View Full Version : To Lolly

12-15-2004, 09:11 PM
Hi Lolly, what did you have for skin mets? I had Xeloda first time around, then Navelbine, but I think the back of my neck has more, it is itchy, red/purple colour but also had a truck load of radiation to that area as well, I guess I will have to have biopsy, does this still count for NED? or am I kidding myself, looks like I will stay on Herceptin every 2 weeks again for now. Last time on Navelbine I was having triple herceptin and single navelbine so only having navelbine every 3 weeks but before I never had a break when weekly so I guess I will throw my hands up in the air on this one because the lump came up while on the H&N....

Love & Hugs Lyn

12-15-2004, 10:10 PM
Hi Lyn,
I also had Navelbine. The skin mets that was a rashy area was taken off for biopsy before I started treatment, and it never came back although the scar has gotten itchy a couple of times; nothing develops there but I and my onc keep an eye on it. The other skin mets were little tumors that sprang up around the mastectomy scar line, and they shrank away within a few months after starting Navelbine. I've never felt anything else resembling these two types of skin mets.

Do you think it's too much to hope for that your new area of concern might be an allergic rash from the chemo? The other thought I have is maybe a condition they call "radiation recall", since you've had a lot of radiation to that area, but guess you'll have to have a biopsy if it doesn't clear up...

Keep me posted, I'll help do research for your next chemical cocktail, seeing as how your onc takes your lead :)

Love, Lolly

12-16-2004, 07:03 AM
Thanks Lolly, I also considered it might be my wig rubbing on the radiated area on my neck, but I think that would be wishful thinking, I am using a cortisone cream at the moment so the itching isn't as bad but no change in the colour, I will have to have a biopsy to put me out or my misery, I have been putting this off so I can enjoy NED.

Love & Hugs Lyn

12-16-2004, 05:00 PM
Dang, keep me posted. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

Love, Lolly