuing to show progression. So....

I'll start Avastin/Taxol/Carbo tomorrow, no Herceptin as he feels not enough data on side effects with Avastin. I'm not unhappy with this plan, as Herceptin has been slowly losing it's effectiveness for me and a break would probably be a good thing. Can maybe go back to it later if need be.
Avastin/Taxol have shown good results together, and Taxol/Carbo have also shown good results, so the three combined should make a splash!

I'll let you know how the first day went, after the dust settles.

Oh, hubby wants to know if anyone can report on desirable side effects, like maybe nymphomania? LOL!

<3 Lolly

12-12-2007, 05:11 AM
What a great attitude you have. I'm sorry you are having to switch gears, but you can outwit those dumb cells. I did taxotere/xeloda for 9 months a few years ago and the H/F thing stunk! It was so toxic. So I empathize with you.

Best wishes for the new plan of attack!

12-12-2007, 05:20 AM
Hope the new plan goes well for you Lolly! http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif


12-12-2007, 06:18 AM
Oh Lolly!
Your resilience & spirit are amazing & admirable.
I know that this combo will create more than just a "splash"...more like a SLAM DUNK!
Take good care of you &
Keep the Faith~


12-12-2007, 06:45 AM
Let me know if the nymphmania kicks in and I will buy the drugs on the black market. I have been totally asexual lately. I wonder if it's the Arimidex drying up my estrogen. No juice. Hope this post doesn't offend.

12-12-2007, 06:47 AM
Hi Lolly,

Okay this combo will deliver the knock out punch to those mets. Sorry that you must go through this and looking forward to the time (soon) when you get a break.

Cancer kiss my ass and GO AWAY!

Love, Hope and Peace,

12-12-2007, 07:47 AM

Sorry to hear that you have progression but happy to hear that your oncologist has a treatment plan. I'm on Herceptin/Taxol/Carboplatin and so far have had good results. I have noexperience with Avastin but I've read very promising things about it. Sheila is also on Taxol/Avastin but without the Carbo so maybe she'll have some words of wisdom for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Vi Schorpp
12-12-2007, 08:00 AM
it sounds like a good plan...I have always felt you are in great hands with both your knowledge and your team of doctors. Just a small setback for a big comeback I'm sure. You are such a gift to this board, and I wish you well.

Karen W
12-12-2007, 08:04 AM

Sounds like a good plan... one you will do quite well on, I am sure.


12-12-2007, 08:34 AM
I was so sorry to read your post but as I read on I found some comfort with the next plan of attack and the calmness in your voice. You are always in heart and especially now when you need a little cradling. Please let me know the results of what you find for the nymphomania, I will change Ed's meds too if that is the case!! LOL! (Too bad I am the one who needs it, I am not sure if I even have ANY estrogen..ROTFL!!). I wish you well Dear Friend and I know you will be keeping us posted.>>Believe51

And MJo...you are silly and I love you so.

12-12-2007, 09:04 AM

I have been thinking about you these days! Hope this new combo will eradicate the cancer cells and give you a much needed break. May be you should retest your tumor pathology to see if anything changed.
Wish you all the best.


12-12-2007, 09:47 AM
Hi Lolly,
I'm with you on what it takes to walk the path.

12-12-2007, 10:36 AM
Lolly -

Good luck with your new combo to fight the beast. Sounds like your onc. (and you) is right on top of it.

all the best

12-12-2007, 10:57 AM
Dear Lolly -
I will be thinking about you when I go for my usual Herceptin today. I remember how long it took for me to get a three drug treatment.

Is this a WEEKLY attack?

You might try some of those hormone creams if you have the energy - tee hee. I know your hubby is a great guy and will pitch in helping so you can concentrate on this treatment.

BTW - I guess your med onc did not get the "word" from the FDA about Avastin. We will keep that our secret!

Leslie's sister
12-12-2007, 11:16 AM

Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and praying that all goes well, would love to see you kick that cancer in the **#)!


