View Full Version : Gah! I don't believe it!

10-29-2007, 11:52 AM
After almost a year of battling bc, and finally getting that NED scan, getting some meds for my joints hurting, and felt like doing a little puttering out in the yard.
I pulled at a piece of landscape fabric that was sticking out from under some mulch, with my surgery arm (Yes, I know, but I wasn't thinking!) and something popped in my back, under that shoulder blade and I felt some stinging, soreness under that armpit, where I had the nodes removed. It doesn't really hurt, but has some discomfort, and hurts when I move certain ways.
Cripes! My doc thinks I'm becoming a hypochondriac now, and having "canceritis" symptoms. Lol.
She'll never believe this.. Lol

Have any of you had any problems with your surgery arm, lifting weight, or such?

10-29-2007, 12:03 PM
all I read it is that you are NED is great the others problems have a solutions ..just wait until one of "our honor Dr's give you any sugestion ....

10-29-2007, 01:08 PM
Hi Brenda D

I also had this kind of thing happen to me. My surgery was 2 years
ago, and I still try to remember to use my good arm for anything
strenuous. I have mild lymphedema and my arm will swell if I use
it a lot or do any "heavy" work with it. I wear an elastic arm sleeve
and glove when I am gardening. Any time I "hurt" myself, I wait a
day or two for things to settle down and then start doing the exercises
I did after my surgery. It's hard to remember to NOT use that arm for
heavy stuff.... Good luck....

10-29-2007, 04:18 PM
I just hate that your doctor thinks your a hypocondriac!! Your pain and discomfort is real and should be treated that way. Geez, if I listened to some of my "ex" doctors, I wouldn't be here now to write this...I think that if your shoulder is still hurting in the morning, I'd call for an x-ray. My mom heard a pop once - it was a broken rib....and she doesn't have osteoperosis. Better safe than sorry!!!!

10-30-2007, 10:27 PM
I still have pain in my surgery arm and rib area almost 2 years later. I had a lot of nodes taken out and they cut thorough the nerves. I have had mild lymphedema also. My breast still hurts too, it's just hell all the side effects we are left with..sherryg