View Full Version : Calmness...this is too cute!

08-28-2007, 02:11 PM
Calmness in Our Lives

I am passing this on to you because it definitely works, and we
could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple
advice heard on the Dr. Phil show, you too can find inner peace.

Dr Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all
the things you have started and have never finished."

So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and
hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a bottle of Kalhula, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some
Doritos, and a box of chocolates.

You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now.

Please pass this on to those whom you think might be in need of
inner peace.

08-28-2007, 02:18 PM
Oh Sheila I love it. You are my kind of gal. Hugs and blessings. Now I won't feel bad when I have my White Zinvadil tonight. Jeanette

08-28-2007, 03:30 PM
My goodness. My heart sank when I first read this. I have moving boxes that I may NEVER finish unpacking! lol..What a relief to read the punchline!!! I have a chocolate cake that needs attention!

08-28-2007, 04:11 PM
That is hilarious! I wonder what I can find around here...

Thanks for posting that,

Liz J.
08-28-2007, 05:06 PM
Hi Sheila,

I love the Dr. Phil thing. Gave me a good laugh. More importantly, I am thankful that you are feeling a little better. I know you are going to be ok.

Stay as strong as you are.

Hugs to you,

Liz J.

08-28-2007, 05:36 PM
Glad you're only calm and not unconscious!

08-28-2007, 05:50 PM
The only thing to add to all that calm....is a BIG.....buuuuuuuurrrrpppp !!

Mary Jo
08-28-2007, 07:31 PM

Mary Jo

Adriana Mangus
08-29-2007, 12:13 PM
Hi Sheila:

Have you been on Abraxane? I think in one of your posts you mentioned it.. I may need to change gears...not sure I will see onc in October.. So far CA2729 went down from 54 to 28 in three months..last one I had on Monday went up a little 32...

I need to plan...just in case..Thanks Sheila..

08-29-2007, 12:20 PM

I am on Taxol....my insurance would not pay for Abraxane....so far it has not been too bad, I am on it with Herceptin and Avastin...which seems to be a good combo.

08-30-2007, 05:33 AM
Oh Dear Heart, did you throw them away or drink them?? Hiccup!! Maybe before I leave on our 'Cancerversary Celebration', I can make a vat of Chocolate Martinis and take a sip, then I would be on a 4-day mission!! Hehehe!! So happy to hear the Sheila I know and love sounds better!>>Believe51

08-30-2007, 07:20 PM
From the sound of all of these posts, I think we are all lucky that our oncologists have not restricted us from our alcoholic beverages! A few times per week, I remind myself of the reported benefits of good red wine (heck, it doesn't even have to be "good). When I was diagnosed with canser, my friends asked what they could send me - "good chocolate and red wine". Turned out to be an excellent thing to request. Cheers
Shad (Sally)

08-31-2007, 06:44 AM
Sounds great. I am one of those people who have already had their share of alcohol (and more) so I have had to look for some other unfinished things, and, lo and behold there aren't any because I do not believe in letting any good thing go to waste. However, I have let lots go to waist which is as it should be with all good things.
Love & hugs,

08-31-2007, 06:58 AM
Sheila, You seem to be be such a fun person. Thank you for starting my day with a good laugh. Your posts always encourage me. Blanche

08-31-2007, 08:44 AM
That was so funny. I think that the advice to finish everything I started, though, would cause me to panic. My closest friend, Betty, told me once, when my first husband was fussing about my unfinished projects, that I finished more than most people ever started. Since I am bipolar and very similar to the energizer bunny with wide ranging interests, I take a lot of comfort from this. It would take several lifetimes for me to do everything I want to do. Needless to say, I am never bored. there is always something that needs to be finished.


09-06-2007, 04:35 PM
Hi Sheila,
I don't post much but I've read your posts almost every day. That's too funny :-)
I had to check the bottle of wine that my niece brought last weekend. Guess what? we didn't finish it and i just gulped it from the bottle! there was about half a glass left anyway. I figured if i drink it from the bottle then i don't need to wash my wine glass . The only thing is...i didn't realize my kitchen window drapes were open and my neighbor was looking right at me!!! :-) while gulping it from the bottle.