12-12-2007, 11:26 AM
I hope you get a good response...just wanted you to know that I have taken the Avastin for 6 months with Taxol and Herceptin and no Ill side effects other than the B/P..and that seems to be a problem for everyone!!!!!! I hope your first treatment went well...but do monitor the B/P

Mary Anne in TX
12-12-2007, 02:14 PM
Don't know, but will pray for your husband!
As for you, I'll just bet that new routine will knock the socks off those pesky cells!
Sending up some prayers for ya, Lolly!

Kim in CA
12-12-2007, 04:47 PM
Dear Lolly,

Just adding my best wishes and saying a prayer that this new combo will make the difference for you. Where the heck is that NED anyway? You two are long overdue for a little rendezvous!!



12-12-2007, 05:05 PM
Dear Lolly all my best wishes for this new combo work for you keep fighting ...

12-12-2007, 06:56 PM
Thinking of you and wishing you the best with the new treatment and
my prayers are with you.

12-12-2007, 07:06 PM
Loly, Keep that fighting spirit dear. Hope this combo gives those nasty cancer cells a run for their money. If you find a combo for nymphomania, send it my way, I'm sure my husband would like that. Darn aromasin dries you up like prune!!!

12-12-2007, 07:42 PM
Thanks ladies, the good thoughts made the difference, everything went smoothly and I'm home feeling actually pretty good :)
Julie2, we did a biopsy of one of the chest nodules 2 months ago, and the path came back the same as the original bc, HER2+++, ER/PR-. Was hoping it had somehow changed to hormone+, but no such luck.
Steph, it will be a weekly attack, so keeping fingers and toes crossed it knocks the socks off this stuff. I talked with my onc several weeks ago about whether my insurance would cover it when he first mentioned Avastin, and he had his nurse clear it, so not expecting any nasty $surprises :)

Thanks again ladies. Your thoughts are much appreciated.

<3 Lolly

Joan M
12-12-2007, 07:45 PM
Lolly, Your new plan sounds like it has a good kick. I'm rooting for you.


12-12-2007, 09:13 PM

Prayers that this combo will do the trick and have you dancing with NED. I'm sure your husband won't mind sharing that dance card!

12-12-2007, 11:46 PM
I agree it is past time for you to have a rendevouz with NED! I hope this combination works well for you. I am on 3 meds, Tykerb, Abraxane, and Herception. I have a really bad rash and severe hand and foot disease, not to mention diarrhea and naseau. I am finding that taking a small amount of decadron helps with the side effects. I have decided that I have to take a small dose or I stay sick and dehydrated.

Good luck with your treatment and I will keep you in my prayers.

12-13-2007, 03:18 AM
Thinking of you Lolly, and I have got my fingers crossed for you

12-14-2007, 06:23 PM
about your progression but I think the combo you are starting will be a good one.

I have been on Avastin now with Tykerb since Sept. and have had no other side effects except some elevation in blood pressure as Sheila mentioned. Not bad though and I find it pretty easy to take BUTTTTTT
you can tell your husband I have not experienced any Nymphomaniacal?) effects yet....but am waiting and hoping hahaha

Good luck Lolly. I know you will do well

12-14-2007, 07:50 PM
Lolly in Lolipop Land,

I was slow to catch up with your news. Gald you made it thru Wednesday's treatment and now can maybe enjoy the weekend. My thoughts and good wishes are coming down I-5 to you. From reading the posts, it sounds like you have a great team of doctors. Your hubby has a sense of humor and I am still giggling. My husband would like the same nymph-like response.

So glad that you, your doctors and the other warriors understand these cocktails. Too bad we can not get the chemo in the form of a Lolipop. You could be the keeper of the candy...... Lolly's Lolipops

Keep up the good work. You are our hero.
Hugs and prayers, Catherine

12-14-2007, 09:57 PM
Well, maybe nymphomania hasn't kicked in yet, but as long as we can laugh about it there's still hope for us!

Irene, I bought a blood pressure cuff so I could keep track at home between treatments, as I know from what you and the others have said it's a serious concern.
My nurses were impressed that I was so on top of the side effects!

Catherine, we'll have to make sure we send the Tipster off with an Oregon Lolipop!!!

<3 Lolly

12-15-2007, 06:09 AM
Hope this combo kicks butt and you are soon looking at NED. I will be watching for how it does, as I have progressed eventually on everything they have tried on me, it might be an option in the future....but more importantly, good luck to you!