View Full Version : Validity of Breast Cancer Information

Joanne S
09-12-2007, 11:36 PM
Checking the Validity of Breast Cancer Information

With the invention of the Internet there is a vast amount of information available about breast cancer facts that is just a click away. Unfortunately, it is not possible to trust everything read on the Internet. Even with breast cancer, there are myths and false information available. If you are looking for breast cancer information, always consider the source. Chances are, the information on breast cancer is reliable if it comes directly from a reputable organization like the American Cancer Society or the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Beware of information that claims to be endorsed by an organization that does not sound familiar. E-mails sent to you with phrases like "According to the American Cancer Society...", should be investigated at the organization's website to check the validity of the information. However, the most valuable source of information on breast cancer is your doctor. Your doctor will be able to answer any questions you might have and dispel any myths.

Link: http://breastcancer.lifetips.com/cat/61844/breast-cancer-facts/index.html

In my opinion, the most valuable source of BC info is your doctor and your BC Sisters!!!!

Joanne S
09-13-2007, 12:09 AM
Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation


The Internet is wonderful for searching for information, but you need to be a savvy surfer.

Here are a few guidelines

· -Know who is sponsoring the site and whether they have anything to gain from the information given.
· -Know the credential of the person answering questions or giving medical advice.
· -Check to see that the information is current.
· -Look to see if the information is backed up by references in scientific journals.
· -If information that you get on a site disagrees with what your doctor has said, print out the page and bring it in to discuss with the doctor. >>

09-14-2007, 12:55 PM
Looking around I can see that many sites have not updated the statistics of male breast cancer. Wake up guys....the numbers according to the ACS are 2,030......not 1,400, not 1,600 not 1,720. I know it is rare but in those numbers is my husband and it is offensive that updates are not made.

I gave that number to someone of great importance and she said: "Ew, that may even be our statistic". It was!!

Like I said it may sound petty of me but it is inaccurate, it is infuriating to me, and repulsive to those men whom are inflicted.

Thanks for letting me rant and rave!! LOL>>Believe51