View Full Version : Brain MRI's - Who should get them?

09-11-2007, 07:47 PM
I have seen a lot of threads during the past couple of weeks regarding MRI's of the brain. When does it make sense to get a brain MRI? For example, my tumor was Stage II and no nodes were involved. During the past couple of months I have learned to be more assertive due to this website. I asked for a MRI of my left breast, and I recently asked for some bloodwork due to some itching to eliminate suspecting liver problems. I plan on doing mammos each spring, and MRI of the breast in the fall. I don't know if it is reasonable to ask my Onc to conduct a MRI of the brain or not. I am an optimist by nature, but I don't want to be naive either.
Looking for feedback as I simply don't know. Thanks.


09-11-2007, 11:07 PM
With HER2 breast cancer it is recommended that you have a brain MRI once a year. This is because this cancer likes to metastise to the brain and Herceptin does not cross the brain blood barrier. My brain met was found on my yearly brain MRI -- I had no symptoms. Now since I had a brain met I will be getting brain MRIs every 3 months.

09-12-2007, 08:27 AM
From what I understand, if you have other mets, you should be getting regular brain MRIs. If you have node + her2+ local disease, it is not unreasonable to want one, but is not standard protocol. Since her2+ can set up shop in the brain first, although this is not likely, and this is the most important time to catch anything in it's infancy- I requested a brain MRI last year, even though I am Stage 3. My onc asked if I was having headaches or dizziness. I said no. He said "Marge, are you having headaches or dizziness?" and gave me the look. You know, you have to report something to the insurance, bless his heart.

My MRI was "unremarkable". Didn't mind not attracting attention to my self then. Now I am up for renewal, so to speak. The flip side is every little headache, light headedness (getting off the massage table yesterday) you have brain met club in the back of your mind. I am hoping for another unremarkable brain mri. Then I will be 2 years out and I think I will not continue these unless I have defiite symptoms.

09-13-2007, 08:54 AM
Hi Kate,

Is there any reference to your statement that brain MRIs are recommend for her2+ women? My onc. said she'd only order a brain MRI if I have symptoms, even though I pointed out that her2+ women are more likely to have brain mets.

- Anna

09-13-2007, 12:47 PM
Kate/Margerie, thank you both for your responses. I copied and pasted the entire thread and sent it to my Oncologist. He is young so he has a higher tolerance than some physicians! I told him we can discuss it at our next appointment which is not until Oct 3.

Margerie, I had to chuckled about your headaches... Some times we have to manage out health care ourselves.

Thanks again.

09-14-2007, 03:50 PM
Anna, here's a link to an article posted on this site in the Brain Metastasis section. You can find the section by going to the Home page and scrolling through the index.

Brain Metastasis: The HER2 Paradigm