View Full Version : RFA Anyone? -- jessica

10-07-2004, 02:16 PM
Jessica, I am the last person to ask about RFA, since I don't have liver mets and never experienced RFA.

BUT I have been in a recent position, where I eagerly wanted to know as to whether chemo (actually hormonals) was working or not. I had to wait 3 MONTHS before we could find out if my hormonal was working or not, since they say it takes about 3 months for a hormonal suppressor to kick in. In my case, if my node was enlarging, they would take me off the hormonal, but since, according to the recent scan, the node has been unchanged, the hormonal must be effective in stablizing my cancer. Whew -- what a waiting game! So, I know how you feel about: "Is the meds working or not? Should I remain on this meds? Or try a different approach?"

I think that you will more likely find it MUCH easier to make a final decision about R.F.A. AFTER your upcoming scan.

Good luck Jessica, and like you always say, keep up the faith & courage! Hugs

10-08-2004, 01:08 PM
Jessica, you've gotten some excellent advice from those who've been through the procedure, and I hope it helps in your decision. I will be thinking of you and sending you positive and healing light. Keep us posted,

Love, Lolly