View Full Version : liver mets update

01-08-2005, 09:11 PM
It's been a while since I have posted, been busy with holidays. At my last ct scan in Oct, all my liver tumors were gone, except for 2 small 1/2 inch ones left. Bone mets still NED.

Have continued on Herceptin, Xeloda and Navelbine. And my last CA27-29 was at 57, the lowest yet since I started treatment for mets in Feb of 2004.

Monday I will get the latest results from my CA27-29, and will have another ct scan sometime this month to check on progress of the liver mets.

I'm hopeful that we will continue to see some serious progress on the last two liver tumors.

My quality of life continues to be great, we leave on the 29th of Jan for a one week ski trip to Aspen, really looking forward to it! We have been skiing in Big Bear in preparation for Aspen, and my coordination has been good, and I have been able to ski 4-5 hours a day!

Skiing helps make me feel like a normal person, not just a cancer patient, and that is REALLY important for my morale.

Thanks everybody for posting your stories, they are really encouraging and uplifting, I feel as i'm in the company of some great ladies, and not so alone.

Sandy H.
01-08-2005, 09:35 PM
I am so happy to hear from you! Was asking Steph about you and we figured you were skiing!! Let us know the results when you get them. Sound good so far. Hugs, Sandy

01-08-2005, 10:33 PM

Wish I could join you in Aspen. They're getting FEET of fresh powder in the days ahead. WAHOO!!!!!

Love and light,


01-11-2005, 01:51 PM
Dear Esther -
Did you get your tumor marker results yesterday?? Hope they dropped like a rock!
I was looking up my markers for around the time of the end of my liver mets, but this got all mixed up with other things with my brain mets issues suddenly taking over my thought processes!
I will let you know soon.
We have snow, but I am just looking at it!