View Full Version : Something to think about

Sandy H
10-06-2006, 06:35 AM
On Wednesday I had a bone, cat scan scheduled, a muga today and then blood work on Monday. Three needle inserts and my port was not working-no blood. So thinking it would save me getting stabbed in the vein if they could find one I would have the cath flow done prior to the bone scan. It took 2 1/2 hours to clear the port. I did o.k. with the bone scan but after the cat scan I got nauseated, had diarrhea and felt terrible. That evening I was so sick. My head pounded, my body ached(my knees and finger joints hurt)I wanted to die. I started drinking loads of water as soon as I got done the cat scan. I went to bed and slepted for 12 hours and was fine the next morning. Just letting you know maybe, its not a good idea to get this all done in one day. My gut feeling tells me I had too many toxins in my body that day. All the dye, cath flow, and drinking white chalk, and not eating made me sick. I think the cath flow did it. I have had the bone and cat scan done before in one day with no problem. Of course I had the Tykerb in my body as well. Like I said something to thnk about. hugs, Sandy

10-06-2006, 07:29 AM

Sorry this happened to you. I always wanted to get everything done at one time because I work and it would be easier to do it all at once than to have to tell your boss that you need to leave for this and that (he's great but I think you know what I mean). Also, then you don't have the stress of waiting for results over and over again.

Thanks for bringing this up especially since the CT scans and drinking the chalk is gross enough as it is and its probably too much to get everything the same day.

Hugs to you
