View Full Version : You\'re in my boat!

01-03-2004, 07:30 AM
Dear Sue,
Your case sounds very much like mine. I am currently on Navelbine/Herceptin/Zometa after being diax with liver and bone mets in Sept. Why was I diax? I had shortness of breath and had a CT scan to look for lung blood clots! I also had had a bone scan and blood workup only a couple of months earlier with "normal" results. Originally had breast cancer with A/C/T and mastectomy (all neg nodes) in early 2000. I also had a back ache for a few months before discovering the meds. Thought it was just normal stuff (gardening, age 45,etc.), but guess it was mets in the spine and pelvic area. My most recent CT scan a few weeks ago showed "marked decrease" in the liver after weekly treatments of Navelbine/Herceptin. My initial Herceptin dose proved bad for me; I was one of the very few who had a life-threatening reaction to it. Ended up in ICU for several days. But since then, no problems. Most people do very well on the Nav/Her combo. It's just been a bit rough on me. At any rate, please feel free to e-mail me directly or communicate through this great site. Best of luck on Tuesday!

Love and light,


01-03-2004, 09:55 AM
Thank you so much for your story. I'll be waiting for those improved scans, etc. Just had to tell my kids (grown) that I was starting more chemo next week. At least it was easier than with original, unexpected dx. I had 4 of 6 nodes positive.

What kind of reaction did you have, if you don't mind my asking? Was it while you were actually getting the first dose?