View Full Version : Neulasta & bone pain now?

05-05-2006, 11:54 PM
Since I found out about Neulasta after landing in the hospital for 10 long days in Feb...and almost add an extra month of MISSING my chemo so my lungs could recover from that low wbc. I now get my Neulasta, Procrit, and even Iron IV infusions.

But the first two times with my NEW oncologist I got the Neulasta when my counts were down a "little". This last time...meaning last week...my wbc was GOOD for a change. But she had me come in for a neulasta shot the next day anyway?

I have heard that Neulasta CAN cause bad bone pain. I was very lucky as the first two times I had Neulasta I had NO bone pain. Although I was expecting it. But NOW this time when my wbc was up where it should be...I had my Neulasta and I am having serious bone pain tonight!! The last two days actually.

Why would they give me the Neulasta when my wbc was still good? I did have the hercetpin, Taxotere, and Carbpotin on Monday...do they just assume it will get bad so they do the neulasta anyway? Just seems funny I had NO bone pain when my counts were actually low...now that it was in a good range...I am HURTING so BAD I could cry tonight.

Anyway...been where I am?


05-06-2006, 02:26 PM

I too had Neulasta for low wbc. My counts were always low. My understanding of the bone pain is the Neulasta stimulates the bone marrow to produce more to raise the wbc. I may be wrong, but that is what I remember the nurse telling me. I would just take Tylenol and that seem to relieve the pain.

05-06-2006, 03:52 PM
Thanks Jackie, That is how I understand the Neulasta works too. :) I am NOT very good at explaining things. What I was trying to get across is the first two times I got Neulasta my wbc WAS low...those two times I had NO bone pain. (Its like my body knew it needed it.) This time my wbc was in a really good range...she had me get the neulasta anyway...and THIS time I hurt like all get out.

Don't know why it would make that much difference...but there was a MAJOR difference this time. Enough so if my wbc is good...I will have them wait a week or so till they drop a little. I had some SERIOUS bone pain. I already take vicodin...on top of advil. That doesnt' even touch the bone pain I had for almost three days. Oh did it hurt. Today is a *little* better...but I still hurt.

Its like if your wbc is in a GOOD range and your bone marrow is MADE to work..it over produces and causes even MORE bone pain IF that is possible. Maybe its just freak thing. These days...who knows.
