View Full Version : Brain Cancer Study Explores Multi-Targeted Therapies

09-25-2007, 06:21 PM
For those dealing with brain mets
This is the featured article in the most recent NCI bulletin.

Brain Cancer Study Explores Multi-Targeted Therapies

Targeted drugs such as imatinib (http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/druginfo/imatinibmesylate) (Gleevec) and erlotinib (http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/druginfo/erlotinibhydrochloride) (Tarceva) have been tested against brain cancer, but few patients have benefited. A new study offers a possible explanation for the disappointing results and suggests that using the drugs in combination may be a more effective strategy against the deadly disease.

The researchers found that brain cancer cells may simultaneously activate a number of proteins on the cell surface called receptor tyrosine kinases, or RTKs. These proteins relay growth-promoting signals into cells, sustaining their survival. RTKs have become popular drug targets because they are frequently overactive or mutated.

By simultaneously turning on a number of RTKs, cancer cells may reduce their dependence on any one, and thereby improve their chances of survival, the researchers reported online in Science on September 13. They first observed the phenomenon in cells from patients with glioblastoma and then in other major cancers.

"We have found that a number of RTKs are simultaneously activated in virtually all the cancer cells we've examined," says Dr. Ronald DePinho of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who led the study. "When one is blocked another can step in and sustain the survival signal."
What may matter most in treating the disease is to reduce the overall level of these abnormal signals in cells, he adds.

The findings support the growing view that some RTKs are more or less interchangeable (http://www.cancer.gov/ncicancerbulletin/NCI_Cancer_Bulletin_051507/page6), and they may help explain the feeble clinical responses when RTK inhibitors are used against solid tumors, the researchers say. Even when the drugs elicit an initial response, most cancers eventually progress and patients need additional therapies.

Glioblastoma is usually fatal within a year of diagnosis. More than 100 clinical trials over the last decade have not improved survival, with brain cancer, with the notable exception of temozolomide (http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/druginfo/temozolomide) (Temodar) for a subset of glioblastoma patients. The lack of progress stems from not knowing which genes are involved in the disease.

Dr. DePinho and his colleague Dr. Jayne Stommel were searching for RTKs that drive glioblastoma when they uncovered the multiple coactivated RTKs. Some of the kinases, such as EGFR and Met, were known to play a role in the disease, but others were not.

Researchers may need to look more globally at RTKs that work in conjunction with known factors such as EGFR, says Dr. John Laterra, a brain cancer researcher at Johns Hopkins Medical School.
This study is timely because many scientists are looking at the networks of RTKs and the pathways they control," Dr. Laterra continues, "and they are finding evidence of close crosstalk and interplay among the pathways."

In the study, three or more targeted drugs were typically needed to control abnormal cell growth. The researchers used an experimental Met inhibitor in combination with imatinib and erlotinib to block the flow of growth signals into cells and cause them to die. They confirmed the results using RNA interference to inhibit the RTKs.

Like many in the field, the researchers envision an individualized approach to cancer therapy. Patients would have their tumors profiled to see which RTKs are active, and a regimen would be designed based on the results.
A number of RTK inhibitors have been approved for cancer and others are in development. But the first Met inhibitors (http://www.cancer.gov/ncicancerbulletin/NCI_Cancer_Bulletin_061207/page6), for instance, are still in early-stage clinical testing. The costs and toxicities associated with using multiple targeted drugs would need to be addressed before clinical trials could be launched.

Nonetheless, if the basic hypothesis is confirmed by other studies, researchers will have to rethink how trials for glioblastoma and other solid tumors are designed, says Dr. Antonio Omuro of the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, who coauthored a recent commentary (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17620423&ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsP anel.Pubmed_RVDocSum) on targeted therapy for brain cancer.

"We will need to reinforce the policy of molecularly profiling every single patient enrolled in clinical trials," he says. "We have not always done this, but everyone knows that it is essential to move the field forward."
—Edward R. Winstead

10-04-2007, 11:30 PM
Findings presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation in Uppsala, Sweden, April 18, 2007, concluded that Functional Profiling with cell culture assays is relevant for the study of both "conventional" and "targeted" antineoplastic drug agents (antitumor and antiangiogenic activity of Iressa, Tarceva, Sutent, Nexavar and Avastin in primary cultures of "fresh" human tumors).

Cell Culture Assays with "cell-death" endpoints can show disease-specific drug activity, are useful clinical and research tools for "conventional" and "targeted" drugs, and provide unique information complementary to that provided by "molecular" tests. There have been more than 25 peer-reviewed publicatons showing significant correlations between cell-death assay results and patient response and survival.

The Funtional Profiling technique is a cell-death endpoint assay in which drug effect upon cancer cells is visualized directly. Photomicrographs of actual tumor cells sometime show that the exact same identical individual culture well, shows some clusters have taken up vast amounts of a drug, while right next door, clusters of the same size, same appearance, same everything haven't taken up any of the drug.

So it doesn't matter if there is a "target" molecule (protein or receptor) in the cell that the targeted drug is going after, if the drug either won't "get in" in the first place or if it gets pumped out/extruded or if it gets immediately metabolized inside the cell, drug resistance is multifactorial. The advantage of the Funtional Profiling technique is that it can show this in the "population" of cells.

The Funtional Profiling technique makes the statistically significant association between prospectively reported test results and patient survival. It can correlate test results which are obtained in the lab and reported to physicians prior to patient treatment, with significantly longer or shorter overall patient survival depending upon whether the drug was found to be effective or ineffective at killing the patient's tumor cells in the laboratory.

This could help solve the problem of knowing which patients can tolerate costly, new treatments and their harmful side-effects. These "smart" drugs are a really exciting element of cancer medicine, but do not work for everyone, and a test to determine the efficacy of these drugs in a patient could be the first crucial step in personalizing treatment to the individual (Eur J Clin Invest 37 (suppl. 1):60, 2007).

http://weisenthal.org/Weisenthal_ESCIa.pdf (http://weisenthal.org/Weisenthal_ESCIa.pdf)

10-05-2007, 06:35 AM
thanks for all this info....