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09-28-2004, 06:17 PM
When I was having the pain in my sternum, my internist said the exact same thing, that once you have cancer, everything that happens to you doctors refer to the cancer and can possibly ignore other problems.
I had just had a muga scan and she wanted me to have a stress test because a muga is performed at rest and wanted to see how my heart was when my body was at activity. my reslults were good. This is a very good point brought to our attention and thank you for posting it. take care k

09-28-2004, 07:27 PM
I just recently had and still have pain in my shoulder blade and at times I had shoulder and tightness in my chest. I did have x-rays and scans which came back normal. They think the chest tightness was from lupron shots and the other from rads in that arm. I did push for the scans and everything else so that I made sure that nothing else was going wrong. I think sometimes that is overlooked if we are not careful!

09-29-2004, 06:57 AM
So glad to hear you're doing well after the "episode"...I know it's not always the worst-case-scenario that happens when we have our little aches and pains, but I personally have not had very good results when I have a problem and don't call in, so now I tend to think the worst. Anyway, thanks for letting us know all is well, and thanks for the article. I have been on a mission the last several years to get little health issues taken care of that I ignored because the cancer was taking up all my oxygen; for example, I just had long deferred dental work done, 2 cavities filled and 2 crowns placed...Yikes. It's not good to put these things off too long, it's more expensive that way to say nothing of the health consequences involved with letting things slide.

Love, Lolly

09-29-2004, 09:13 AM
Good point! Before I moved, I went to my onc. for everything.. now I have a primary that I like and she is treating my non bc things. it does make a difference in treatment.

Thanks for sharing ...
