View Full Version : I can't take a trick lately

01-15-2005, 06:11 PM
Well ladies, last year I had a thickening around the nipple and told it was nothing, so had a mammogram and ultra sound and nothing, still weird white thickening so had a biopsy and told it was nothing, now!!!! I have like skin mets rash near it in on one third of the breast, not itchy like my neck rash whict also came back negative, it has all the look a like signs of inflammatory BC, with my history of having false negatives, telling me my neck lump was nothing after 12 months of tests and scans do I have something to worry about. I am having my stitches removed tomorrow from arm so will ask doc, and luckily I am seeing the reconstruction surgeon next month, so hopefully he will just remove most of it when he does the other reconstruction by DEIP and this may help him hurry along the procedure, I just don't want to look at it any more, is it my imagination or do we all have boobs that look like the other patients big sagging paw paws, I think you call them papaya, and then I read if Inflammatory they do not recommend reconstruction at surgery anyway, and treated with chemo, like I haven't had enough, I am so glad I am off next Saturday on my cruise, looks like I may need it for the year ahead, if not for treatment but to get rid of the bits and pieces I don't want.

Love & Hugs Lyn

01-15-2005, 07:16 PM
Lyn, it does sound kind of suspicious...just remember when in doubt ask for a biopsy, it's the only way to know for sure. Maybe the surgeon can do it tomorrow?

Love, Lolly

01-16-2005, 03:48 AM
Thanks Lolly, I know you are right, I read up on it at least it isn't hot or too much like the pictures but this maybe early stage, and maybe in time to hurry up my reconstruction, I am so sick of rearranging my clothing all the time.

Talk to you soon

Love & Hugs Lyn