View Full Version : Muga experience

Barbara H.
07-31-2007, 08:21 PM
Hi Everyone,
As many of you know I had a muga scan last week that turned out to be normal after having one four weeks earlier that was 45. Last Wednesday, I therefore decided to take a road trip from N.E. to Michigan driving through Canada. My family lives in Michigan. I had no problem going through the Canadian customs, but was stopped when I tried to enter the U.S. Radiation was detected. We all had to leave the car and the custom officials drove it though a section to check it. Then everyone had to be checked, and when the the geiger counter was help up near me it really buzzed. The officials were supportive and said that this was common. They even knew the kind of radiation I was given. I was actually pleased that the security seems to be working, and it was also a little humorous to tell the story to my family. On a down side, I don't like the idea that I was emitting radiation. My husband is a physicist and assured me that it is a very small amount.
Best regards,
Barbara H.

08-01-2007, 06:01 AM
Thanks for the story. It's great for the body to laugh!

08-01-2007, 06:52 AM
Very interesting about the radiation, something I never thought of. I tease him about glowing all the time, but who was to know?? After his petscan they asked me to stay away from him for the day ('course I hugged and kissed him all day=on the cheek). Matter of fact, I usually kiss him on the cheeks so I do not give him germs right now.

Glad the muga scan went so well. And so happy you visited your family, hope they gave you the hugs I wish I could!!

Waiting For A Miracle...and commanding one soon!!>>Believe51

08-01-2007, 01:08 PM
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the moment when I start setting off alarms at airports! I've always liked the thought of having a glowing personality, but I'm not so crazy about ACTUALLY glowing!

Nice to know they at least have had some training and understand what's going on!

suzan w
08-01-2007, 11:59 PM
At the lab where I got my MUGA scans they have a little card that is made to show airport screeners etc. that explains about the radiation and how it might set off alarms. They would always ask me if i was going to be traveling in the next few days, and if I was, I took the card. i never did set off any sensors though!!!

08-02-2007, 12:25 PM
A little story....

When I was at work during radiation treatment (I'm an accountant) and our network was acting up one of my employees came in my office and with all sincerity suggested that my radiation was messing with the server computer....I had to laugh!

08-02-2007, 01:29 PM
Amazing what the ignorance of cancer can do to the uneducated mind. Really gave me a chuckle just now!!

Waiting For A Miracle...and commanding one NOW!!>>Believe51

08-02-2007, 01:49 PM
Barb don't make us have to start calling you BuzzLightYear, lol.

Now to show my ignorance, lol, what is a MUGA scan?

Hope you had a wonderful time with your family, you deserve it!

Love & Hugs,

Barbara H.
08-02-2007, 04:45 PM
There are many articles about Muga scans on the internet you can google. This scan shows how well the heart is pumping, especially the left ventricle of the heart.
Barbara H.

08-02-2007, 08:19 PM
Has same function as an echocardiogram, except they use IV nuclear dye and special camera. BB