View Full Version : Liver Mets/Stem Cell Transplant

01-21-2004, 01:07 AM
I am new here and have been reading some of y'alls (I am from Texas) wonderfull success stories. It is very encouraging! I was diagnosed with bc in 2000 at the age of 31. The past Aug. I receive the news that I had liver mets. They were picked up early on a PET. Two spots, 4 mm and 17 mm. I had them both removed with RFA followed by 4 round of FAC and 4 rounds of Taxol. My tumor markers are going down, but my doctor wants me to get into a stem cell study at MD Anderson. Since I am already bald, I am ready to go for it. Have any on you been through a stem cell transplant? I've done a lot of research, but would like the personal insight. Thanks and my God bless you all. He is truly the reason we are all here.

01-21-2004, 01:55 AM
I was told by my doctor that stem cell transplant does not work on BC! Is this a trial you are going to be in? I guess, anything is worth a try. I was just curious as to why you would do this. You must have different info then we do in my area. Hugs, Sandy

01-21-2004, 02:08 AM
The results are conflicting. Yes, this is a study. The procedure is a lot safer these days....5% risk factor. It's just an opportunity to attack this monster from another angle. As long as I am strong enough to handle it, I want to go for it. Liver mets terrify me. I have a 6 year old daughter. I am not sure if they will use my own stem cells or test my brother as a possilbe donor. Also, I may be in a protocol that receives some immunotherapy. I want the peace of mind to know I am doing all I can. My original dx was ER/PR- and Her2 neg. My liver mets were too small to biopsy. I had those removed with RFA rather than chemo alone.

01-21-2004, 02:53 AM
Hi Staci,
I had an autologous (my cells), stem cell transplant in 2000, after my 1st recurrence in a lymph node above my collarbone. My onc recommended it, had a 2nd opinion at MD Anderson, (my HMO wouldn't pay for it at MDA). It didn't work for me, 8 mos later had another recurrence, but one woman had no problems after 2 yrs. Gather all the info you can, MDA will give you a lot, and maybe contacts of other women who went through same procedure. I didn,t have too hard of time with the procedure, would have been worth it had it worked. Prior stemcell disqualifies me from many clinical trials. You can email me for more info, velva@williamshomes.net Hugs, Velva

01-21-2004, 03:38 AM
If you don't mind me asking, how did you pay for it. That is a big concern for me, as well. Does the hospital help out. My appt. is not untilt the 28th and I have no idea what to expect. How long will it take, will I be in isolation, etc... Sorry to hear about your reccurence. How are you doing? You are in my prayers.

01-21-2004, 08:14 AM
I understand what you are saying. If there's a chance we have to try it. I hope it works for you. Big hugs, Sandy

Kim in CA
01-21-2004, 12:50 PM
Hi Staci,

I was diagnosed in 1997 at age 42. I had a 4cm tumor with 5 out of 36 pos. nodes. I was less than 10% pos for estrogen and pr neg. No mention was made at that time of Her2 status. (turns out I am Her2 pos, still don't know how much, doc just said strongly positive). I had 3 cycles of A/C followed by high dose chemo and stem cell rescue. Then I completed 6 weeks of Rads. In Sept. 2001 I found out it had spread to my liver. I don't know if the results would have been the same if I had just done standard treatment, I guess know one will ever really know. I have always wanted to be agressive with this disease so in my mind I have to think I did the right thing. I'm not going to lie, the stem cell transplant was not easy. However, I was in good health and I came out on the other side and eventually was as strong as ever! I don't know how the procedure is done today, in fact I didn't even think they were still doing it for BC. In any case, I'm always happy to answer any questions you might have. Kim

01-22-2004, 05:38 AM
My HMO agreed to pay for the procedure if done in Tulsa, OK by a doc in network. I stayed in a hotel room, a friend (retired nurse), & my husband took care of me, had a home health nurse come 2x, hospitalized 1 night 2ndary to blood transfusion reaction. I couldn't be around anyone ill & was restricted from eating raw fruits & veggies until my whte count came up. My appetite was not good after reinfusion of stem cells, but I recovered pretty much on scedule.
Currently skin mets are back on my neck & chest. Just found out yesterday that CT of brain shows a suspicious .5cm area on L temporal lobe, so will have an MRI on Mon. Jan. 26th. Talk about being scared I am! Anyhow, I'm praying for best& preparing for the worst. The ability to get info on this board from people who had a similar problem is wonderful. Let us know what you decide & your progress. Best wishes. Velva