View Full Version : NCBI-Pub Med

01-14-2005, 01:13 AM
Hello Everyone,

I finally found the ph II trials by genentech in the National Library of Medicine. Long road, but they have exerts on 806 topics most of which in my search was for HER2. Some of the studies were positive and some not, but the ones that weren't another study contraindicated it. I think it had a lot of good info, if not at least some things to ponder. There is so much research going on with HER2 from mets to early stage, one study had research about cox 2 if it was useful or harmful.

I think anything published gets in here, so take it with a grain of salt on some of these. This site is also associated with NIH, so hopefully reliable.

You know I am not good at giving directions, but I tried getting the site twice and wrote it down, so I hope you can also access it.
www.National Library of Medicine and then you should come to NCBI Home page. Link on to that. There you will see Search, which already has Entrez in the box, leave that alone and then it has a space where you can type in what you are looking for. I typed in HER2 positive prognosis and found the phII trials on page 3 #41, ref# 15150304, it didn't tell me much except that in phase II they found the carbo/taxotere/herceptin arm to have a little bit longer time to progression free, it had 2 open studies that were compared.

I also searched Herceptin in Early Stage Breast Cancer Trials and found some interesting reading. I hope some of you find some it interesting as well. Take Care K