View Full Version : Met symptoms?

08-14-2007, 07:54 PM
Hi Everyone,
A few of you have posted that you have had a recurrance or mets. Bone mets...did you have pain? Neck nodes...were they swollen? Painful? I don't want to appear insensitive...I hope it is ok to ask these questions. I am seeing onc. tomorrow and I am going to ask him to do a scan of neck, back/lungs. I have a slight burning sensation in my ribs in the back and aches in my neck. I appreciate your feedback. I pray for all of us daily.
Thank you.
Susan C.

08-14-2007, 08:48 PM
I had bone mets in my neck at C3. I have had some neck pain that I attributed to the mets, but my rads onc and med onc said that it might not (probably not) be actual bone pain, but over-compensation of ligaments and tendons that reconize a compromise of the bone. We think by now that the Tykerb/Xeloda has probably knocked the bones mets out, though.

08-14-2007, 09:15 PM
Thank you Brenda for your reply. Good thing..knock out those bone mets! Sounds like Ty/Xel work wonders!
Susan C

08-14-2007, 10:12 PM
i have bone mets in the spine. i had lower back pain. thought it might be a kidney infection. but no, it was mets of the spine. i think it is good to get all thoses scan. it will give you peace of mind. im sure it is all good. bc can cause our anxiety level to rise. you will be in my prayers. let us know how it goes. dorinda

08-15-2007, 10:23 AM
As you can see in my husbands signature, he has mets to all bones and brain. It does not appear that you are insensitive, you are educating yourself and bringing ammo to the doctors office with you and I say 'Good For You'. My husband is not the kind of person to ever complain; very upbeat, positive person, but he does mention where it hurts and it is always something. Sometimes he will go through a few days with his hip or lower back bothering him, but it finally will subside. As for the brain mets he had a slight headache he thought was from pain meds (never had a headache in his life..me: I get migraines!!) Whenever you have a pain for more than a week or so it is always wise to get checked out. Better safe than sorry.

Darling please talk, ask questions or vent here, and always feel free to do so. The more we all help each other, the better our journey shall be!! And I too pray all day long for all of us and our families!!

Good luck with the appointment>>Believe51