View Full Version : Wild Ginseng ?

Sue C
09-24-2004, 09:11 AM
my aunt suggested that maybe i should look into getting the wild ginseng and using it now that i have mets to liver and both navelbine and xeloda could not control it. i am on herceptin, gemzar and carbo plan now. she says that wild ginseng can do wonders but i am afraid that it might interfere with the chemo that i am receiving. i guess it's a different kind of ginsen than the regular ginsen. she says it has to be wild and has to be growing for a long long time like almost 100 years old. i am just desperately trying to make it to my daughter's wedding (she's only 27 months now)

anyone know anything about it?

Sue C
09-24-2004, 09:12 AM
my aunt suggested that maybe i should look into getting the wild ginseng and using it now that i have mets to liver and both navelbine and xeloda could not control it. i am on herceptin, gemzar and carbo plan now. she says that wild ginseng can do wonders but i am afraid that it might interfere with the chemo that i am receiving. i guess it's a different kind of ginsen than the regular ginsen. she says it has to be wild and has to be growing for a long long time like almost 100 years old. i am just desperately trying to make it to my daughter's wedding (she's only 27 months now)

anyone know anything about it?

09-24-2004, 02:22 PM
i don't know anyting about wild Ginseng,but your post was so sad, having a young daughter and looking forward. There are lots of combs out there and i hope this one will bring you NED for ever. Don't give up hope and I would talk with your onc. about supplements. My doctors told me not to add anything to my body that I wasn't used to, so i never did anything else. heres to you for a NED and peace. take care k

09-24-2004, 02:44 PM
I never heard Ginseng was therapeutic for the liver. Milk Thisle is the herb for liver cleansing. Ginseng has been noted to raise bllod pressure and can make you more energetic. Just beware of herbal remedies. I do drink Heral Teas that can be very soothing. Celestial Seasonings makes a tea called AM DETOX with Milk Thisle for liver support. I enjoy a cup 2-3x/wk. with no problem. Hope this helps. Hugs, Christine

09-24-2004, 10:00 PM

This (http://journals.ons.org/xp6/ONS/Library.xml/ONS_Publications.xml/ONF.xml/ONF2004/July04/MembersOnly/Montbriandarticle.xml

This) fantastic essay by an oncology nurse, just released in the last few months, has a good rationale for which herbs and supplements might be beneficial in the cancer context. I think Eric might have posted it earlier. The second part (you can find it by searching the same site) is about potential dangers in herbs and supplements.

I was especially interested to see that milk thistle was listed as being at least mildly estrogenic, so it's worth thinking twice about taking if you are er+.

I've emailed with the author and she seems pleased that her work is reaching the people who need it most!


09-25-2004, 08:53 PM
I have heard that ginseng does have estrogenic properties. Your post does not mention your hormone status so that is something you may want to consider.
