View Full Version : Sore Foot

10-01-2007, 02:31 AM
Hi Everyone
I am probably just being a drama queen but for the last week i have had a very very sore foot. The pain is from my ankle down towards my little toe. It hurts when i walk and makes me limp. I did not do anything to it before it started to hurt. Has anyone heard of bone mets starting in this way. I will try to get an appontment this week with my GP.. Do you think i should push for a bone scan (haven't had one in nearly two years) or would a plain x-ray be enough. Molly

10-01-2007, 06:12 AM
occur below the ankle or beyond the wrist from my reading of the literature

Hope this helps

10-01-2007, 09:13 AM
Hi Molly

I don't know your "history". After all my treatments were over, the most trouble I have had is with my feet. My feet hurt all the time. I just got new
orthotics for my shoes and I have to put my shoes on as soon as I get out of bed. Are you on Arimidex? All of the joint pain I get started with the Armidex.
I would definitely get it checked out. Hope it's nothing. Good luck with this.

10-01-2007, 10:52 AM
I too am wondering if any of this is neuropathy from treatment? Where exactly in the foot is the pain? There are so many things like spurs, ganglions, gout, arthritis, etc. that could cause the pain...as always though, if it doesn't go away, a bone scan might be in order to see if there are any "hot spots" or uptake. The bad thing is, these hot spots can indicate arthritis etc. so then you are back to square 1.

Stephanie B.
10-02-2007, 01:01 PM
You don't mention if you are on any medication, but I have been on Taxol since Feb. (2nd time around) and I have had a problem with my left anke and toes since being on this. I have one toe that has hurt since my last treatment in 2005. My onc says it goes with the territory.

Good luck.


10-03-2007, 02:00 PM
I have arimidex pain in my extremities -- fingers and feet. Never had trouble with my feet before arimidex. Are you taking an aromatase inhibitor?

10-03-2007, 02:59 PM
what is your history with your health and the cancer?