View Full Version : Next Mamogram

03-17-2006, 02:17 PM
For those of you who had mastectomies, how soon did you have a follow up mamogram on the remaining breast, and did radiation treatment on the mast side factor into the timing of the scheduled mamogram?

For those of you who opted for double mast, was being HER2+ the deciding factor in that decision?


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03-17-2006, 03:53 PM
About a year after the first mastectomy, I decided to remove the other breast, too. When all of those major decisions are thrown at you soon after you learn you are about to begin a battle with cancer, the mind goes numb and it's hard to think about anything more than what is immediately ahead of you.

The decision to remove the other breast was an easy one for me. My tumor was 4.5 cm. and couldn't be seen on a mammogram or ultra sound, even though I had been told an ultra sound would show the malignance 98% of the time. And yes, being Her 2+ was a factor as well.

Shortly after the first mastectomy, 2 biopsies were done in the other breast because we weren't sure.....

After that, I was SURE I didn't want to have any more worries about the remaining breast. My onc was happy, too. He said, "Well, that sure made things easier for me."

I have no regrets.


03-17-2006, 08:33 PM
Thanks, Barbara.

As you related, now that the initial shocker is over and I have more knowledge and understanding of my situation, there are several issues I feel I need to look into further. So I'm asking these questions for a number of reasons.

Thanks again,

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