View Full Version : Capsular Contracture of the Breast Implant

Joanne S
09-22-2007, 03:11 AM
I think this may be a part of my pain problem. Perhaps this info may be helpful to you if you have breast implants or tissue expanders.

Capsular Contracture of the Breast Implant


09-22-2007, 06:02 AM
Thanks for posting...I do know that this is what I have, and by looking at the pictures I can see why....I just can't seem to stay off chemo long enough to get it fixed...and don't relish the thoughts of more surgery! Until then, 1 tight, 1 saggy!

09-22-2007, 10:16 PM
I had this within the first year of my implant... and had to have the scar tissure removed underneath the implant in a day surgery. The recovery, however, was very similar to the mastectomy recovery - two weeks of sitting still and a drainage bulb. I think I may have a little bit of it again around the outer edge of my implant now and plan to see the surgeon in the next few weeks. It can be very uncomfortable.

Joanne S
09-23-2007, 03:11 AM
I hope you don't have it again. Do you do massage? No one ever told me too, perhaps if I had known this could have been prevented. My oncologist sent me to a physiatrist recently, he specialized in bc patients with pain and lymphedema. He told me to start massaging every day as often as possible. So far, about 10 days later, I don't see a difference, but it seems comforting to do the massage. It's probably to late for me. I will see my plastic surgeon next week, so hopefully I learn more.

Thanks for sharing,
Best to you Brenda!

09-23-2007, 10:03 AM
Actually, my plastic surgeon told me not to massage my type of implant... I have been to the lymph massage therapist and I do the lymphedema massage often, but the capsular contraction is different and seperate. The cap contraction is not the most terrible thing, but not fun either. Mine is mild, but enough that I want to get the new scar tissue removed.

09-23-2007, 10:11 AM
What type of implant do you have? Saline or silicone....I went with silicone by Mentor because they were not so likely to develop capsular contracture....it happened anyway..I just cant seem to stay off chemo long enough to get it removed..it feels like my whole implant is in a vice, attached by cords under my arm.....

09-23-2007, 01:35 PM
Hi Joanne, I am sorry you are having implant problems. It seems no reconstruction is guaranteed problem-free. Sometimes it seems the surgery creates more problems than it solves! I am wondering if you are having problems besides the contracture with your implants- your pain, fatigue and fevers. Maybe a subacute infection or allergy to implant materials? Especially since it seems your pain and fevers started right after your exchange procedure.

I am somewhat skeptical of implants. I had successful DIEP reconstruction- so am a big fan of microsurgical reconstruction.I had a friend that had her expander leak, then 2 sets of saline implants leak (non-irradiated side, go figure) all in under a 2 year period. She just had both implants removed and DIEP reconstruction and she has never felt better. I can't even imagine going thru all of that reconstruction with the implants and then starting over. She said she would do it again. I know of several women who flew across the country (one gal from Michigan) to New Orleans or SF for the DIEP procedure. Of course- this is a huge surgery and recovery, so not to be taken lightly.

I guess I would ask the plastic surgeon some hard questions. Is there some kind of test to see if the implant is leaking? Or if there is a blood-bourne infection or some kind of allergic reaction, how can we tell? And if there is- what are my options? Is there any way to reverse the contracture?

Even if I was not up to redoing the recon, I would seriously consider removing the implants if I was having problems. Of course, I know there are many successful implants walking around! I hope I haven't upset anyone with these suggestions, just blabbing.

And Sheila, I hope you can get out of your vice grip!!

Joanne S
09-23-2007, 09:11 PM
Brenda, Thanks for your input. What's the difference between breast massage and lymphedema message? Arm only? UGH! I don't look forward to having those darn JP drains again.

Margerie, Thanks for your input. Congrats on your successful diep surgery. The diep procedure was my #1 choice (I could especially use and like a tummy tuck outta this deal) and I was willing to travel, but I felt if I had any complications once I got home, I wouldn't have anywhere to go or perhaps no one would know what to do with me or agree to touch me.

Up front, I really had no idea that so many woman experienced problems with their reconstruction, expanders and implants. I may not have gone this route had I known.

Thank goodness I have not had any fevers this past week---that's a good sign for me. At one point, in March/April, when I had to be hospitalized, it was definitely an infection. I don't think it is now unless it is contained behind the implant or on the surface of the expander. I've had x-rays and CT scans to check for leakage/rupture/cancer and bloodwork; everything checked out fine. I have no signs of infection that's why this is such a mystery. I see my plastic surgeon this week so I'll see how and when she wants to procede. Maybe it's an OK time to take the expanders out and get the implants in since I've been done with radiation for about 8 weeks now. Hopefully I will get a call from Physical Therapy this week about an opening for me. PT really helped me before; and my arm and shoulder are suffering now too. I sound like such a whinner.

And Sheila, Yikes, auw awh! ouch-eee! What's worse than a titty twister? A hurricane? NO, A vice grip! Now I know I must be losing it---I'm getting a warped sense of BC humor.

Take care ladies. Hope for continued improvment for all of you!

09-23-2007, 11:22 PM
Sheila - my implant is saline...

Joanne - a warped sense of humor is necessary to endure!