View Full Version : update on my sister

01-25-2005, 06:55 PM
Hi everyone,
We met with rad. Looks like she will have 10 more WBR. She had 5 last May..worked well for awhile by stopping growth, and shrinking most of them. The existing tumors have shown a "slight" growth and there is one new tumor in a different location.
We met with the contact person in Ottawa for RSR13 trial, but were disappointed to find out that she didn't meet the criteria, having had radiation previously.
Sister is seeking second opinion on Monday. Will ask if she can receive the oxygen that is given for the RSR13 trial (no matter what arm you are on, all patients receive oxygen).
I spoke to rad. about Lapinitib trial...he said that he would look into it for us. This might be an option if WBR doesn't work.
She seems to have had another mild stroke this morning, but we are beginning to think it is not the tumors but the malaria pills that she has been taken for her trip....apparent side effects, though rare, are seizure and stroke.
Her spririts remain surprisingly high..she is looking forward to some good days ahead..once the radiation is over.
Bye for now, and happy healing to everyone!

al from canada
01-25-2005, 09:52 PM
Dear Celina,
I hope your ister recover soon and she is lucky to have you there for her!
Stay stong,