View Full Version : Lost it too!

01-24-2004, 09:47 PM
That was so funny...about 1 year ago, after taking a shower, I was looking for something and my little granson said, gramma, are you looking for your "boob"? At that point he got down on all fours and proceeded to look for the body part I was obviously missing.
Another time, my sisters little girl with Down Syndrome was over and came into the bathroom as I was getting dressed...she said oh my Sheila, you look just like Grandma...grabbed my hand and took me to show MY mother that I had only one breast as she did (my mother is a 15 year survivor of breast cancer). We looked like mirror image twins...my left was gone and her right....she then questioned her own mother (my sister) as to why SHE was different and had 2!!!! Kids do say and do the darndest things!!!
Hope this puts a smile on some ones face today!.

01-25-2004, 10:12 AM
Ya it is true "Kids say the darnest things"" But we gotta keep our sense of humor and they know how to help us out in that regard. God bless, Lola

01-26-2004, 05:35 AM
My daughter was 3 when I was dx'd. We call it (and still do) the "bad germ". All pink ribbons are "bad germ" pins etc. When I came home from the hospital she called my drains "juices boxes". Kind of yucky, but cute. The laughs kept me going. Totally off subject, but try this for a good laugh. When I picked Charli up from daycare she told me one of her friends'grandmothers had passed away. I told her that was very sad and asked if she told the little girl she was sorry. She crinkled up her little nose as said, "Why?! I didn't kill her!"