View Full Version : I Got My MRI :-)

Val Pfeiffer
09-14-2006, 06:33 PM
Good news!

A couple months ago I posted that I was worried about mets to the brain...I am comfortable that Herceptin is taking care of risks of mets in my body, but that blood/brain barrier thing has had me a wee bit freaked. Today I finished my year of post-treatment triple doses of Herceptin every three weeks, and I also had my doc appt. And I convinced him that an MRI is in order!! So I will be getting that soon. In December I will start triple doses of Herceptin every three months until I convince him to put me on Tykerb (thanks to all of you who have posted articles and info about it, because I am keeping my doc completely informed about this drug). I will also have a PET and an Echo in December right before I go in for my next dose of Herceptin.

Don't you just love it when you have a doc with an open mind who treats the doctor/patient relationship as a partnership rather than a dictatorship?


09-14-2006, 06:58 PM

You summed up the whole philosophy of this website:

"Don't you just love it when you have a doc with an open mind who treats the doctor/patient relationship as a partnership rather than a dictatorship?"

We feel that knowledge is the key to effective treatment. Our goal is to make every breast cancer a full partner in their treatment. We have had instances where our members bought information to their oncologists which they were previously unaware of. We have another member of our group who has been to several breast cancer events with us. She has told us that her oncologist anxiously awaits her return so that he can be current.


Val Pfeiffer
09-14-2006, 07:38 PM
I think that's the way my oncologists view me. My other doc didn't pay much attention to me ranting and raving about Lapatinib until it got an official name (Tykerb). Then he knew it was a serious drug :-)

09-14-2006, 10:46 PM
So glad things are going well for you and you have a good onc. I too feel fortunate with my onc. He is continuing Herceptin into my second year at this point awaiting trial results on two years. Very open to discussion and told me t one point he wished all his patients were as knowledgable and interested in their treatment as I am. I credit this board for a vast amount of my knowledge. I will discuss brain MRI with him at my next appt in three weeks. Glad to see you posting again!
Pussy4Fun (http://www.girlcamfriend.com/cam/Pussy4Fun/)

09-15-2006, 02:38 AM
Many reasons to celebrate. Take care and God bless.
